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Comment: Added MariaDb enabled to helm upgrade command


Run Helm commands on oom/kubernetes directory after charts are packages according to instructions here.  For Frankfurt release `--set global.masterPassword=random` is required in the following commands.

Code Block
helm upgrade --install dev ./onap --namespace onap \
--set cds.enabled=true \
--set mariadb-galera.enabled=true \
--set cds.cds-blueprints-processor.dmaapEnabled=false \
--set global.persistence.storageClass=standard


Code Block
helm upgrade --install dev ./onap --namespace onap \
--set cds.enabled=true \
--set mariadb-galera.enabled=true \
--set cds.cds-blueprints-processor.dmaapEnabled=false \
--set global.persistence.storageClass=standard \
--set cds.cds-blueprints-processor.image=onap/ccsdk-blueprintsprocessor:0.7.0-STAGING-latest \
--set cds.cds-command-executor.image=onap/ccsdk-commandexecutor:0.7.0-STAGING-latest \
--set cds.cds-ui.image=onap/ccsdk-cds-ui-server:0.7.0-STAGING-latest \
--set global.pullPolicy=IfNotPresent


Code Block
$ kubectl -n onap get pod
NAME                                            READY   STATUS     RESTARTS   AGE
dev-cds-blueprints-processor-5f9866676c-292j2   1/1     Running    0          23m
dev-cds-command-executor-5f58579c64-hswxj       1/1     Running    0          23m
dev-cds-db-0                                    1/1     Running    0          23m
dev-cds-sdc-listener-84c59d9dbd-89lmf           0/1     Init:0/1   2          23m
dev-cds-ui-5b669bf7dc-kjzzh                     1/1     Running    0          23m

Port forwarding  for external access to CDS-UI

Ports can be forwarded e.g. to access the CDS-UI from another machine. To forward the CDS-UI Port use the following command.

Code Block
kubectl port-forward dev-cds-ui-5b669bf7dc-kjzzh -n onap --address 3000:3000

Take care to provide the right pod name and port number.  The port of CDS-UI can be displayed by:

Code Block
kubectl -n onap get pod dev-cds-ui-5b669bf7dc-kjzzh --template='{{(index (index .spec.containers 0).ports 0).containerPort}}{{"\n"}}'

Afterwards the CDS-UI should be accessable externally.