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DescriptionYangJava Object ViewNotes

Datatypes and basic constraints

Basic String

leaf response-code {
  type string;

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Mandatory Basic String

leaf response-code {
  type string;

    mandatory "true";

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Limited String leaf pnf-name {
  type string {
    length "0..256";

Specialized class to hold length limitation
typedef (String) with pattern

typedef dotted-quad {
  type string {
  '(([0-9] ...';

leaf address {
   type dotted-quad;
   mandatory "true";

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Limited unint64 leaf cid {
  type string {
  length "0..52";

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boolean with default value

leaf blacklisted {
  type boolean;
  default 1;

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Choicechoice transfer-method {
  leaf transfer-interval {
    type uint64 {
      range  range "15..2880";
    units minutes;
  leaf transfer-on-commit {
  type empty;

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Must leaf ifType {
type enumeration {
enum ethernet;
enum atm;}}
leaf ifMTU {
type uint32;}
must "ifType != 'ethernet' or "
+ "(ifType = 'ethernet' and ifMTU = 1500)" {error-message 466px"An ethernet MTU must be 1500";}

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Extension declaration extension store-state-ext {
argument duration;
description "An extension to enable state-storage for any attribute. Use duration to specify how long: nnn h|d|y";

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Extension usage leaf attribute-with-temporal-storage {
  type string;
  cm-notify-api:store-state-ext "3 d"; // store state 3 days

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extension is stored as 'UnknownNode' and refers back to the extension declaration

