Versions Compared


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  • Short life session
    • LazyInitialization exception
    • write changes to DB every step
  • Open-Session-in-View
  • Extended session
    • session is never closed
    • manual session.flush (send all open statements to DB)
    • session stay in persistent state

Hibernate's Session

  • Session allows physical connection with a database
    • only creates connection when required
  • openSession()/getCurrentSession()
  • session.close()
  • Session cannot be kept as it is not threadsafe
  • Perform all crud operations (read, update and delete operations)
  • HibernateContentQueryFactory
    • can use a provided EntityManager object to create a query
  • Object states
    • Transient - when object unattached to any session
    • Persistent
      • attach object to a session with 'persist' or 'save' method
    • Detached
      • object is not managed by any session
        • session.close();


Transactions allows for grouping of operations

  • All SQL statements execute inside a transaction
  • transaction is either completely committed or rolled back

Transaction isolation levels

  • All JDBC connection initialises with the default isolation level of the DBMS used but can be configured

Which isolation level?

  • Read uncomitted isolation
    • allows a transaction to read uncomitted data (dirty read) but not lost updates
    • can be implemented with write locks
  • Read committed isolation
    • transaction executes two nonrepeatble reads but not dirty reads
    • can be implemented with shared read locks and write locks
      • read transactions does not restrict other transactions from reading
      • uncomitted update/write transaction restricts other transactions from accessing the row
  • Repeatable read isolation
    • allows neither unrepeatable reads nor dirty reads
      • read transactions does not restrict other transactions from reading but restricts from updating/writing
      • write transaction blocks all
  • Serializable isolation

Plain JDBC Transaction

  • java.sql.Connection
  • transaction is tarted with setAutoCommit(false) on aJDBC connection 
  • transaction is ended with commit()
  • immediate rollback - rollback() 
  • Isolation levels
    • e.g. connection.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED);
  • Save point (Nested transactions in spring
    • e.g. connection.setSavepoint();


  • JDBC Connection for every session
  • Transaction interface is customizable to implement own TransactionFactory
  • beginTransaction() call on session instance
    • equivalent to setAutoCommit(false) on plain JDBC transaction
    • Session is bound to the transaction
    • after commit or rollback connection is released
    • closing session detaches all other resource/all managed persistent instances
  • rollback()
  • any hibernate operation can throw a RunTimeException
  • setTimeout() - sets the time in seconds for a transaction is allowed to run
  • Isolation level can be configured and all connections and transactions will be affected
    • e.g. hibernate.connection.isolation = 4
  • lock()
    • can be set with query statement
      • .setLockOptions() 
    • LockMode.UPGRADE
      • sets a lock on the row(s) that represents the Entity instance
      • e.g. session.buildLockRequest(LockOptions.UPGRADE).lock(entityName)
    • LockMode.READ
      • disables waiting for concurrent lock releases, throws exception when it cannot get a lock
      • automatically falls to LockMode.UPGRADE if DB does not support NO_WAIT
    • LockMode.FORCE
    • LockMode.WRITE

Spring/Spring Boot Transaction Management

Annotation '@Transactional'

  • Spring '@Transactional' annotation handles the following transactions based on raw JDBC transaction

    Code Block
    Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection();
            try (connection) {
                // execute some SQL that e.g.
                // inserts the user into the db and retrieves the autogenerated id
            } catch (SQLException e) {

  • We can use this annotation at either a class or method level
  • requires specification of transaction manager in spring configuration
    • '@Configuration'
    • '@EnableTransactionManagement'
  • Supports the following configurations
    • Propagation type
      • '@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED)'
        • method opens a new transaction using the same existing connection
      • '@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)'
        • opens new transaction in a new connection
      • '@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.MANDATORY)
        • does not open a new transaction, requires a pre-existing transaction to invoke method or else Spring throws an exception
    •  Isolation level
      • '@Transactional(isolation = Isolation.SERIALIZABLE)'
      • Postgres default isolation level is 'READ COMMITTED'
    • Timeout
    • readOnly flag
    • Rollback rules
      • 2 ways to rollback transaction
        • declarative
          • '@Transactional(rollbackFor = { SQLException.class })'
        • programmatic
          • uses 'TransactionAspectSupport'

Spring and Hibernate Transaction Management

Allows syncing of Spring's '@Transactional' and Hibernate or JPA

  • HibernateTransactionManager
    • Ensures management of transaction via Hibernate (SessionFactory)
      • creates a Session instance
      • opens a transaction (setAutocommit(false))
      • invokes transactional methods
      • commits transaction
      • close session/jdbc connection
    • Allows Spring code to use same transaction in non-hibernate
      • can use HQL or jdbc template

Gliffy Diagram
displayNameDiagram 6
nameDiagram 6

Postgresql lock

Code Block
SET LOCAL lock_timeout = '4s';
    • locks rows from another transaction that attempts to lock
  • SET LOCAL lock_timeout = '4s';
  • Pessimistic lock with skip locked
    • i.e. "select * from sampleTable where used=false for update skip locked limit 1" 
      • skip the one that's locked and move on

Spring data '@lock' annotation

  • method level
    • sets the lock mode type for the target query
      • pesssimistic lock modes
        • pessimistic_read
        • pessimistic_write
        • pessismitic_force_increment
        • pessimistic_write
    • timeouts
      • use of '@QueryHints'
  • can be used on overwritten CrudRepository methods