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This page covers the groovy tests to test Coverage Area-Tracking Area & TA-Cell mapping  model and data. It also cover the queries that the CPS team will need to implement.



Models and data

There was an issue with the original json data provided. We corrected this issue by modifying the root element .

cps-ran-inventory-data-incorrect.json (original)

cps-ran-inventory-data.json (corrected)

and the E2E Network Slicing team was notified. The corrected model and data was later received and all cps-test cases passes.



Queries used for the RAN inventory model

API PathDescription of Operation

Add a new coverage area for an operator

  • use CPS Create Node API 
    /v1/dataspaces/{dataspace-name}/anchors/{anchor-name}/nodes with json Data as attached.

Find list of tracking are for the coverage area

Code Block
list coverage-area{
        uses coverageAreaGroup;
        key "coverageArea";
        description "This list contains the list of coverage area of a PLMNID";

 grouping coverageAreaGroup{
      leaf coverageArea{
      description "An attribute specifies the coverage area of the network slice, 
      i.e. the geographic region where a 3GPP communication service is accessible,
      see Table 7.1-1 of TS 22.261 [28]) and NG.116 [50].";
      type string;
      list coverageAreaTAList{
       uses trackingAreaGroup;
       key "nRTAC";
       description "This list contains the tracking area list for the coverageArea";
GET /ran-inventory/sliceProfilesList/{sNSSAI}

Find a slice profile list that has the given sNSSAI value

Code Block
 list sliceProfilesList{
  		uses SliceProfile;
  		key "sliceProfileId";
  		description "List of slice profiles supported by the ran slice";

  • use query of cpsPath starting with given path (maybe even add '[') -  '
    pLMNIdList[@mcc=\'310\', and @mnc=\'
  • use json-query tools to only get the 'fragment' that contain required name-value pair
    (probably need native-query annotation)
  • /coverage-area[@coverageArea=\'Washington\

Find list of cells under the tracking area

Code Block
    grouping trackingAreaGroup{
  		 leaf nRTAC {
      type Tac;
      description "Identity of the common Tracking Area Code for the PLMNs
        a) It is the TAC or Extended-TAC. 
        b) A cell can only broadcast one TAC or Extended-TAC. 
          See TS 36.300, subclause 10.1.7 (PLMNID and TAC relation).
        c) TAC is defined in subclause of 3GPP TS 23.003 and 
          Extended-TAC is defined in subclause of 3GPP TS 38.473.
        d) For a 5G SA (Stand Alone), it has a non-null value.";
  		list taCellsList{
        key cellLocalId;
        leaf cellLocalId {
      description "Identifies an NR cell of a gNB. Together with corresponding
        gNB ID it forms the NR Cell Identifier (NCI).";
        mandatory true;
        type int32 { range "0..16383"; }

  • use query of cpsPath starting with given path (maybe even add '[') -  '
    '/ran-coverage-area/pLMNIdList[@mcc='310' and @mnc='410']/coverage-area[@coverageArea='Washington']/coverageAreaTAList[@nRTAC='234']'
PUT /ran-inventory/{rannfnssiid}/sliceProfilesList/Add/update the given slice profile for the given rannfnssi

Groovy Test - E2E Coverage Area-Tracking Area & TA-Cell mapping data can be parsed for RAN inventory

Link to code review:

Code Block
   def 'E2E Coverage Area-Tracking Area & TA-Cell mapping datamodel can be parsed forby RAN inventoryCPS.'() {
        def result
        given: 'validValid yang resource as name-to-content map'
def yangResourcesNameToContentMap = TestUtils.getYangResourcesAsMap(
when: 'Create schema set method is invoked'
cpsModuleServiceImpl.createSchemaSet(dataspaceName, schemaSetName, yangResourcesNameToContentMap)
then: 'Parameters are  def yangResourcesNameToContentMap = TestUtils.getYangResourcesAsMap(
                    'validated and processing is delegated to persistence service'
1 * mockModuleStoreService.storeSchemaSet(dataspaceName, schemaSetName, yangResourcesNameToContentMap)

def 'E2E Coverage Area-Tracking Area & TA-Cell mapping data can be parsed by CPS.'() {
given: 'Valid yang resource as name-to-content map'
def yangResourcesNameToContentMap = TestUtils.getYangResourcesAsMap(
            def schemaContext = YangTextSchemaSourceSetBuilder.of(yangResourcesNameToContentMap).getSchemaContext()
        def dataNodeStored
and : 'a valid json is provided for the model'
            def jsonData = TestUtils.getResourceFileContent('e2e/basic/cps-ranCavsta-inventory-dataData.txt')
        and : 'all the further dependencies are mocked '
            mockCpsAdminService.getAnchor('someDataspace'dataspaceName, 'someAnchor'anchorName) >>
                    new Anchor().builder().name('someAnchor'anchorName).schemaSetName('someSchemaSet'schemaSetName).build()
            mockYangTextSchemaSourceSetCache.get('someDataspace'dataspaceName, 'someSchemaSet'schemaSetName) >> 
            mockModuleStoreService.getYangSchemaResources('someDataspace'dataspaceName, 'someSchemaSet'schemaSetName) >> schemaContext
        when: 'saveData method is invoked'
            cpsDataServiceImple.saveData('someDataspace'dataspaceName, 'someAnchor'anchorName, jsonData)
        then: 'parametersParameters are validated and processing is delegated to persistence service'
            1 * mockDataStoreService.storeDataNode('someDataspace', 'someAnchor', _) >>
                    { args -> resultdataNodeStored = args[2]}
        and: 'the size of the tree is correct'
            def cpsRanInventory = treeToFlatMapByXpath(new HashMap<>(), result)
            assert cpsRanInventorydef child = dataNodeStored.childDataNodes[0]
assert child.childDataNodes.size() == 3
and: 'ran-inventorylist containsof theTracking correctArea childfor node'
a Coverage Area are stored with correct xpath and child   def ranInventory = cpsRanInventory.get('/ran-inventory')
            def sliceProfilesListnodes '
def listOfTAForCoverageArea = cpsRanInventory.get('/ran-inventory/sliceProfilesList[@sliceProfileId=\'f33a9dd8-ae51-4acf-8073-c9390c25f6f1\']')
            def pLMNIdList = cpsRanInventory.get('/ran-inventory/sliceProfilesList[@sliceProfileId=\'f33a9dd8-ae51-4acf-8073-c9390c25f6f1\']child.childDataNodes[0]
listOfTAForCoverageArea.xpath == '/ran-coverage-area/pLMNIdList[@mcc=\'310\' and @mnc=\'410\']/' +
listOfTAForCoverageArea.childDataNodes[0].leaves.get('nRTAC') == 1234
and: 'list of cells in a tracking area are stored   ranInventory.getChildDataNodes().find( {it.xpath == sliceProfilesList.xpath})
        and: 'sliceProfilesList contains the correct child node'
            sliceProfilesList.getChildDataNodes().size() == 1
            sliceProfilesList.getChildDataNodes().find( {itwith correct xpath and child nodes '
def listOfCellsInTrackingArea = listOfTAForCoverageArea.childDataNodes[0]
listOfCellsInTrackingArea.xpath == pLMNIdList.xpath})
        and: 'pLMNIdList contains the no child nodes'
            pLMNIdList.getChildDataNodes().size('/ran-coverage-area/pLMNIdList[@mcc=\'310\' and @mnc=\'410\']/' +
listOfCellsInTrackingArea.childDataNodes[0].leaves.get('cellLocalId') == 015709