Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

The CLAMP Control Loop Automation Composition Runtime Lifecycle Management uses the following system-level dialogues. These dialogues enable the CLAMP runtime capabilities described in Section 2 of TOSCA Defined Automation Compositions: Architecture and Design. Design Time dialogues will be described in future releases of the system.

Table of Contents

1 Commissioning Dialogues

Commissioning dialogues are used to commission and decommission Control Loop Automation Composition Type definitions and to set the values of Common Parameters.

1.1 Commissioning a Control Loop Type Definition using the CLAMP GUI

Commissioning an Automation Composition Type is a three-step process

  1. The Automation Composition Type must be created, that is the Automation Composition Type definition must be loaded and stored in the database. This step may be carried out over the REST interface or using SDC distribution.
  2. The Common Properties of the Automation Composition type must be assigned values and those values must be stored in the database. This step is optional only if all mandatory common properties have default values. The Common Property values may be set and amended over and over again in multiple sessions until the Automation Composition Type is primed.
  3. The Automation Composition Type Definition and the Common Property values must be primed, which is sent to the concerned participants. Once an Automation Composition Type is primed, its Common Property values can no longer be changed. To change Common Properties on a primed Automation Composition Type, all instances of the Automation Composition Type must be removed and the Automation Composition Type must be de-primed.

1.1 Commissioning an Automation Composition Type Definition using the CLAMP GUI

This dialogue corresponds to a "File→Import" menu on the CLAMP GUI. The documentation of future releases of the system will describe how the Design Time functionality interacts with the Runtime commissioning API.

PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime
database Commissioned_ACM_Inventory

CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Commission Automation Composition Type Definition
CLAMP_Runtime -> Commissioned_ACM_Inventory: Store Automation Composition Type Definition
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Type Definition Commissioned

1.2 Commissioning an Automation Composition Type Definition using SDC

PlantUML Macro
participant SDC
participant Policy_Distribution
participant CLAMP_Runtime
database Commissioned_ACM_Inventory

SDC -> Policy_Distribution: [DMaaP] CSAR containing Automation Composition Type Definition
Policy_Distribution -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Commission Automation Composition Type Definition
CLAMP_Runtime -> Commissioned_ACM_Inventory: Store Automation Composition Type Definition
CLAMP_Runtime -> Policy_Distribution: [REST] Type Definition Commissioned
Policy_Distribution -> SDC: [DMaaP] Deployment Completed

1.3 Setting Common Properties for an Automation Composition Type Definition

This dialogue sets the values of common properties. The values of the common properties may be set, updated, or deleted at will, as this dialogue saves the properties to the database but does not send the definitions or properties to the participants. However, once an Automation Composition Type Definition and its properties are primed (See Section 1.4), the properties cannot be changed until the Automation Composition type definition is de-primed (See Section 1.5).

PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime
participant Participant
database Commissioned_ACM_Inventory

CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Read Automation Composition Type Definitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> Commissioned_ACM_Inventory: Read Automation Composition Type Definitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Type Definitions returned
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Select Automation Composition Type Definition for Parameterization
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Fetch GUI fields for Common Parameter Definitions

alt Automation Composition Type Definition not Commissioned on Participants
  CLAMP_Runtime -> Commissioned_ACM_Inventory: Read Automation Composition Type Definition
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_Runtime: Generate fields for Common Parameters for GUI
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Return GUI fields Common Parameter Definitions
  CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Render UI for Common Parameters
  CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Get values for Common Parameters from user
  CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Set values for Common Parameters
  CLAMP_Runtime -> Commissioned_ACM_Inventory: Store values for Common Parameters
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Common Parameter values stored
else Automation Composition Type Definition already Commissioned on Participants
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Cannot set Common Parameters on\nAutomation Composition Type Definition that has\nbeen commissioned on participants


1.4 Priming an Automation Composition Type Definition on Participants

The Priming operation sends Automation Composition Type definitions and common property values to participants. Once an Automation Composition Type definition is primed, its property values can on longer be changed until it is de-primed.

PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime
participant Participant
database Commissioned_ACM_Inventory

CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Read Automation Composition Type Definitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> Commissioned_ACM_Inventory: Read Automation Composition Type Definitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Type Definitions returned
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Select Automation Composition Type Definition for Priming on Participants
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Prime Automation Composition Type Definition on Participants

alt Automation Composition Type Definition not Primed on Participants
  CLAMP_Runtime -> Commissioned_ACM_Inventory: Read Automation Composition Type Definition
  CLAMP_Runtime -> Commissioned_ACM_Inventory: Read Common Parameter Values for Automation Composition Type Definition
  alt Common Parameter values set for Automation Composition Type Definition
    CLAMP_Runtime -> Participants: [DMaaP] Update Participants with Automation Composition Type Definition and values for Common Parameters
    CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Automation Composition Type Definition priming ordered on participants
  else Automation Composition Type Definition already primed on Participants
    CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Common Parameters not set\non Automation Composition Type Definition
else Automation Composition Type Definition already primed on Participants
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Cannot set Common Parameters on\nAutomation Composition Type Definition that has\nbeen primed on participants

== Participant Responses ==
Participants -> CLAMP_Runtime: [DMaaP] Result of Update with Automation Composition Type Definition and values for Common Parameters
CLAMP_Runtime -> Commissioned_ACM_Inventory: Store result of Automation Composition Type Definition Update on Participant

== Supervision ==
loop forever
  CLAMP_Runtime -> Commissioned_ACM_Inventory: Read Automation Composition Type Definitions
  loop over each Automation Composition Type Definition
    alt Automation Composition Type Definition Participant priming underway
	  CLAMP_Runtime -> Commissioned_ACM_Inventory: read result of Automation Composition Type Definition Updates from participants
      alt Updates completed on all participants
	    CLAMP_Runtime -> Commissioned_ACM_Inventory: set Automation Composition Type Definition as primed on Participants
      else Updates not completed
        alt Priming of Automation Composition Type Definition on participants timed out
	      CLAMP_Runtime -> Commissioned_ACM_Inventory: set Automation Composition Type Definition priming as timed out on Participants
	      CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_Runtime: Log error
        else Wait for updates to complete
    else Automation Composition Type Definition Participant priming not underway

1.5 De-Prime an Automation Composition Type Definition on Participants

This dialogue allows an Automation Composition Type Definition to be de-primed so that it can be deleted or its common parameter values can be altered.

PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime
participant Participant
database Commissioned_ACM_Inventory

CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Read Automation Composition Type Definitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> Commissioned_ACM_Inventory: Read Automation Composition Type Definitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Type Definitions returned
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Select Automation Composition Type Definition for de-priming on Participants
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] De-prime Automation Composition Type Definition on Participants

alt Automation Composition Type Definition primed on Participants
  alt Automation Composition Instances do not exist for Automation Composition Type Definition
    CLAMP_Runtime -> Participants: [DMaaP] Update Participants, removing Automation Composition Type Definition and values for Common Parameters
    CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Automation Composition Type Definition de-priming ordered on participants
  else Automation Composition Instances exist for Automation Composition Type Definition
    CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Automation Composition Type Definition cannot be\n de-primed on participants\nit is in use on Automation Compositions
else Automation Composition Type Definition not primed on Participants
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Automation Composition Type Definition has not\nbeen primed on participants

== Participant Responses ==
Participants -> CLAMP_Runtime: [DMaaP] Result of Update to remove Automation Composition Type Definition and values for Common Parameters
CLAMP_Runtime -> Commissioned_ACM_Inventory: Store result of Automation Composition Type Definition Update on Participant

== Supervision ==
loop forever
  CLAMP_Runtime -> Commissioned_ACM_Inventory: Read Automation Composition Type Definitions
  loop over each Automation Composition Type Definition
    alt Automation Composition Type Definition Participant de-prime underway
	  CLAMP_Runtime -> Commissioned_ACM_Inventory: read result of Automation Composition Type Definition Updates from participants
      alt Updates completed on all participants
	    CLAMP_Runtime -> Commissioned_ACM_Inventory: set Automation Composition Type Definition as de-primeed on Participants
      else Updates not completed
        alt De-priming of Automation Composition Type Definition on participants timed out
	      CLAMP_Runtime -> Commissioned_ACM_Inventory: set Automation Composition Type Definition de-priming as timed out on Participants
	      CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_Runtime: Log error
        else Wait for updates to complete
    else Automation Composition Type Definition Participant de-prime not underway

1.6 Decommissioning an Automation Composition Type Definition in CLAMP

PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime
database Commissioned_ACM_Inventory

CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Read Automation Composition Type Definitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> Commissioned_ACM_Inventory: Read Automation Composition Type Definitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Type Definitions returned
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Select Automation Composition Type Definition for Decommissioning
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Decommission Automation Composition Type Definition

alt Automation Composition Type Definition not primed on Participants
  CLAMP_Runtime -> Commissioned_ACM_Inventory: Delete Automation Composition Type Definition
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Type Definition Decommissioned
else Automation Composition Type Definition is Commissioned on Participants
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Automation Composition Type Definition cannot be decommissioned\nit is primed on participants


1.7 Reading Commissioned Automation Composition Type Definitions

PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime
database Commissioned_ACM_Inventory

CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Read Automation Composition Type Definitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> Commissioned_ACM_Inventory: Read Automation Composition Type Definitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Type Definitions returned


2. Instantiation Dialogues

Instantiation dialogues are used to create, set parameters on, instantiate, update, and remove Automation Composition instances.

Assume a suitable Automation Composition Definition exists in the Commissioned Automation Composition Inventory. To get an Automation Composition instance running one would, for example, execute dialogues 2.1, 2.3, and 2.4.

2.1 Creating an Automation Composition Instance

PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime
database Commissioned_ACM_Inventory
database Instantiated_ACM_Inventory

CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Read Automation Composition Type Definitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> Commissioned_ACM_Inventory: Read Automation Composition Type Definitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Type Definitions returned
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Select Automation Composition Type Definition to use to create Automation Composition Instance
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Fetch GUI fields for Instance Specific Parameter Definitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> Commissioned_ACM_Inventory: Read Automation Composition Type Definition
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_Runtime: Generate fields for Instance Specific Parameters for GUI
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Return GUI fields Instance Specific Parameter Definitions
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Render UI for Instance Specific Parameters
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Get values for Instance Specific Parameters from user
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Request Creation of Automation Composition Instance
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_Runtime: Create Automation Composition Instance
CLAMP_Runtime -> Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: Store First Version of Automation Composition Instance
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Automation Composition Instance Updated


Note that this dialogue creates the Automation Composition Instance in the Instantiated Automation Composition Inventory. The instance is sent to the participants using the process described in the dialogue in Section 2.3.

2.2 Updating Instance Specific Parameters on an Automation Composition Instance

PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime
database Instantiated_ACM_Inventory

CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Read Automation Composition Instances
CLAMP_Runtime -> Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: Read Automation Composition Instances
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Automation Composition Instances returned
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Select Automation Composition Instance on which to Update Parameters
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Step version of Automation Composition Instance as Major/Minor/Patch
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Fetch GUI fields for Instance Specific Parameter Definitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: Read Automation Composition Type Definition
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_Runtime: Generate fields for Instance Specific Parameters for GUI
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Return GUI fields Instance Specific Parameter Definitions
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Render UI for Instance Specific Parameters
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Get values for Instance Specific Parameters from user
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Request Update of Automation Composition Instance
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_Runtime: Update Automation Composition Instance
CLAMP_Runtime -> Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: Store New Version of Automation Composition Instance
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Automation Composition Instance Updated


2.3 Updating an Automation Composition Instance with a Configuration on Participants

PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime
participant Participant
database Instantiated_ACM_Inventory

CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Read all configuration versions of Automation Composition Instance
CLAMP_Runtime -> Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: Read all configuration versions of Automation Composition Instance
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] All configuration versions of Automation Composition Instance returned
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Select configuration version of Automation Composition Instance for Instantiation Participants
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Instantiate selected configuration version of Automation Composition Instance on Participants

alt Selected configuration version of Automation Composition Instance not instantiated on Participants
  CLAMP_Runtime -> Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: Read configuration version of Automation Composition Instance
  CLAMP_Runtime -> Participants: [DMaaP] Update Participants with configuration version of Automation Composition Instance
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Instantiation of configuration version of Automation Composition Instance ordered on participants
else Selected configuration version of Automation Composition Instance instantiated on Participants
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] configuration version of Automation Composition Instance already instantiated on participants 

== Participant Responses ==
Participants -> CLAMP_Runtime: [DMaaP] Result of update of configuration version of Automation Composition Instance on participant
CLAMP_Runtime -> Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: Store result of update of configuration version of Automation Composition Instance on participant

== Supervision ==
loop forever
  CLAMP_Runtime -> Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: Read Automation Composition Instances
  loop over each Automation Composition Instance
    alt Automation Composition Instance configuration version update underway on participants
	  CLAMP_Runtime -> Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: read result of Automation Composition updates from participants
      alt Updates completed on all participants
	    CLAMP_Runtime -> Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: set configuration version of Automation Composition Instance as Instantiated on Participants
	    CLAMP_Runtime -> Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: set overall configuration version of Automation Composition Instance state as Instantiated
      else Updates not completed
        alt Instantiation of Automation Composition Instance on participants timed out
	      CLAMP_Runtime -> Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: set configuration version Automation Composition Instance Instantiation as timed out on Participants
	      CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_Runtime: Log error
        else Wait for updates to complete
    else Automation Composition Instance configuration version update on participants not underway

2.4 Changing the state of an Automation Composition Instance on Participants

PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime
participant Participant
database Instantiated_ACM_Inventory
PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime
database Database

CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Read Commissionall ControlInstantiated LoopAutomation TypeComposition DefinitionInstances
CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Store Control Loop Type DefinitionInstantiated_ACM_Inventory: Read all Instantiated Automation Composition Instances
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Type Definition Commissioned

1.2 Commissioning a Control Loop Type Definition using SDC

PlantUML Macro
participant SDC
participant Policy_Distribution
participant CLAMP_Runtime
database Database

SDCREST] All Instantiated Automation Composition Instances returned
CLAMP_GUI -> PolicyCLAMP_Distribution: [DMaaP] CSAR containing Control Loop Type Definition
Policy_DistributionGUI: Select Automation Composition Instance on which to change state and specify new state
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Commission Control Loop Type Definition
CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Store Control Loop Type Definition
 Change state of selected Automation Composition Instance on Participants

alt Selected Automation Composition Instance instantiated on Participants
  CLAMP_Runtime -> Policy_DistributionParticipants: [RESTDMaaP] TypeRequest Definition Commissioned
Policy_Distribution -> SDC: [DMaaP] Deployment Completed

1.3 Setting Common Parameters for a Control Loop Type Definition

PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participantchange of state of Automation Composition Instance
participant Participant
database Database

CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_RuntimeGUI: [REST] Read Control Loop Type Definitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Read Control Loop Type Definitions
Change of state of Automation Composition Instance ordered on participants
else Selected Automation Composition Instance not instantiated on Participants
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] TypeAutomation Definitions returned
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Select Control Loop Type Definition for Parameterization
CLAMP_GUIComposition Instance not instantiated on participants 

== Participant Responses ==
Participants -> CLAMP_Runtime: [RESTDMaaP] FetchResult GUI fields for Common Parameter Definitions

alt Control Loop Type Definition not Commissioned on Participants
  of State Change of Automation Composition Instance on participant
CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Read Control Loop Type DefinitionInstantiated_ACM_Inventory: Store result of State Change of Automation Composition Instance on participant

== Supervision ==
loop forever
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMPInstantiated_ACM_Runtime: Generate fields for Common Parameters for GUI
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Return GUI fields Common Parameter Definitions
  CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Render UI for Common Parameters
  CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Get values for Common Parameters from user
  CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Set values for Common Parameters
Inventory: Read Automation Composition Instances
  loop over each Automation Composition Instance
    alt Automation Composition Instance State Change underway on participants
	  CLAMP_Runtime -> Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: read result of Automation Composition State Change from participants
      alt Updates completed on all participants
	    CLAMP_Runtime -> Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: set Automation Composition Instance state as changed on Participants
	    CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Store values for Common Parameters
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Common Parameter values stored
else Control Loop Type Definition already Commissioned on Participants
  Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: set overall Automation Composition Instance state as changed
      else Updates not completed
        alt Automation Composition Instance State Change on participants timed out
	      CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMPInstantiated_ACM_GUI: [REST] Cannot set Common Parameters on\nControl Loop Type Definition that has\nbeen commissioned on participants


1.4 Commissioning a Control Loop Type Definition on Participants

PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime
participant Participant
database Database

CLAMP_GUIInventory: set Automation Composition State Change as timed out on Participants
	      CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_Runtime: Log error
        else Wait for updates to complete
    else Automation Composition Instance State Change on participants not underway

2.5 De-instantiating an Automation Composition Instance from Participants

PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime
participant Participant
database Instantiated_ACM_Inventory

CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Read all Instantiated Automation Composition Instances
[REST] Read Control Loop Type Definitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Read Control Loop Type Definitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Type Definitions returned
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Select Control Loop Type Definition for Commissioning on Participants
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Commission Control Loop Type Definition on Participants

alt Control Loop Type Definition not Commissioned on Participants
  CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Read Control Loop Type Definition
  CLAMP_Runtime -> DatabaseInstantiated_ACM_Inventory: Read Common Parameter Values for Control Loop Type Definition
  alt Common Parameter values set for Control Loop Type Definition
     all Instantiated Automation Composition Instances
CLAMP_Runtime -> ParticipantsCLAMP_GUI: [DMaaPREST] UpdateAll ParticipantsInstantiated withAutomation ControlComposition Loop Type Definition and values for Common Parameters
    CLAMP_RuntimeInstances returned
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Select Automation Composition Instance to de-instantiate
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUIRuntime: [REST] Control Loop Type Definition commissioning ordered on participants
  else Control Loop Type Definition already Commissioned on Participants
     De-instantiate selected Automation Composition Instance on Participants

alt Selected Automation Composition Instance instantiated on Participants
  CLAMP_Runtime -> Participants: [DMaaP] Update Participants to remove Automation Composition Instance
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] CommonDe-instantiation Parametersof notAutomation set\nonComposition ControlInstance Loopordered Type Definition
  endon participants
else ControlSelected LoopAutomation TypeComposition DefinitionInstance alreadynot Commissionedinstantiated on Participants
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] CannotAutomation setComposition CommonInstance Parametersnot on\nControl Loop Type Definition that has\nbeen commissioned instantiated on participants 

== Participant Responses ==
Participants -> CLAMP_Runtime: [DMaaP] Result of Update with Control Loop Type Definition and values for Common Parameters] Result of update of Automation Composition Instance on participant
CLAMP_Runtime -> DatabaseInstantiated_ACM_Inventory: Store result of Controlupdate Loopof TypeAutomation DefinitionComposition UpdateInstance on Participantparticipant

== Supervision ==
loop forever
  CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Read Control Loop Type Definitions
  loop over each Control Loop Type Definition
    alt Control Loop Type Definition Participant Commission underway
	  CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: read result of Control Loop Type Definition Updates from participants
      alt Updates completed on all participants
	    Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: Read Automation Composition Instances
  loop over each Automation Composition Instance
    alt Automation Composition Instance de-instantiation update underway on participants
	  CLAMP_Runtime -> DatabaseInstantiated_ACM_Inventory: setread Controlresult Loopof TypeAutomation DefinitionComposition asupdates Commissionedfrom on Participantsparticipants
      else Updates not completed
        alt Commissioning of Control Loop Type Definition on participants timed out
	   Updates completed on all participants
	    CLAMP_Runtime -> DatabaseInstantiated_ACM_Inventory: set ControlAutomation Loop Type Definition commissioningComposition Instance as timed outde-instantiated on Participants
	      CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMPInstantiated_ACM_RuntimeInventory: Logset error
overall Automation Composition Instance     else Wait for updates to complete
  as de-instantiated
    else Control Loop Type Definition Participant Commission Updates not underwaycompleted

1.5 Decommissioning a Control Loop Type Definition on Participants

This dialogue allows a Control Loop Type Definition to be decomissioned so that it can be deleted or its common parameter values can be altered.

PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime
participant Participant
database Database

CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Read Control Loop Type Definitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Read Control Loop Type Definitions
    alt Automation Composition Instance de-instantiation Update timed out on participants
	      CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMPInstantiated_ACM_GUIInventory: [REST]set TypeAutomation Definitions returned
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Select Control Loop Type Definition for Decommissioning on Participants
CLAMP_GUIComposition Instance de-instantiation as timed out on Participants
	      CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Decommission Control Loop Type Definition on Participants

alt Control Loop Type Definition Commissioned on Participants
  alt Control Loop Instances do not exist for Control Loop Type Definition
    CLAMP_Runtime -> Participants: [DMaaP] Update Participants, removing Control Loop Type Definition and values for Common Parameters
    CLAMP_Runtime Log error
        else Wait for updates to complete
    else Automation Composition Instance de-instantiation update on participants not underway

2.6 Deleting an Automation Composition Instance

PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime

database Instantiated_ACM_Inventory

CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUIRuntime: [REST] ControlRead Loopall TypeAutomation Definition decommissioning ordered on participants
  else Control Loop Instances exist for Control Loop Type Definition
    CLAMP_RuntimeComposition Instances
CLAMP_Runtime -> Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: Read all Automation Composition Instances
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] All Automation Composition Instances returned
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Select [REST]Automation ControlComposition LoopInstance Type Definition cannot be\n decommissioned on participants\nit is in use on control loops
else Control Loop Type Definition not Commissioned on Participantsto delete
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Delete selected Automation Composition Instance

alt Selected Automation Composition Instance exists
  CLAMP_Runtime -> Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: Delete Automation Composition instance
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Automation Composition ControlInstance Loopdeleted
else TypeSelected DefinitionAutomation hasComposition not\nbeenInstance commissioneddoes on participants

== Participant Responses ==
Participantsnot exist
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_RuntimeGUI: [DMaaPREST] ResultAutomation ofComposition UpdateInstance todoes removenot Control Loop Type Definition and values for Common Parameters
CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Store result of Control Loop Type Definition Update on exist 


2.7 Reading Automation Composition Instances

PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime
database Instantiated_ACM_Inventory

CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Read all Automation Composition Instances

== Supervision ==
loop forever
  CLAMP_Runtime -> DatabaseInstantiated_ACM_Inventory: Read Controlall LoopAutomation TypeComposition Definitions
  loop over each Control Loop Type Definition
    alt Control Loop Type Definition Participant decommission underway
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] All Automation Composition Instances returned


3. Monitoring Dialogues

Monitoring dialogues are used to monitor and read statistics on Automation Composition Instances.

3.1 Reporting of Monitoring Information and Statistics by Participants

PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_Runtime
participant Participant
database Instantiated_ACM_Inventory

Participant -> CLAMP_Runtime: [DMaaP] Participant and Automation Composition Element Monitoring and Statistics report
CLAMP_Runtime -> DatabaseInstantiated_ACM_Inventory: readStore resultParticipant ofand ControlAutomation LoopComposition TypeElement DefinitionMonitoring Updatesand fromStatistics participants

alt Updates completed on all participants
	  Fault reported on Participant
  CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: set Control Loop Type Definition as decommissioned on Participants
      else Updates not completed
        alt Commissioning of Control Loop Type Definition on participants timed out
	     CLAMP_Runtime: log fault on Participant
  CLAMP_Runtime -> Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: Record fault on Participant

loop Over all Automation Composition Elements in Participant Report
  alt Fault reported on Automation Composition Element
    CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_Runtime: log fault on Automation Composition Element and Automation Composition     CLAMP_Runtime -> DatabaseInstantiated_ACM_Inventory: setRecord Controlfault Loopon TypeAutomation DefinitionComposition decommissioningElement asand timedAutomation outComposition on  end

3.2 Viewing of Monitoring Information

PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant Participants
	      CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_Runtime: Log error
        else Wait for updates to complete
    else Control Loop Type Definition Participant decommission not underway

1.6 Decommissioning a Control Loop Type Definition in CLAMP

PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime
database Database

database Instantiated_ACM_Inventory

== Overview of all Automation Composition Instances ==
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Read all Automation Composition Instances
CLAMP_Runtime -> Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: Read all Automation Composition Instances
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] All Automation Composition Instances returned
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Display overview of status of all Automation Composition Instances

== Details of a Automation Composition Instance ==
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Read Control Loop Type Definitions Automation Composition Elements for Automation Composition Instance
CLAMP_Runtime -> DatabaseInstantiated_ACM_Inventory: Read Control Loop Type Definitions Automation Composition Elements for Automation Composition Instance
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Automation TypeComposition DefinitionsElements returned
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Select Control Loop Type Definition for Decommissioning Display status of Automation Composition Elements in Automation Composition Instance

== Overview of all Participants ==
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] DecommissionRead Control Loop Type Definition

alt Control Loop Type Definition not Commissioned on Participants
  all participants
CLAMP_Runtime -> Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: Read all participants
CLAMP_Runtime -> DatabaseCLAMP_GUI: Delete[REST] ControlAll Loopparticipants Type Definitionreturned
  CLAMP_RuntimeGUI -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST]Display Typeoverview Definitionof Decommissioned
elsestatus Controlof Loop Type Definition not Commissioned on Participants
  CLAMP_Runtimeall participants

== Details of a Participant ==
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUIRuntime: [REST] ControlRead LoopAutomation TypeComposition DefinitionElements cannot be decommissioned\nit is commissioned on participants


1.7 Reading Commissioned Control Loop Type Definitions

PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime
database Database

CLAMP_GUIfor Participant
CLAMP_Runtime -> Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: Read Automation Composition Elements for Participant
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_RuntimeGUI: [REST] Read ControlAutomation LoopComposition TypeElements Definitionsreturned
CLAMP_RuntimeGUI -> Database: Read Control Loop Type Definitions
CLAMP_RuntimeCLAMP_GUI: Display status of Automation Composition Elements in Participant

== Filtered Monitoring ==
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Type Definitions returned


2. Instantiation Dialogues

Instantiation dialogues are used to create, set parameters on, instantiate, update, and remove Control Loop instances.

2.1 Creating a Control Loop Instance

PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime
database Database
 Set filter for Automation Composition Instances, Automation Composition Elements, and Participants
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Read Automation Composition ControlElements Loopthat Typematch Definitionsfilter
CLAMP_Runtime -> DatabaseInstantiated_ACM_Inventory: Read Automation ControlComposition Elements Loopthat Typematch Definitionsfilter
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Automation Composition Elements that match filter returned
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Display status of Automation Composition Elements that match filter


3.2 Viewing of Statistics

PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime
database Instantiated_ACM_Inventory

== Statistics of all Automation Composition Instances == Type Definitions returned
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Select Control Loop Type Definition to use to create Control Loop Instance
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] FetchRead GUIsummary fieldsstatistics for Instance Specific Parameter Definitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Read Control Loop Type Definitionall Automation Composition Instances
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMPInstantiated_ACM_RuntimeInventory: Compile Generatesummary fieldsstatistics for Instanceall SpecificAutomation ParametersComposition for GUIInstances
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Summary Returnstatistics GUIfor fieldsall InstanceAutomation SpecificComposition ParameterInstances Definitionsreturned
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Display Rendersummary UIstatistics for Instanceall Automation SpecificComposition Parameters
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Get values for Instance Specific Parameters from userInstances

== Statistics of a Automation Composition Instance ==
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Request Creation of Control Loop [REST] Read statistics for Automation Composition Elements for Automation Composition Instance
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMPInstantiated_ACM_Runtime: Create Control LoopInventory: Compile statistics for Automation Composition Elements for Automation Composition Instance
CLAMP_Runtime -> DatabaseCLAMP_GUI: Store[REST] FirstStatistics Versionfor ofAutomation ControlComposition LoopElements Instancereturned
CLAMP_RuntimeGUI -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Control Loop Instance Updated


2.2 Updating Instance Specific Parameters on a Control Loop Instance

PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime
database Database

 Display statistics for Automation Composition Elements in Automation Composition Instance

== Statistics of all Participants ==
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Read Controlsummary Loop Instances
CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Read Control Loop statistics for all Automation Composition Instances
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMPInstantiated_ACM_GUI: [REST] Control Loop Instances returnedInventory: Compile summary statistics for all Automation Composition Instances
CLAMP_GUIRuntime -> CLAMP_GUI: Select[REST] ControlSummary Loopstatistics Instancefor onall whichAutomation toComposition UpdateInstances Parametersreturned
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Step version of Control Loop Instance as Major/Minor/Patch Display summary statistics for all Automation Composition Instances

== Statistics of a Participant ==
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] FetchRead GUIstatistics fieldsfor forAutomation InstanceComposition SpecificElements Parameterfor DefinitionsParticipant
CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Read Control Loop Type Definition
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_Runtime: Generate fields for Instance Specific Parameters for GUIInstantiated_ACM_Inventory: Read statistics for Automation Composition Elements for Participant
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] ReturnStatistics GUI fieldsfor InstanceAutomation SpecificComposition ParameterElements Definitionsreturned
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: RenderDisplay UIstatistics for Instance Specific Parameters Automation Composition Elements in Participant

== Filtered Statistics ==
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: GetSet valuesfilter for Instance Specific Parameters from user Automation Composition Instances, Automation Composition Elements, and Participants
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Request Update of Control Loop Instance Read statistics for Automation Composition Elements that match filter
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMPInstantiated_ACM_RuntimeInventory: Update Control Loop Instance Read statistics for Automation Composition Elements that match filter
CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Store New Version of Control Loop Instance
CLAMP_RuntimeCLAMP_GUI: [REST] Statistics for Automation Composition Elements that match filter returned
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Control Loop Instance Updated Display statistics for Automation Composition Elements that match filter





Statistics Housekeeping

PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime
participant Participant
database DatabaseInstantiated_ACM_Inventory

CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Read all versions of Control Loop Instance
== Automation Composition Instance Statistics ==

loop forever
  CLAMP_Runtime -> DatabaseInstantiated_ACM_Inventory: Read allAutomation versionsComposition ofInstance ControlStatistics
 Loop Instance
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUIRuntime: [REST]Summarise AllAutomation versionsComposition of Control Loop Instance returned
CLAMP_GUIInstance Statistics
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMPInstantiated_ACM_GUIInventory: SelectStore versionsummarised ofAutomation ControlComposition Loop Instance forStatistics
 Instantiation Participants
CLAMP_GUIRuntime -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Instantiate selected version of Control Loop Instance on Participants

alt Selected version of Control Loop Instance not instantiated on Participants Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: Delete Automation Composition Instance Statistics on which retention period has expired

== Participant Statistics ==

loop forever
  CLAMP_Runtime -> DatabaseInstantiated_ACM_Inventory: Read version of Control Loop InstanceParticipant Statistics
  CLAMP_Runtime -> ParticipantsCLAMP_Runtime: [DMaaP] Update Participants with version of Control Loop InstanceSummarise Participant Statistics
  CLAMP_Runtime -> Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: Store summarised Participant Statistics
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMPInstantiated_ACM_GUIInventory: [REST]Delete InstantiationParticipant ofStatistics Versionon ofwhich Controlretention Loopperiod has expired


4. Supervision Dialogues

Supervision dialogues are used to check the state of Automation Composition Instances and Participants.

4.1 Supervise Participants

PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_Runtime
database Instantiated_ACM_Inventory

loop foreverInstance ordered on participants
else Selected version of Control Loop Instance instantiated on Participants
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMPInstantiated_ACM_GUIInventory: [REST] Version of Control Loop Instance already instantiated on participants 

== Participant Responses ==
Participants -> CLAMP_Runtime: [DMaaP] Result of update of version of Control Loop Instance on participant
Read Participants
  loop Over each Participant
    alt Participant has not reported in last reporting window
       CLAMP_Runtime -> DatabaseCLAMP_Runtime: StoreLog resultParticipant ofas update of version of Control Loop Instance on participant

== Supervision ==
loop forever
having missed a report
       CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Read Control Loop Instances
  loop over each Control Loop Instance
    alt Control Loop Instance Instantiation update underway on participants
	Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: Increment missed report counter on Participant
       alt Participant has exceeded alarm threshold on missed report counter
          CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: read result of Control Loop updates from participants
CLAMP_Runtime: Raise a Participant Offline alarm on participant
          CLAMP_Runtime  alt Updates completed on all participants
	-> Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: Mark participant as being offline
      CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: set version of Control Loop Instance as Instantiated on Participants
    else Participant has reported in last reporting window
       CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: set overall version of Control Loop Instance state as Instantiated
      else Updates not completed
Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: Clear missed report counter on Participant
       alt Participant marked as being offline
          CLAMP_Runtime alt Instantiation of Control Loop Instance on participants timed out
	-> CLAMP_Runtime: Clear Participant Offline alarm on participant
          CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: set version Control Loop Instance Instantiation as timed out on Participants
	      Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: Mark participant as being online


4.2 Supervise Automation Compositions

PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_Runtime
database Instantiated_ACM_Inventory

loop forever
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMPInstantiated_ACM_RuntimeInventory: LogRead error
Automation Composition Instances
  loop Over each Automation elseComposition WaitInstance
 for updates to complete
loop Over each Automation Composition    endElement
Automation Composition Element has elsenot Controlreported Loopin Instancelast Instantiation update on participants not underwayreporting window

2.5 Changing the state of a Control Loop Instance on Participants

PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime
participant Participant
database Database

CLAMP_GUIRuntime -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Read all Instantiated Control Loop Instances
 Log Automation Composition Element as having missed a report
         CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Read all Instantiated Control Loop Instances
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] All Instantiated Control Loop Instances returned
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Select Control Loop Instance on which to change state and specify new state
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Change state of selected Control Loop Instance on Participants

alt Selected Control Loop Instance instantiated on Participants
Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: Increment missed report counter on Automation Composition Element
      else Automation Composition Element has reported in last reporting window
         CLAMP_Runtime -> Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: Clear missed report counter on Automation Composition Element
      alt Automation Composition Element in incorrect state in last reporting window
        CLAMP_Runtime -> Participants: [DMaaP] Request change of state of Control Loop Instance
CLAMP_Runtime: Log Automation Composition Element as being in incorrect state
        CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMPInstantiated_ACM_GUI: [REST] Change of state of Control Loop Instance ordered on participants
else Selected Control Loop Instance not instantiated on Participants
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Control Loop Instance not instantiated on participants 

== Participant Responses ==
Participants -> CLAMP_Runtime: [DMaaP] Result of State Change of Control Loop Instance on participant
Inventory: Record Automation Composition Element as being in incorrect state
      else Automation Composition Element not in incorrect state in last reporting window
        alt Automation Composition Element was in incorrect state on previous report
          CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Store result of State Change of Control Loop Instance on participant

== Supervision ==
loop forever
CLAMP_Runtime: Log Automation Composition Element as being in correct state
          CLAMP_Runtime -> DatabaseInstantiated_ACM_Inventory: ReadRecord ControlAutomation LoopComposition Instances
Element as loopbeing overin eachcorrect Controlstate
 Loop Instance
    alt Control Loopend
 Instance State Change underway on participantsend
	  CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: read resultalt ofAutomation ControlComposition LoopElement Statereported Changefault fromin participants
last reporting window
    alt Updates completed on all participants
	    CLAMP_Runtime -> DatabaseCLAMP_Runtime: Log setAutomation Composition ControlElement Loopas Instancebeing statefaulty
 as changed on Participants
	    CLAMP_Runtime -> DatabaseInstantiated_ACM_Inventory: setRecord overallAutomation ControlComposition LoopElement Instanceas statebeing as changedfaulty
      else Updates Automation Composition Element did not completed report fault in last reporting window
        alt ControlAutomation LoopComposition InstanceElement Statereported Changefault on previous report
 participants  timed out
	      CLAMP_Runtime -> DatabaseCLAMP_Runtime: setLog ControlAutomation LoopComposition StateElement Changefault as timedcleared
  out on Participants
	      CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMPInstantiated_ACM_RuntimeInventory: Mark Logfault error
Automation Composition Element as being cleared
   else Wait for updates to completeend
    elsealt ControlAutomation LoopComposition InstanceElement Statein ChangeAutomation onComposition participantsInstance nothas underway
exceeded alarm threshold on end
missed report end

2.6 De-instantiating a Control Loop Instance from Participants

PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime
participant Participant
database Database

      CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Read all Instantiated Control Loop Instances
 Raise a Automation Composition Offline alarm on Automation Composition Instance
      CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Read all Instantiated Control Loop Instances
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] All Instantiated Control Loop Instances returned
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Select Control Loop Instance to de-instantiate
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] De-instantiate selected Control Loop Instance on Participants

alt Selected Control Loop Instance instantiated on Participants
Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: Mark Automation Composition Instance as being offline
    else No Automation Composition Element in Automation Composition Instance has exceeded alarm threshold on missed report counter
       alt Automation Composition Instance marked as being offline
          CLAMP_Runtime -> Participants: [DMaaP] Update Participants to remove Control Loop Instance
 CLAMP_Runtime: Clear Automation Composition Instance Offline alarm on Automation Composition           CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMPInstantiated_ACM_GUIInventory: Mark [REST] De-instantiation of Control Loop Instance ordered on participants
else Selected Control Loop Instance not instantiated on Participants
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Control Loop Instance not instantiated on participants 

== Participant Responses ==
ParticipantsAutomation Composition Instance as being online
    alt Automation Composition Element in Automation Composition Instance in incorrect state in last reporting window
      CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_Runtime: [DMaaP] Result of update of Control Loop Instance on participant
 Log Automation Composition Instance as being in incorrect state
      CLAMP_Runtime -> DatabaseInstantiated_ACM_Inventory: StoreRecord result of update of Control Loop Instance on participant

== Supervision ==
loop forever
  CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Read Control Loop Instances
  loop over each Control Loop Instance
    alt Control Loop Instance de-instantiation update underway on participants
	Automation Composition Instance as being in incorrect state
      alt Automation Composition Element in Automation Composition Instance has exceeded alarm threshold on incorrect state reports
        CLAMP_Runtime -> DatabaseCLAMP_Runtime: readRaise resulta ofAutomation ControlComposition LoopInstance updatesin fromIncorrect participants
State alarm on Automation Composition Instance
 alt Updates completed on all participants
	    CLAMP_Runtime -> DatabaseInstantiated_ACM_Inventory: setMark ControlAutomation LoopComposition Instance as de-instantiated on Participants
	 being in an incorrect state
     CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: set overall Control Loop Instance as de-instantiated
      else Updates not completed
    else No Automation Composition Element in incorrect state in last reporting window
      alt Automation Composition Element altin ControlAutomation LoopComposition Instance de-instantiationwas Updatein timedincorrect outstate on previous participantsreport
	        CLAMP_Runtime -> DatabaseCLAMP_Runtime: setLog ControlAutomation LoopComposition Instance de-instantiation as timedbeing outin oncorrect Participants
	      CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_Runtime: Log errorstate
        CLAMP_Runtime -> Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: Record Automation Composition Instance as being in correct state
        elsealt WaitAutomation forComposition updatesInstance toin complete
Incorrect State alarm raised on Automation Composition  endInstance
   CLAMP_Runtime else Control Loop Instance de-instantiation update on participants not underway

2.7 Deleting a Control Loop Instance

PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime

database Database

CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Read all Control Loop Instances
CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Read all Control Loop Instances
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] All Control Loop Instances returned
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Select Control Loop Instance to delete
CLAMP_GUI-> CLAMP_Runtime: Clear Automation Composition Instance in Incorrect State alarm on Automation Composition Instance
    alt Automation Composition Element in Automation Composition Instance reported a fault in last reporting window
      CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_Runtime: Log [REST]Automation DeleteComposition selectedInstance Controlas Loopbeing Instance
alt Selected Control Loop Instance exists
  CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Delete control loop instance
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Control Loop Instance deleted
else Selected Control Loop Instance does not exist
Instantiated_ACM_Inventory: Record Automation Composition Instance as being faulty
      alt Automation Composition Element in Automation Composition Instance has exceeded alarm threshold on faulty reports
        CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUIRuntime: Raise [REST]a ControlAutomation LoopComposition Instance Faulty alarm doeson notAutomation existComposition 


2.7 Reading Control Loop Instances

PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime

database Database

CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Read all Control Loop Instances
CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Read all Control Loop Instances
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] All Control Loop Instances returned


3. Monitoring Dialogues

Monitoring dialogues are used to monitor and to read statistics on Control Loop Instances.

3.1 Reporting of Monitoring Information and Statistics by Participants

PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_Runtime
participant Participant
database Database

Participant -> CLAMP_Runtime: [DMaaP] Participant and Control Loop Element Monitoring and Statistics report
    else No Automation Composition Element faulty in last reporting window
      alt Automation Composition Element in Automation Composition Instance was faulty on previous report
        CLAMP_Runtime -> DatabaseCLAMP_Runtime: StoreLog ParticipantAutomation andComposition ControlInstance Loopas Elementbeing Monitoringfault andfree
 Statistics report

alt Fault reported on Participant
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMPInstantiated_ACM_Runtime: logInventory: Record Automation Composition Instance as being fault on Participantfree
  CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Record fault on Participant

loop Over all Control Loop Elements in Participant Report
  alt Fault reported on Control Loop Element
 alt Automation Composition Instance Faulty alarm raised on Automation Composition Instance
          CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_Runtime: log fault Clear Automation Composition Instance Faulty alarm on ControlAutomation LoopComposition ElementInstance
 and Control Loop
    CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Record fault on Control Loop Element and Control Loop end

3.2 Viewing of Monitoring Information

3.2 Viewing of Statistics

