Versions Compared


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1.   After login to Windriver, identify the K8S cluster and corresponding nfs server ip from dashboard - Typically there are two separate clusters setup, for Frankfurt – following can be used.

Image RemovedImage Added

       Note:  The k8s-01 and k8s-02 are k8s node server. The cluster/nfs ip’s would change for every release and deployments will be periodically refreshed (every ~2 weeks)


  1. Find the k8s node server where POD is running using kubectl
    1. kubectl get pods -n onap -o=wide | grep <podname>
  2. Login to k8s node server (same key/user) and create a sub-folder on your name, build local image with changes necessary; do ensure you create a unique tag/version
    1. Check if k8s node server has required s/w such as mvn/java etc
    2. Clone the repo/patchset from gerrit (there is download option in gerrit, when clicked clicked it will give the exact pull request (or checkout) command)
    3. Build image (using mvn -s <onap settingfile.xml> clean install <optional docker goals>) to generate docker image.  ONAP setting file can be referenced from here - Setting Up Your Development Environment#MavenExamplesettings.xml
    4. Once build is successful and docker image generated, retag it for uniqueness (<imagename>:<uniquetag>)

      Code Block
      titleserver prep
      # install mvn:
       apt install maven
      # install java8 (java 11 is pre-installed)
      apt install openjdk-8-jdk-headless
      # export JAVA_HOME To use java8
      export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
      # download the setting.xml from and use it in mvn install command
      # initialize git and pull the specific patchset for test
      root@onap2-k8s-02:/var/tmp/inv# git init
      # example with specific inventory patch
      root@onap2-k8s-02:/var/tmp/inv# git pull "" refs/changes/53/101253/3
      # Make other updates/fixes as needed
      root@onap2-k8s-02:/var/tmp/inv# mvn -s ../onap-settings.xml install docker:build

  3. For redeploy, you can either update the values.yaml charts (under ~/oom/kubernetes/dcaegen2/components) and follow helm commands above to redeploy, or find the corresponding deployment descriptor (via kubectl) and update the version and save (k8s would automatically terminate current pod and redeploy new based on version provided). Note: Any changes done on helm charts/values.yaml should be submitted into OOM repository ( after new images has been released in DCAE.

    Code Block
    titleupdate deploy
    ##Example of inventory build and using new built image for deployment
    root@onap2-k8s-02:/var/tmp/inv# docker images|grep inv                      3.4.1-SNAPSHOT                     e4285faa9608        28 seconds ago      124MB                      3.4.1-SNAPSHOT-20200214T202415ZZ   e4285faa9608        28 seconds ago      124MB                      latest                             e4285faa9608        28 seconds ago      124MB                             3.4.0                              088614c21f0f        6 months ago        105MB                      3.4.0                              088614c21f0f        6 months ago        105MB
    ##on k8s master find the corresponding deployment
    root@onap2-nfs:~# kubectl get deployments -n onap -o wide|grep inve
    dev-dcaegen2-dcae-inventory-api            1/1     1            1           21d     dcae-inventory api                                                                                                                           
    ##Edit deployement, change:
    ##and imagePullPolicy: Never
    root@onap2-nfs:~# kubectl edit deployments -n onap dev-dcaegen2-dcae-inventory-api
    deployment.extensions/dev-dcaegen2-dcae-inventory-api edited
    For redeploy, you can either update the values.yaml charts (under ~/oom/kubernetes/dcaegen2/components) and follow helm commands above to redeploy, or find the corresponding deployment descriptor (via kubectl) and update the version and save (k8s would automatically terminate current pod and redeploy new based on version provided)Note: Any changes done on helm charts/values.yaml should be submitted into OOM repository ( after new images has been released in DCAE.