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  1. First we have to generate certificates in ~/tools/ssl folder by using gen_certs. This step only needs to be performed during the first test setup (or if the generated files have been deleted).

    Code Block
    titleGenerating certificates
    ./ gen_certs

  2. Then we call setup in order to send certificates to HV-VES, and deploy Consumers, Prometheus, Grafana and create their ConfigMaps.

    Code Block
    titleSetting up the test environment
    ./ setup

  3. After that we have to change HV-VES configuration in Consul KEY/VALUE tab (typically we can access Consul at port 32427 of any Controller node, i.e. http://slave1:32427/ui/#/dc1/kv/dcae-hv-ves-collector/edit).

    Code Block
    titleHV-VES Consul configuration
    {"security.sslDisable": false,
    "logLevel": "INFO",
    "server.listenPort": 6061,
    "server.idleTimeoutSec": 300,
    "cbs.requestIntervalSec": 5,
    "streams_publishes": {
    	"perf3gpp": {
    		"type": "kafka",
    		"aaf_credentials": {
    			"username": "admin",
    			"password": "admin_secret"
    		"kafka_info": {
    			"bootstrap_servers": "message-router-kafka:9092",
    			"topic_name": "HV_VES_PERF3GPP"
    "security.keys.trustStoreFile": "/etc/ves-hv/ssl/custom/trust.p12",
    "security.keys.keyStoreFile": "/etc/ves-hv/ssl/custom/server.p12",
    "security.keys.keyStorePasswordFile": "/etc/ves-hv/ssl/custom/server.pass"}

  4. After completing previous steps we can run the test. The table below contains the parameters that can be passed to script.

    gen_certsgenerate certs in ../../ssl directory
    setupset up ConfigMaps and consumers
    setup_allset up ConfigMaps consumers and producers
    send_configsend producers configuration (message interval and payload), located in producers-config/producer-config.json to each producer
    start_intervalstart interval mode, config file is located in producers-config/interval-config.json
    Optional parameters:
    --producers : number of producers in deployment (10)
    --retention-time-minutes : messages retention time on kafka in minutes (60)
    start_instantstart_instant : start instant mode, config file is located in producers-config/instant-config.json
    Optional parameters:
    --producers : number of producers in deployment (10)
    --retention-time-minutes : messages retention time on kafka in minutes (60)
    scale_producersscale producer deployment to number provide in argument
    stopstop all producers
    reset_producersreset all metrics on each producer
    cleanremove ConfigMap, HV-VES consumers
    clean_allremove ConfigMap, HV-VES consumers and producers
    helpprint usage

    Code Block
    titlePerforming the test
    ./ start_interval --producers 10

    The command above starts the test that creates 10 producers which send messages with in the interval given in producers-config/interval-config.json configuration file. For example:mode. The parameters can be changed in configuration files located in producers-config folder.

    Code Block
      "intervalConfigs": [
          "duration": 1,
          "interval": 100
          "duration": 2,
           "interval": 100

    Above request body queues a task to create new connections for 1 second with 100 milliseconds interval and then for 2 seconds with 100 milliseconds interval, meaning that overall of 30 connections should be setup over 3 seconds.

    Code Block
      "payloadSize": 8192,
      "messageIntervalMs": 100

    Above request updates configuration of producers to send messages with 8192 bytes with 100 milliseconds interval. 

    It is also possible to run the test in instant mode.

    Code Block
      "connections": 500

    Above request queues a task to create 500 connections without intervals between them.

The file contains Producers and Consumers configurations and it allows setting following properties:

hvVesAddressHV-VES address (dcae-hv-ves-collector.onap:6061)
Certificates paths
client.cert.pathPath to cert file (/ssl/client.p12)
client.cert.pass.pathPath to cert's pass file (/ssl/client.pass)
kafka.bootstrapServersAdress of Kafka service to consume from (message-router-kafka:9092)
kafka.topicsKafka topics to subscribe to (HV_VES_PERF3GPP)

Results can be accessed under following links:

  1. To remove created ConfigMaps, Consumers, Producers, Grafana and Prometheus from Kubernetes cluster we call clean function. Note: clean doesn't remove certificates from HV-VES.

    Code Block
    titleCleaning the environment
    ./ clean
