Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Committing Code

Code Block
# clone
git clone ssh://
# modify files
# stage your changes
git add .
git commit -m "your commit message"
# commit your staged changes with sign-off
git commit -s --amend
# add Issue-ID after Change-ID
# Submit your commit to ONAP Gerrit for review
git review
# goto


Workstation configuration

Ubuntu 16.04 on VMware Workstation 15 or Fusion 8 or AWS/Azure VM

Note: do not use the gui upgrade (will cause the vm to periodically lock) - do individual apt-get 's

Code Block
# start with clean VM, I use root, you can use the recommended non-root account
sudo vi /etc/hosts
# add your hostname to ::1 and or each sudo command will hang for up to 10 sec on DNS resolution especially on ubuntu 18.04
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
# not in headless vm
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop
#sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install maven
sudo wget
sudo cp ap(tab) /opt
cd /opt
tar -xvf apache-maven-3.5.4-bin.tar.gz
sudo vi /etc/environment
# restart the terminal
ubuntu@ip-172-31-78-76:~$ mvn -version
Apache Maven 3.5.4 (1edded0938998edf8bf061f1ceb3cfdeccf443fe; 2018-06-17T18:33:14Z)
Maven home: /opt/apache-maven-3.5.4

Java version: 1.8.0_171, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre
sudo vi ~/.ssh/config
Host *
   StrictHostKeyChecking no

 # a couple options on copying the ssh key

 # # from another machine
root@ubuntu:~/_dev# cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa | ssh -i ~/.ssh/onap_rsa 'cat >> .ssh/onap_rsa && echo "Key copied"'
Key copied
sudo chown ubuntu:ubuntu ~/.ssh/onap_rsa

 # or
 # scp onap gerrit cert into VM from host macbook
obrien:obrienlabs amdocs$ scp ~/.ssh/onap_rsa amdocs@
move to root
sudo su -
 root@obriensystemsu0:~# cp /home/amdocs/onap_rsa .
ls /home/amdocs/.m2
cp onap_rsa ~/.ssh/id_rsa
chmod 400 ~/.ssh/id_rsa 
# testmove yourfrom gerrit access
sudo root to ubuntu - if using non-root user
sudo chown ubuntu:ubuntu ~/.ssh/onap_rsa 

# test your gerrit access
sudo git config --global --add gitreview.username michaelobrien
sudo git config --global 
sudo git config --global "Michael OBrien"  
sudo git config --global gitreview.remote origin
sudo mkdir log-326-rancher-ver
cd log-326-rancher-ver/
sudo git clone ssh://
cd logging-analytics/
sudo vi deploy/rancher/ 
sudo git add deploy/rancher/ .
# setup git-review
sudo apt-get install git-review
sudo  git config --global gitreview.remote origin
# upload a patch
sudo git commit -am "update rancher version to 1.6.18"
# 2nd line should be "Issue-ID: LOG-326"
sudo git commit -s --amend
sudo git review
Your change was committed before the commit hook was installed.
Amending the commit to add a gerrit change id.
remote: Processing changes: new: 1, refs: 1, done            
remote: New Changes:        
remote: update rancher version to 1.6.18        
To ssh://
 * [new branch]      HEAD -> refs/publish/master
# see

if you get a corrupted FS type "fsck -y /dev/sda1"


Having trouble getting the "run-sonar" command to run sonar - it skips the modules in the pom.

Looking at verifying sonar locally using eclemma

Kubernetes DevOps


command to run sonar - it skips the modules in the pom.

Looking at verifying sonar locally using eclemma

Kubernetes DevOps

Use a different kubectl context

Code Block
kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/config2  get pods --all-namespaces

Adding user kubectl accounts

Normally you don't use the admin account directly when working with particular namespaces.  Details on how to create a user token and the appropriate role bindings.

Code Block
# TODO: create a script out of this
# create a namespace
vi mobrien_namespace.yaml
  "kind": "Namespace",
  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "mobrien",
    "labels": {
      "name": "mobrien"
kubectl create -f mobrien_namespace.yaml
# or
kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/admin create ns mobrien
namespace "mobrien" created

# service account
kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/admin --namespace=mobrien create sa mobrien
serviceaccount "mobrien" created

# rolebinding mobrien
kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/admin --namespace=mobrien create rolebinding mobrien-mobrien-privilegedpsp --clusterrole=privilegedpsp --serviceaccount=mobrien:mobrien
rolebinding "mobrien-mobrien-privilegedpsp" created

# rolebinding default
kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/admin --namespace=mobrien create rolebinding mobrien-default-privilegedpsp --clusterrole=privilegedpsp --serviceaccount=mobrien:default
rolebinding "mobrien-default-privilegedpsp" created

# rolebinding admin
kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/admin --namespace=mobrien create rolebinding mobrien-mobrien-admin --clusterrole=admin --serviceaccount=mobrien:mobrien
rolebinding "mobrien-mobrien-admin" created

# rolebinding persistent-volume-role
kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/admin --namespace=mobrien create clusterrolebinding mobrien-mobrien-persistent-volume-role --clusterrole=persistent-volume-role --serviceaccount=mobrien:mobrien
clusterrolebinding "mobrien-mobrien-persistent-volume-role" created

# rolebinding default-persistent-volume-role
kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/admin --namespace=mobrien create clusterrolebinding mobrien-default-persistent-volume-role --clusterrole=persistent-volume-role --serviceaccount=mobrien:default
clusterrolebinding "mobrien-default-persistent-volume-role" created

# rolebinding helm-pod-list
kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/admin --namespace=mobrien create clusterrolebinding mobrien-mobrien-helm-pod-list --clusterrole=helm-pod-list --serviceaccount=mobrien:mobrien
clusterrolebinding "mobrien-mobrien-helm-pod-list" created

# rolebinding default-helm-pod-list
kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/admin --namespace=mobrien create clusterrolebinding mobrien-default-helm-pod-list --clusterrole=helm-pod-list --serviceaccount=mobrien:default
clusterrolebinding "mobrien-default-helm-pod-list" created

# get the serviceAccount and extract the token to place into a config yaml
kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/admin --namespace=mobrien get sa
default   1         20m
mobrien   1         18m

kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/admin --namespace=mobrien describe serviceaccount mobrien
Name:		mobrien
Namespace:	mobrien
Labels:		<none>
Annotations:	<none>
Image pull secrets:	<none>
Mountable secrets: 	mobrien-token-v9z5j
Tokens:            	mobrien-token-v9z5j
TOKEN=$(kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/admin --namespace=mobrien describe secrets "$(kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/admin --namespace=mobrien describe serviceaccount mobrien | grep -i Tokens | awk '{print $2}')" | grep token: | awk '{print $2}')

echo $TOKEN

# put this in your ~/.kube/config and edit the namespace 

see also

Helm on Rancher unauthorized

Cycle the RBAC to Github off/on if you get any security issue running helm commands

Code Block
ubuntu@a-ons1-master:~$ watch kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
ubuntu@a-ons1-master:~$ sudo helm list
Error: Unauthorized
ubuntu@a-ons1-master:~$ sudo helm list
onap       	4       	Thu Mar  7 13:03:29 2019	DEPLOYED	onap-3.0.0  	onap     
onap-dmaap 	1       	Thu Mar  7 13:03:32 2019	DEPLOYED	dmaap-3.0.0 	onap     

Working with JSONPath


Code Block
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o json
# we are looking to shutdown a rogue pod that is not responding to the normal deletion commands - but it contains a generated name
onap          onap-portal-portal-sdk-7c49c97955-smbws   0/2       Terminating   0          2d
ubuntu@onap-oom-obrien-rancher-e0:~$ kubectl get pods --field-selector=status.phase!=Running --all-namespaces
NAMESPACE   NAME                                      READY     STATUS        RESTARTS   AGE
onap        onap-portal-portal-sdk-7c49c97955-smbws   0/2       Terminating   0          2d
#"spec": {"containers": [{},"name": "portal-sdk",
kubectl get pods --namespace onap -o jsonpath="{.items[*].spec.containers[0].name}"
# so combining the two queries
kubectl get pods --field-selector=status.phase!=Running --all-namespaces -o jsonpath="{.items[*]}"
# and wrapping it with a delete command

export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --field-selector=status.phase!=Running --all-namespaces -o jsonpath="{.items[*]}")
echo "$POD_NAME"
kubectl delete pods $POD_NAME --grace-period=0 --force -n onap

ubuntu@onap-oom-obrien-rancher-e0:~$ sudo ./ 
warning: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely.
pod "onap-portal-portal-sdk-7c49c97955-smbws" force deleted

Installing a pod

Code Block
# automatically via in LOG-326
# get the dev.yaml and set any pods you want up to true as well as fill out the openstack parameters
sudo wget
sudo cp logging-analytics/deploy/ .

# or
# manually
cd oom/kubernetes/
sudo make clean
sudo make all
sudo make onap
sudo helm install local/onap -n onap --namespace onap -f onap/resources/environments/disable-allcharts.yaml --set log.enabled=true
# adding another (so)
sudo helm upgrade local/onap --namespace onap -f onap/resources/environments/disable-allcharts.yaml --set so.enabled=true --set log.enabled=true


Code Block
# override global docker pull policy for a single component
# set in oom/kubernetes/onap/values.yaml
# use global.pullPolicy in your -f yaml or a --set 

Exec into a container of a pod with multiple containers


Code Block
cd oom/kubernetes
# do a make if anything is modified in your charts
sudo make all
#sudo make onap
ubuntu@ip-172-31-19-23:~/oom/kubernetes$ sudo helm upgrade -i onap local/onap --namespace onap --set log.enabled=false
# wait and check in another terminal for all containers to terminate
ubuntu@ip-172-31-19-23:~$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep onap-log
onap          onap-log-elasticsearch-7557486bc4-5mng9          0/1       CrashLoopBackOff   9          29m
onap          onap-log-kibana-fc88b6b79-nt7sd                  1/1       Running            0          35m
onap          onap-log-logstash-c5z4d                          1/1       Terminating        0          4h
onap          onap-log-logstash-ftxfz                          1/1       Terminating        0          4h
onap          onap-log-logstash-gl59m                          1/1       Terminating        0          4h
onap          onap-log-logstash-nxsf8                          1/1       Terminating        0          4h
onap          onap-log-logstash-w8q8m                          1/1       Terminating        0          4h
sudo helm upgrade -i onap local/onap --namespace onap --set portal.enabled=false
sudo vi portal/charts/portal-sdk/resources/config/deliveries/properties/ONAPPORTALSDK/logback.xml
sudo make portal
sudo make onap
ubuntu@ip-172-31-19-23:~$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep onap-log
sudo helm upgrade -i onap local/onap --namespace onap --set log.enabled=true
sudo helm upgrade -i onap local/onap --namespace onap --set portal.enabled=true
ubuntu@ip-172-31-19-23:~$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep onap-log
onap          onap-log-elasticsearch-7557486bc4-2jd65          0/1       Init:0/1           0          31s
onap          onap-log-kibana-fc88b6b79-5xqg4                  0/1       Init:0/1           0          31s
onap          onap-log-logstash-5vq82                          0/1       Init:0/1           0          31s
onap          onap-log-logstash-gvr9z                          0/1       Init:0/1           0          31s
onap          onap-log-logstash-qqzq5                          0/1       Init:0/1           0          31s
onap          onap-log-logstash-vbp2x                          0/1       Init:0/1           0          31s
onap          onap-log-logstash-wr9rd                          0/1       Init:0/1           0          31s

ubuntu@ip-172-31-19-23:~$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep onap-portal
onap          onap-portal-app-8486dc7ff8-nbps7                 0/2       Init:0/1           0          9m
onap          onap-portal-cassandra-8588fbd698-4wthv           1/1       Running            0          9m
onap          onap-portal-db-7d6b95cd94-9x4kf                  0/1       Running            0          9m
onap          onap-portal-db-config-dpqkq                      0/2       Init:0/1           0          9m
onap          onap-portal-sdk-77cd558c98-5255r                 0/2       Init:0/1           0          9m
onap          onap-portal-widget-6469f4bc56-g8s62              0/1       Init:0/1           0          9m
onap          onap-portal-zookeeper-5d8c598c4c-czpnz           1/1       Running            0          9m

Kubernetes inter pod communication - using DNS service addresses

Try to use the service name (with or without the namespace) - not the service IP address for inter namespace communication (nodeports or ingress is only required outside the namespace)

For example log-ls:5044 or log-ls.onap:5044

Code Block
# example curl call between AAI and SDC
amdocs@obriensystemsu0:~$ kubectl 1/1exec -it -n onap    Running            0          9m


onap-aai-aai-graphadmin-7bd5fc9bd-l4v4z bash
Defaulting container name to aai-graphadmin.
root@aai-graphadmin:/opt/app/aai-graphadmin# curl http://sdc-fe:8181
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Error 404 - Not Found</TITLE><BODY><H2>Error 404 - Not Found.</H2>
</ul><hr><a href=""><img border=0 src="/favicon.ico"/></a>&nbsp;<a href="">Powered by Jetty:// 9.4.12.v20180830</a><hr/>

docker if required

Code Block
sudo apt-get autoremove -y docker-engine


Make sure the robot container is deployed - you may run directly from the kubernetes folder outside of the container - see

Code Block
# make sure the robot container is up via --set robot.enabled=true
cd oom/kubernetes/robot
./ $ENVIRON health
