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1Should the java interface take in objects(like REST interface) or a few individual fields in a signature?


POST /dataspaces/{dataspace-name}/modules


Create (and validate) a module set (upload a model file) for the given dataspace. Payload is a file containing 1 or more yang modules. This operation will also create a dataspace.

Request Parameters:

NameDescriptionTypeData type
dataspace-nameThe name of the dataspacepathstringrequired
filea yang model fileformyangoptional


200 OK201 – OK – New resource has been created

GET /dataspaces/{dataspace-name}/modules?namespace="namespace-name"&revision="revision"


Read all modules in the store.

Request Parameters:

NameDescriptionTypeData type
dataspace-nameThe name of the dataspacepathstringrequired
namespace-nameThe name of the namepsacequerystringoptional
revisionModule revision querystringoptional

200 OK – Everything is working

DELETE /dataspaces/{dataspace-name}/


Delete a dataspace.

Request Parameters:

NameDescriptionTypeData type
dataspace-nameThe name of the dataspacepathstringrequired

200 OK204 – OK – The resource was successfully deleted

Description of Operations for Anchor Persistence

POST /dataspaces/{dataspace-name}/anchors


Create a new anchor in the given dataspace (payload includes anchor name, module namespace and revision)

Request Body


Request Parameters:

NameDescriptionTypeData type
dataspace-nameThe name of the dataspacepathstringrequired

200 OK201 – OK – New resource has been created

GET /dataspaces/{dataspace-name}/anchors/{anchor-name}


Read an anchor and the associated attributes given a anchor and a dataspace.

Request Parameters:

NameDescriptionTypeData type
dataspace-nameThe name of the dataspacepathstringrequired
anchor-nameThe name of the anchorpathstringrequired

200 OK – Everything is working

DELETE /dataspaces/{dataspace-name}/anchors/{anchor-name}


Delete an anchor given a anchor and a dataspace. This will delete the whole tree.

Request Parameters:

NameDescriptionTypeData type
dataspace-nameThe name of the dataspacepathstringrequired
anchor-nameThe name of the anchorpathstringrequired

200 OK

204 – OK – The resource was successfully deleted

GET /dataspaces/{dataspace-name}/anchors


Read all anchors in the given a dataspace.

Request Parameters:

NameDescriptionTypeData type
dataspace-nameThe name of the dataspacepathstringrequired

200 OK – Everything is working

Description of Operations for Node Persistence


POST /dataspaces/{dataspace-name}/nodes


Create a (root) node for a given anchor for the given dataspace, the node can have children. Their children will also be persisted as separate nodes in the system.

Request Parameters:

NameDescriptionTypeData type
dataspace-nameThe name of the dataspacepathstringrequired
fileModel fileformyangrequired

200 OK

201 – OK – New resource has been created

POST GET /dataspaces/{dataspace-name}/anchors/{anchor-name}/nodes


Get a node given an anchor for the given dataspace (return just one level with just xpath references to its children)

Request Body


    "xpath" : "/dataspace/anchors/nodes[1]"

: { xpath specification }}

Request Parameters:

NameDescriptionTypeData type
dataspace-nameThe name of the dataspacepathstringrequired
anchor-nameThe name of the anchorpathstringrequired

200 OK

– Everything is working

Example Response

POST GET /dataspaces/{dataspace-id}/nodes


Get a node (under any anchor) given a Xpath expression for the given dataspace

Get all the relevant nodes given a schema node identifier for the given dataspace

Request Body


    "xpath" : "/dataspace/anchor/nodes"

: { xpath specification }}

Request Parameters:

NameDescriptionTypeData type
dataspace-nameThe name of the dataspacepathstringrequired

200 OK – Everything is working

Example Response

Payload Data Structures

Schema definitions


dataspace : object


A dataspace is an object that contains yang modules.


Namespace : object


A namespace is declared by the yang module.

Security on the API


Response Codes

The API specification should describe the right HTTP status code to return the client.


e.g Requests per unit time allowed; pagination


API Interactions and Flows
