Versions Compared


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The PM Subscription Handler (PMSH) is a micro service written in Python, which allows for the definition and unlocking creation of PM subscriptions on one or more network function (NF) instances.

Architecture Diagram

Image Added



  1. The following components must be up and running to successfully deploy PMSH

    1. DCAE Platform
    2. SDC
    3. CLAMP 
    4. POLICY
    5. A&AI (Should have at least 1 PNF registered)

Deployment Steps

Due to a bug (DCAEGEN2-2136). In the Frankfurt release, there is a workaround required in order to deploy the PM Subscription Handler. The monitoring policy for the microservice needs to be manually inserted into CONSUL. This requires two steps:


Code Block
titleExpose CONSUL service
kubectl expose svc -n onap consul-server-ui --name=x-consul-server-ui --type=NodePort

2. Insert the monitoring policy into CONSUL

Code Block
titlePUT policy into CONSUL
curl -X PUT \
  http://<k8s-node-ip>:<consul-port>/v1/kv/dcae-pmsh:policy \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "subscription": {
        "subscriptionName": "test-subscription",
        "administrativeState": "LOCKED",
        "fileBasedGP": 15,
        "fileLocation": "/pm/pm.xml",
        "nfFilter": {
            "swVersions": [
            "nfNames": [
        "measurementGroups": [{
                "measurementGroup": {
                    "measurementTypes": [{
                            "measurementType": "countera"
                            "measurementType": "counterb"
                    "managedObjectDNsBasic": [{
                            "DN": "dna"
                            "DN": "dnb"
                "measurementGroup": {
                    "measurementTypes": [{
                            "measurementType": "counterc"
                            "measurementType": "counterd"
                    "managedObjectDNsBasic": [{
                            "DN": "dnc"
                            "DN": "dnd"

Starting in Frankfurt, all DCAE service blueprints are bootstrapped, meaning they are all available in the inventory by default and do not need to be onboarded manually. Deployment of PMSH can then be done using Dashboard UI/Cloudify UI or via CLI. Below steps are based on CLI using the deployment handler.



Validate blueprint

Code Block
titleValidate Blueprint
cfy blueprints validate /blueprints/k8s-pmsh.yaml


Get the typeId of PMSH using the inventory API

Code Block
titleGet serviceTypeId from DCAE inventory
curl https://<k8s-node-ip>:<inventory-port>/dcae-service-types

The PMSH typeID can then be taken from the response

Code Block




cfy plugins list

If the version of plugin used are different, update the blueprint import to match.

Inventory response
        "owner": "admin",
        "typeName": "k8s-pmsh",
        "typeVersion": 100,
        "blueprintTemplate": "#\n# ============LICENSE_START=======================================================\n#  Copyright (C) 2020 Nordix Foundation.\n# ================================================================================\n# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');\n# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\n#\n# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\n# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================\n#\n\ntosca_definitions_version: cloudify_dsl_1_3\n\nimports:\n  - ''\n  - ''\n  - ''\n\ninputs:\n  tag_version:\n    type: string\n    description: Docker image to be used\n    default: ''\n  replicas:\n    type: integer\n    description: Number of instances\n    default: 1\n  operational_policy_name:\n    type: string\n    default: 'pmsh-operational-policy'\n  control_loop_name:\n    type: string\n    default: 'pmsh-control-loop'\n  pmsh_publish_topic_name:\n    type: string\n    default: 'unauthenticated.DCAE_CL_OUTPUT'\n  policy_feedback_topic_name:\n    type: string\n    default: 'unauthenticated.PMSH_CL_INPUT'\n  aai_notification_topic_name:\n    type: string\n    default: 'AAI-EVENT'\n  publisher_client_role:\n    type: string\n    description: Client role to request secure access to topic\n    default: 'org.onap.dcae.pmPublisher'\n  subscriber_client_role:\n    type: string\n    description: Client role to request secure access to topic\n    default: 'org.onap.dcae.pmSubscriber'\n  dcae_location:\n    type: string\n    description: DCAE location for the subscriber, used to set up routing\n    default: 'san-francisco'\n  cpu_limit:\n    type: string\n    default: '1000m'\n  cpu_request:\n    type: string\n    default: '1000m'\n  memory_limit:\n    type: string\n    default: '1024Mi'\n  memory_request:\n    type: string\n    default: '1024Mi'\n  pgaas_cluster_name:\n    type: string\n    default: 'dcae-pg-primary.onap'\nnode_templates:\n  pgaasvm:\n    type: dcae.nodes.pgaas.database\n    properties:\n      writerfqdn: { get_input: pgaas_cluster_name }\n      name: 'pmsh'\n  pmsh:\n    type: dcae.nodes.ContainerizedServiceComponentUsingDmaap\n    interfaces:\n      cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle:\n        create:\n          inputs:\n            ports:\n              - '8443:0'\n            envs:\n              PMSH_PG_URL:\n                { get_attribute: [ pgaasvm, admin, host ] }\n              PMSH_PG_PASSWORD:\n                { get_attribute: [ pgaasvm, admin, password ] }\n              PMSH_PG_USERNAME:\n                { get_attribute: [ pgaasvm, admin, user ] }\n              PMSH_DB_NAME:\n                { get_attribute: [ pgaasvm, admin, database ] }\n\n    relationships:\n      - type: cloudify.relationships.depends_on\n        target: pgaasvm\n\n    properties:\n      service_component_type: 'dcae-pmsh'\n      service_component_name_override: 'dcae-pmsh'\n      application_config:\n        aaf_identity: ''\n        aaf_password: 'demo123456!'\n        operational_policy_name: { get_input: operational_policy_name }\n        control_loop_name: { get_input: control_loop_name }\n        cert_path: '/opt/app/pmsh/etc/certs/cert.pem'\n        key_path: '/opt/app/pmsh/etc/certs/key.pem'\n        ca_cert_path: '/opt/app/pmsh/etc/certs/cacert.pem'\n        streams_publishes:\n          policy_pm_publisher:\n            type: message_router\n            dmaap_info:\n              topic_url: {concat: [\"https://message-router:3905/events/\", { get_input: pmsh_publish_topic_name }]}\n        streams_subscribes:\n          policy_pm_subscriber:\n            type: message_router\n            dmaap_info:\n              topic_url: {concat: [\"https://message-router:3905/events/\", { get_input: policy_feedback_topic_name }]}\n          aai_subscriber:\n            type: message_router\n            dmaap_info:\n              topic_url: {concat: [\"https://message-router:3905/events/\", { get_input: aai_notification_topic_name }]}\n      resource_config:\n        limits:\n          cpu: { get_input: cpu_limit }\n          memory: { get_input: memory_limit }\n        requests:\n          cpu: { get_input: cpu_request }\n          memory: { get_input: memory_request }\n      docker_config:\n        healthcheck:\n          endpoint: /healthcheck\n          interval: 15s\n          timeout: 1s\n          type: https\n      image: { get_input: tag_version }\n      replicas: { get_input: replicas }\n      log_info:\n        log_directory: '/var/log/ONAP/dcaegen2/services/pmsh'\n      tls_info:\n        cert_directory: '/opt/app/pmsh/etc/certs'\n        use_tls: true",
        "serviceIds": [],
        "vnfTypes": [],
        "serviceLocations": [],
        "asdcServiceId": "",
        "asdcResourceId": "",
        "asdcServiceURL": null,
        "application": "DCAE",
        "component": "dcae",
        "typeId": "92e9fcd2-17cb-4b87-b089-873e132c0415",
        "selfLink": {
            "rel": "self",
            "href": ""
        "created": 1585228467040,
        "deactivated": null

2. Create a deployment using the deployment handler API


Code Block


cfy install -b pmsh -d pmsh -i /k8s-pmsh-inputs.yaml /blueprints/k8s-pmsh.yaml
Create PMSH deployment
curl -X PUT \
  https://<k8s-node-ip>:<dep-handler-port>/dcae-deployments/dcae-pmsh \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "inputs": {},
	"serviceTypeId": "92e9fcd2-17cb-4b87-b089-873e132c0415"

To un-deploy

To un-deploy


Code Block


cfy uninstall pmsh

Delete blueprint


Create PMSH deployment
curl -X DELETE https://<k8s-node-ip>:<dep-handler-port>/dcae-deployments/dcae-pmsh 


titleDelete blueprint


Initial Validation

After deployment, verify if PMSH pod is running correctly
