Versions Compared


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AgendaMinutes (Draft to be updated during call)
Data Model Changes and impactData Model changes to be presented during SDC weekly, feedback to be provided prior to vote by modelling sub comittee - presenter : Byung-Woo Jun

JIRA Updates

  • High priority defects
  • Open Reviews
  • Defects & tasks backlog
  • Others

High priority defects for Guilin:


jqlQueryproject = "Service Design and Creation" AND issuetype = Bug AND status not in (closed) AND priority in (High, Highest) ORDER BY priority DESC

  • WF-D integration is broken - SB-00
    serverONAP JIRA
    • Xue provided fix, still filename is null ? → chris created Jira to track : SDC-3230
  • SDC-3216
    • Work can be huge to refactor, discuss with team on how to handle this, can it fit in G release ?
  • CSIT status ?
    • Failing due to CSAR structure issue
    • document output.xml issue - lower priority, sometimes output of tests is failing, marking job as red
    • Seb/Julien working on including UISanity and APISanity in Verify job to avoid having to rely on CSIT, next step : deprecate CSIT, and move them to integration testing, we can then enable SDC to benefit from ORange Gating process
  • SDC 3152 → ready to submit
  • Other High priority ticket to discuss ?
  • done
  • SDC - 3090 : clarify behavior of SDC ChrisC to check, Xue has looked and see no specific reason, checking with old SDC team to confirm
  • SO-3119 : Origin of Sofware version behavior, Chris to Check, new Jira to be created in SDC, Xue investigating
  • Other High priority ticket to discuss ?

Open Reviews :

Going to start process to archive DCAE-DS repositories, all pending review to be cancelled, DCAE DS is replaced by DCAE-MOD in future release

Discussed Amir review and WIP status, should be moved back to review and ready to be merged

Defect & Tasks Backlog :


jqlQueryproject = "Service Design and Creation" AND labels = Documentation AND status != Closed

  • Use the AID (Architecture integration documentSDC Data model also for new comers

Impact on Data Model :


complete ? 1PR might be impacting Data model → yes changes were presented to modelling subcomittee, waiting documentation

See presentation today


Ashish working on SDC CSIT UI testing using new Robot :

Ashish has access to WindRiver Lab, Status : Chris to check with Ashish

Amir status :

Amir provided new updates to deps, others are more complex, Chris to organize a meeting with SDC-2875 to align on needs, Meeting planned on Tue 8/18

Python upgrade from 2.7 to 3.8 in Guilin release

Discussion with Pawel Pawlak Michał Jagiełło

Tasks status :

  • Import Normative script -  user-7f92d  submitted, waiting for review. Added retry mechanism to avoid failures.
    • Upgrade normatives - review this flow offline   → Can this be closed ?
  • Tosca-lab ( - deprecated DCAE-MOD project replaces DCAE-DS
  • backend-init scripts: consumers, users, health - submitted, waiting for review → can be closed ?
  • cs-init scripts → Can this be closed ?
  • Different UIs npm packages that could use Python - Ilana: supports Python 3 already according to docs
  • sdc_base-python upgraded


No updated this week still in progress, any update ?

Can probably be closed, Chris to Check

Guilin reqs review
  • E2E Network Slicing - Lin Meng, China Mobile
    • New data types, service category in distribution notification
  • Documenting changes, presented to modelling subcomittee, waiting documentation to close
  • Control Loop in TOSCA (PoC) - Michela Bevilacqua, Ericsson
  • CNF enhancements - Lukasz Rajewski, Orange - 
    serverONAP JIRA
  •  assign ticket  - Done
    • onboard Helm packages & validate - partially committed based of Lumina and Huawei
    • Call last week to discuss details, use of new artifact type : helm and reuse GenericVF flo

Review changes proposed by Seshu, some more trouble as SDC is Heat oriented

ChrisC to propose a timeslot to do feature review

Automated Rolling Upgrade and Data Migration

No Update this week

Support of automated upgrade from version X to version X+1

Needed for every change that breaks existing data validity : Have a strategy to handle data migration

  • Create a wiki page, details for every feature and its impact on data for migration / schema changes -  check the wiki page: Upgrade plan
    • Feature X: All services metadata must have new property Y
  • Implementing a "task" for migrating data accordingly.
    • Example: asdctool mig2002

Epic created

→ Discuss further and create User stories along with Bell Canada, Amdocs, Tata communications

Will need to prioritize VS Guilin Requirements →

this may shift to next release due to low commitment

Learn from SDNC experience;

"Normatives" types: challenging

Important Jira tasks we need to pick up

Long Term tasks

No Update this week

  • Aligning SDC dependencies -  high priority → tracked under Guilin Reqs
  • SDC-2708 Add assertions for unit tests  - #NewComers
  • SDC-2812Refactor all usage of Eithers - Guilin R7, #NewComers
  • SDC-2844 JUnit 5 unit test  - on going for new UT
  • Jira
    serverONAP JIRA
    Migrate all TestNG tests to Junit5 , #NewComers
  • SDC-2688Upgrade Selenium - Guilin R7, André

Security  - Guilin

 No update this week

OJSI tickets open on SDC

jqlQueryproject = OJSI and cf[10400] = OJSI-SDC and resolution != Done and resolution != "Not a Bug"

Java 11

Reflection was changes, need to know the business logic better to refactor - YamlToObjectConverter 


Ask in onap-sdc, Ofir Sonsino to check internally

check with Seb D. when back from HolidaysSeb working on it, meeting planned tue 8/18

Guilin requirements

M1 commitments reviewed with tSC → M1 is approved implementation in progress, Any progress update ?

See M1 tracking table :

SDC R7 M1 Release Planning

Update on Helm support by Seshu :

Ready to demonstrate first part this week, (validation will still be improvement for later)

Chris to come back with timeslot with the team to Seshu

Non Functional progress :

OOM use of Certinitializer, work in progress, some issues with the template, sending OOM team request to look at it

M2/M3 tasks left :

Close on High priority defects and finish remaining open reviews


Amdocs/YoppWorks to work on Multi-Tenancy (Stretch Goal For Guilin)

Cucumber api ci - TBD

New Profile Feature

SDC Type Management

Configuring UI tabs (R6 backlog)

Reviewing last week's action items

see below



  • Java 11 Migration - Need help with `onap-sdc-translator-lib` and the `onap-common-configuration-management` modules
    • Code is ready but Docker-base needs to be updated to be able to check, need to use Base Java 11 Integration approved image → waiting TSC decision on allowed licenses in containers
    • Some reviews are still pending
  • Christophe Closset to check on SDC-3090 : Xue responded, behavior is as expected considering current model, checking with old SDC team to understand if potential other impacts, ongoing
  • Christophe Closset to check on SDC-3216 : agreed to lower priority but plan to fix in Guilin.
  • Christophe Closset to investigate SoftwareVersion usage SO-3119, a new JIRA ticket will be created (Task) with details, Xue investigating, ongoing
  • Christophe Closset to organize session with Amir on Dependency, include owner of
    serverONAP JIRA
    meeting planned Tue 8/18
  • Christophe Closset to check with Seb on merging changes from Amir that have been moved to WIp, Julien checked and provided support + call with Amir/team tomorrow to progress
  • Christophe Closset SDC 3152 → ready to submit, tested and submitted
  • Christophe Closset check Ashish status → Ashish is unblocked, Windriver lab SDC is ok
  • Christophe Closset get back to Seshu with timeslot to present helm changes, meeting done on Mon
  • Christophe Closset to start process of archiving DCAE-DS → process started
