Versions Compared


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Class AttributeInModelRestriction

Restriction to filter instances of specific versions (model version) only, where the given attribute name is defined.

  • negate

Method that is inverting the given restriction

Returns - newly created restriction that is a negation of the base restriction

  • getRestrictionType

Indicates the type of restriction type that this restriction represents.

  • getAttributeName

Is the restriction negated?


Class AttributePathRestriction

A restriction to compare modeled attributes against path values.

  • negate
  • getRestrictionType
  • getAttribute
  • toString

Class AttributeRestriction

Simple restriction involving attribute values.

  • getRestrictionType

Class BetweenRestriction

Class to resolve between and not between restrictions.

  • negate
  • getRestrictionType
  • getAttributeName
  • getLowerAttributeValue
  • getHigherAttributeValue
  • isNegated
  • toString

Class ContainmentRestriction

Creates a containment restriction applicable for change logs (e.g. get change logs for all managed objects under supplied FDN of MIB root)

  • negate
  • getRestrictionType
  • getStringToMatch

Class DescendantsRestriction

Class to resolve descendants and not descendants restrictions.

  • negate
  • getRestrictionType
  • getDistance
  • getDescendantsScope
  • isNegated

Interface DpsRestriction

DPS Internal contract for RestrictionAll restrictions implementation of DPS should implement DpsRestriction instead of Restriction.

  • negate
  • getRestrictionType
  • isCdtRestriction
  • canUseWithOrRestrictions

Class HasMemberRestriction

Creates a HasMember restriction applicable for group entities (e.g. get groups that have a persistence object as member)

  • HasMemberRestriction
  • negate
  • getRestrictionType
  • getAttributeName
  • getMemberValue

Class InRestriction

Class that creates an IN restriction type, restricting an attribute to a list of values.

  • negate
  • getRestrictionType
  • getAttributeName
  • getAllowedValues
  • isNegated
  • toString
  • getString

Class InternalRestriction

Creates an internal restriction applicable for group entities.

  • getRestrictionType

Class ListMemberRestriction

A restriction which verifies if a list attribute has members matching specific restrictions.

  • matchAllMembers
  • negate
  • getRestrictionType
  • toString

Class ListRestriction

Common functionality of a List restriction.

  • getListAttributeName
  • getRestrictionToApply
  • isNegated

Class LogicalRestriction

Implement logical restriction (AND/OR) and the negation of this logical restriction.

  • negate
  • getRestrictionType
  • getRestrictionList
  • getLogicalOperator
  • isNegated
  • toString

Class NullValueRestriction

Implementation of the null value restriction and not null value restriction.

  • negate
  • getRestrictionType
  • getAttributeName
  • isNegated
  • toString

Class ObjectFieldBetweenRestriction

Class to resolve between and not between restrictions for ObjectFields.

  • getRestrictionType
  • getObjectField

Gets the object field that the restriction applies to.

  • toString

Class ObjectFieldInRestriction

Class that creates an IN Restriction type, restricting a Object Field to a list of values.

  • getRestrictionType
  • getObjectField
  • toString

Class ObjectFieldPartialMatchRestriction

Implementation of the partial match restriction and not match restriction.

  • getRestrictionType
  • getObjectField
  • toString

Class ObjectFieldPathRestriction

A restriction to compare object fields against path values.

  • negate

  • getRestrictionType
  • getObjectField
  • toString

Interface ObjectFieldRestriction

A restriction that applies to an object field as opposed to a modelled field.

  • getObjectField

Class ObjectFieldRetriever

Some object field restrictions serialized as part of a saved query by earlier versions of the relevant restriction class may be missing the object field when deserialized. This utility class allows the missing object field to be determined from the 'attributeName' that will have been stored instead.

TODO This workaround can be removed once we have given teams time to recreate any object field saved queries they may have.

  • retrieve
Retrieves the object field associated with the supplied field name.This method performs the reverse of the now deprecated ObjectField.getFieldName() method.

Class ObjectFieldSimpleRestriction

Creates a simple restriction (e.g. compare one field to one value) for object fields.

  • getRestrictionType
  • getObjectField
  • toString

Class PartialMatchRestriction

Implementation of the partial match restriction and not match restriction.

  • negate

  • getRestrictionType

  • getMatchConditionType

  • getAttributeName

  • isNegated

  • getStringToMatch

  • toString


Class PathRestriction

Base class for path restrictions.

  • getValueToMatch
  • getOperator
  • getString


Class RedundantRestriction

Abstract class to add property to check for redundant restriction in query.

  • isRedundant

Gets the flag value of a query, which is using only one, AND-ed redundant restriction or not.

  • setRedundant

Sets a flag of a query, which is using only one, AND-ed redundant restriction or not.


Class SimpleRestriction

Creates a simple restriction (e.g. compare one field to one value).

  • negate

  • getAttributeName

  • getAttributeValue

  • getSimpleExpressionOperator

  • toString








Interface DataBucketManager


  • getBucket

Get the stored data bucket with the given name.

  • createBucket

Create a new data bucket.

  • deleteBucket

Delete the data bucket from the persistence store.

This method will silently ignore buckets which do not exist.

Also, this method will take no responsibility for handling the objects in the bucket. It is up to the higher levels in DPS to manage those.

  • getAllDataBucketNames

Method to get the names of all data buckets in the system.


Interface ServiceManager

Defines the capabilities of a class that can be used to register and to retrieve a reference to a DPS persistence service provider.

  • registerServiceProvider

Registers a new service provider.

  • getServiceProvider

Retrieve the registered service provider.

  • deregisterServiceProvider

De-register the service provider.


Interface ServiceProvider

Defines the capabilities of a class that can be used to retrieve a reference to services offered by DPS persistence layer.

  • isNeo4jProvider

Checks if service provider is Neo4j.

  • getObjectManager

Gets the object manager.

  • getObjectLocator

Gets the object locator.

  • getDataBucketManager

Gets the data bucket manager.

  • getGroupManager

Gets the group manager.

  • getChangeLogManager

Gets the change log manager.

  • getQueryService

Gets the query service.

  • getQueryPathService

Gets the query path service.

  • getDatabaseStorageManager

Gets the database storage manager.

  • getDatabaseStorageSpaceReader

Gets the database storage space reader.

  • getMigrationController

Get the migration controller.

  • getUpgradeUtilities

Get upgrade utilities.

  • getBookmarksInfoRetriever

Get last known bookmarks.

  • getPoTypeInstanceCounter

Get object that can calculate the number of instances of each PO type.








Interface DataBucketManager


This interface is used to manage the data buckets from the persistence layer.


  • getBucket


  • createBucket


  • deleteBucket


  • getAllDataBucketNames


Interface ServiceManager

Defines the capabilities of a class that can be used to register and to retrieve a reference to a DPS persistence service provider.


  • registerServiceProvider


  • getServiceProvider


  • deregisterServiceProvider


Interface ServiceProvider

Defines the capabilities of a class that can be used to retrieve a reference to services offered by DPS persistence layer.


  • isNeo4jProvider

Checks if service provider is Neo4j.

  • getObjectManager

Gets the object manager.

  • getObjectLocator

Gets the object locator.

  • getDataBucketManager

Gets the data bucket manager.

  • getGroupManager

Gets the group manager.

  • getChangeLogManager

Gets the change log manager.

  • getQueryService

Gets the query service.

  • getQueryPathService

Gets the query path service.

  • getDatabaseStorageManager

Gets the database storage manager.

  • getDatabaseStorageSpaceReader

Gets the database storage space reader.

  • getMigrationController

Get the migration controller.

  • getUpgradeUtilities

Get upgrade utilities.

  • getBookmarksInfoRetriever

Get last known bookmarks.

  • getPoTypeInstanceCounter
