Versions Compared


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Comment: Reverted from v. 1


The Controller Blueprint Archived is the overall service design, fully model-driven, package needed to automate the instantiation and any config provisioning operation, such as day0 or day2 configuration.

The CBA is .zip file, comprised of the following structure:

Code Block
├── Definitions
│   ├── blueprint.json
│   ├── artifact_types.json
│   ├── data_types.json
│   ├── node_types.json
│   ├── policy_types.json
│   ├── relationship_types.json
│   ├── resources_definition_types.json
│   └── *-mapping.json
├── Plans
│   ├── ResourceAssignment.xml
│   ├── ConfigAssign.xml
│   └── ConfigDeploy.xml
├── Scripts
│   └── python
│       ├──
│       ├──
│       └──
├── TOSCA-Metadata
│   └── TOSCA.meta
└── Templates
    └── *-template.vtl

Data Dictionary

A data dictionary defines a specifc resource that can be resolved using the bellow the supported sources.

A data dictionary can support multiple resources.

The main goal of data dictionary is to define generic entity that could be shared accross the service catalog.

Resolution sources




Default (SDNC DB)



Default (SDNC MDSAL)


Capability (scripts)


Kotlin script

Netconf (through Python)


A workflow defines an overall action to be taken for the service; it can be composed of a set of node to execute. Currently, workflows are backed by Directed Graph engine.

A CBA can have as many workflow as needed

This guide is geared to provide information regarding  how to do service design to automate instantiation and day0 configuration.


ONAP is meant to be deployed within a Kubernetes environment. Hence, the de-facto way to deploy CDS is through Kubernetes.

ONAP also package Kubernetes manifest as Chart, using Helm.


Setup local Helm

Code Block
helm serve &
helm repo add local

Get the chart

Make sure to checkout the release to use, by replacing $release-tag in bellow command

Code Block
git clone
git checkout tags/$release-tag
cd oom/kubernetes
make cds

Install CDS

Code Block
helm install --name cds cds


Code Block
$ kubectl get all --selector=release=cds
NAME                                             READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/cds-blueprints-processor-54f758d69f-p98c2    0/1       Running   1          2m
pod/cds-cds-6bd674dc77-4gtdf                     1/1       Running   0          2m
pod/cds-cds-db-0                                 1/1       Running   0          2m
pod/cds-controller-blueprints-545bbf98cf-zwjfc   1/1       Running   0          2m
NAME                            TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)             AGE
service/blueprints-processor    ClusterIP     <none>        8080/TCP,9111/TCP   2m
service/cds                     NodePort    <none>        3000:30397/TCP      2m
service/cds-db                  ClusterIP   None            <none>        3306/TCP            2m
service/controller-blueprints   ClusterIP   <none>        8080/TCP            2m
NAME                                        DESIRED   CURRENT   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/cds-blueprints-processor    1         1         1            0           2m
deployment.apps/cds-cds                     1         1         1            1           2m
deployment.apps/cds-controller-blueprints   1         1         1            1           2m
NAME                                                   DESIRED   CURRENT   READY     AGE
replicaset.apps/cds-blueprints-processor-54f758d69f    1         1         0         2m
replicaset.apps/cds-cds-6bd674dc77                     1         1         1         2m
replicaset.apps/cds-controller-blueprints-545bbf98cf   1         1         1         2m
NAME                          DESIRED   CURRENT   AGE
statefulset.apps/cds-cds-db   1         1         2m

Design time

Bellow are the requirements to enable automation for a service within ONAP.

Currently, ONAP officially supports instantiation and post-instantiation use cases.

Instantiation use case

The goal is to be able to automatically resolve all the HEAT environment variables, called cloud parameters.


  1. Have the HEAT template along with HEAT environment file
  2. Identify which cloud parameter are static and dynamic
  3. Create and fill-in the bellow table for all the dynamic cloud parameters


idhow to resolve

Value will be given as input in the request.


Value will be defaulted in the model.



Value will be resolved by sending a query to the REST system


Supported Auth type



Use token based authentication

  • token

Use basic authentication

  • username
  • password

Use SSL basic authentication

  • keystore type
  • truststore
  • truststore password
  • keystore
  • keystore password



Value will be resolved by sending a SQL statement to the DB system





Required workflows

The following workflows are contracts being established between SO, SDNC and CDS to cover the instantiation and the post-instantiation use cases.


This action is meant to assign resources needed to instantiate the service. The goal is to resolved all the HEAT environment variables.

This action is triggered by Generic-Resource-API (GR-API) within SDNC as part of the AssignBB orchestrated by SO. Hence it will be triggered for each VNF(s) and VF-Module(s).

In order to know for which entity the action is triggeredwhat to resolved, one input is required, that is the artifact prefix (see bellow for explanation).


For each VNF and VF-Module comprising the service, a combinaison of a template and mapping is needed.

The requirement is as follow for VNF:



${vnf-name} and ${vf-module-label} is what we call the artifact prefix, so the requirement could be seen as follow:




The template has to be a resource accumulator template; that be composed of the following sections:

  • resource-accumulator-resolved-data: defines all the resources that can be resolved directly from the context. It expresses a direct mapping between the name of the resource and its value.

    Code Block
    titleRA resolved data
      "resource-accumulator-resolved-data": [
          "param-name": "service-instance-id",
          "param-value": "${service-instance-id}"
          "param-name": "vnf_id",
          "param-value": "${vnf-id}"

  • capability-data: defines what capability to use to create a specific resource, along with the ingredients required to invoke the capability and the output mapping.

    Code Block
    titleRA capability payload
          "capability-name": "netbox-ip-assign",
          "key-mapping": [
              "payload": [
                  "param-name": "service-instance-id",
                  "param-value": "${service-instance-id}"
                  "param-name": "prefix-id",
                  "param-value": "${private-prefix-id}"
                  "param-name": "vf-module-id",
                  "param-value": "${vf-module-id}"
                  "param-name": "external_key",
                  "param-value": "${vf-module-id}-vpg_private_ip_1"
              "output-key-mapping": [
                  "resource-name": "vpg_private_ip_1",
                  "resource-value": "${vpg_private_ip_1}"


Defines the contract of each resource to be resolved. Each placeholder in the template must have a corresponding mapping definition.

A mapping is comprised of:

  • name
  • required / optional
  • type (support complex type)
  • dictionary-name
  • dictionary-source
  • dependencies: this allows to make sure given resources get resolved prior the resolution of the resources defining the dependency.

The dictionary fields reference to a specific data dictionary.


If any of the mapping uses a source capabbility to resolve a parameters.


This action is meant to assign all the resources and mesh the templates needed for the configuration to apply post-instantiation.


Combinaison of templates with respective mappings

Scripts if needed


This action is meant to push the configuration templates defined during the config-assign step for the post-instantiation.
