Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Events that are written by ONAP components.
  • Propagation of transaction and invocation information between components.
  • MDCs, Markers and other information that should be attached to log messages.
    • MDC = Mapped Diagnostic Context
  • Human and machine-readable output format(s).
  • Files, locations and other conventions. 

Java and Python are supported, but conventions may be implemented by other technologies like GO.   

Original AT&T ONAP Logging guidelines (pre amsterdam release) - for historical reference only:

The Acumos logging specification follows this document at 

Logback reference: Logging Developer Guide#Logback.xml based on


The purpose of ONAP logging is to capture information needed to operate, troubleshoot and report on the performance of the ONAP platform and its constituent components. Log records may be viewed and consumed directly by users and systems, indexed and loaded into a datastore, and used to compute metrics and generate reports. 


This document proposes conventions you can follow to generate conformant, indexable logging output from your component.

How to Log

ONAP prescribes conventions. The use of certain APIs and providers is recommended, but they are not mandatory. Most components log via EELF or SLF4J to a provider like Logback or Log4j.

Logging Library Location and Use

Supported Languages

Java (including Scala and Clojure - because they compile to the same bytecode) and Python are supported, but conventions may be implemented by other technologies like GO. 


The library and aop wrapper are written in Java and will work for Clojure (thanks to a discussion with Shwetank Dave that reminded me of languages that compile to bytecode) and Scala as well. see: see

and usage ONAP Development#DeveloperUseoftheLoggingLibrary  ONAP Development#KubernetesDevOps and Logging User Guide#LoggingDevOps

see Spring AOP example (minimal changes to existing code base) WIP in 

 documented at ONAP Development#LoggingWithAOP


EELF is the Event and Error Logging Framework, described at

EELF abstracts your choice of logging provider, and decorates the familiar Logger contracts with features like:

  • Localization. 
  • Error codes. 
  • Generated wiki documentation. 
  • Separate audit, metric, security and debug logs. 

EELF is a facade, so logging output is configured in two ways:

  1. By selection of a logging provider such as Logback or Log4j, typically via the classpath. 
  2. By way of a provider configuration document, typically logback.xml or log4j.xml. See Providers.


SLF4J is a logging facade, and a humble masterpiece. It combines what's common to all major, modern Java logging providers into a single interface. This decouples the caller from the provider, and encourages the use of what's universal, familiar and proven. 

EELF also logs via SLF4J's abstractions as the default provider.


Logging providers are normally enabled by their presence in the classpath. This means the decision may have been made for you, in some cases implicitly by dependencies. If you have a strong preference then you can change providers, but since the implementation is typically abstracted behind EELF or SLF4J, it may not be worth the effort.


Logback is the most commonly used provider. It is generally configured by an XML document named logback.xml. See Configuration.

Log4j 2.X

Log4j 2.X is somewhat less common than Logback, but equivalent. It is generally configured by an XML document named log4j.xml. See Configuration.

Log4j 1.X

Strongly discouraged from Beijing onwards, since 1.X is EOL, and since it does not support escaping, so its output may not be machine-readable. See

This affects OpenDaylight-based components like SDNC and APPC, since ODL releases prior to Carbon bundled Log4j 1.X, and make it difficult to replace. The Common Controller SDK Project project targets ODL Carbon, so remaining instances of Log4j 1.X should disappear by the time of the Casablanca release.

What to Log

The purpose of logging is to capture diagnostic information.

An important aspect of this is analytics, which requires tracing of requests between components. In a large, distributed and scalable system such as ONAP this is critical to understanding behavior and performance. 

Messages, Levels, Components and Categories

It isn't the aim of this document to reiterate the basics, so advice here is general: 

  • Use a logger. Consider using EELF. 
  • Write log messages in English.
  • Write meaningful messages. Consider what will be useful to consumers of logger output. 
  • Use errorcodes to characterise exceptions.
  • Log at the appropriate level. Be aware of the volume of logs that will be produced.
  • Log in a machine-readable format. See Conventions.
  • Log for analytics as well as troubleshooting.

Others have written extensively on this: 



A Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC) allows an arbitrary string-valued attribute to be attached to a Java thread via a ThreadLocal variable. The MDC's value is then emitted with each message logged by that thread. The set of MDCs associated with a log message is serialized as unordered name-value pairs (see Text Output).

A good discussion of MDCs can be found at


From Luke Parker's call graph work in

Code Block
LogEntry(markers=ENTRY, logger=ComponentAlpha, requestID=eb3e0dc2-6c3c-4bb7-8ed6-e5cc4ec7aad2, invocationID=06c815ef-5969-45cc-b319-d0dbcde89329, timestamp=Tue May 08 04:23:27 AEST 2018)



See the java libraries


see the java libraries


How to Log

ONAP prescribes conventions. The use of certain APIs and providers is recommended, but they are not mandatory. Most components log via EELF or SLF4J to a provider like Logback or Log4j.

Logging Specification Compliance

For the casablanca release the logging specification has been updated and finalized as of June 2018.  Implementation of this specification is required but the method of implementation is optional based on each team's level of possible engagement.

High Level the changes are introduction of MDC's (key/value pairs like requestID=...) and Markers (labels like ENTRY/EXIT)

The ELK stack (indexes and dashboards) is focused on the new specification in Casablanca - if time permits we will have a migration path and/or support for both the older Amsterdam/Beijing release and Casablanca - 


Level 0: Log specification unchanged

Just keep your code as-is and commit to migrating to the the MDC and Marker focused specification for Dublin - logs will be the older format for now

Level 1: Log specification compliance via local project changes, library or wrapper

Continue to use your own library/wrapper if you have one like in SDC and AAI, change individual source files.

Level 2: Log specification compliance via SLF4J supplied logging-analytics library

Use Luke's SLF4J library directly as wrapper for MDCs and Markers by calling the library from within each function.

Level 3: Log specification compliance via AOP library over SLF4J supplied logging-analytics library

Use a spring based Aspect library that emits Markers automatically around function calls and retrofit your code to log via Luke's SLF4J for internal log messages.


Logging Library Location and Use


and usage ONAP Development#DeveloperUseoftheLoggingLibrary  ONAP Development#KubernetesDevOps and Logging User Guide#LoggingDevOps

see Spring AOP example (minimal changes to existing code base) WIP in 

 documented at ONAP Development#LoggingWithAOP


EELF is the Event and Error Logging Framework, described at

EELF abstracts your choice of logging provider, and decorates the familiar Logger contracts with features like:

  • Localization. 
  • Error codes. 
  • Generated wiki documentation.
  • Separate audit, metrics, security error and debug logs. 

EELF is a facade, so logging output is configured in two ways:

  1. By selection of a logging provider such as Logback or Log4j, typically via the classpath. 
  2. By way of a provider configuration document, typically logback.xml or log4j.xml. See 48534506.


SLF4J is a logging facade, and a humble masterpiece. It combines what's common to all major, modern Java logging providers into a single interface. This decouples the caller from the provider, and encourages the use of what's universal, familiar and proven. 

EELF also logs via SLF4J's abstractions as the default provider.


Logging providers are normally enabled by their presence in the classpath. This means the decision may have been made for you, in some cases implicitly by dependencies. If you have a strong preference then you can change providers, but since the implementation is typically abstracted behind EELF or SLF4J, it may not be worth the effort.


Logback is the most commonly used provider. It is generally configured by an XML document named logback.xml. See 48534506.

See HELM template

Log4j 2.X

Log4j 2.X is somewhat less common than Logback, but equivalent. It is generally configured by an XML document named log4j.xml. See 48534506.

Log4j 1.X

Strongly discouraged from Beijing onwards, since 1.X is EOL, and since it does not support escaping, so its output may not be machine-readable. See

This affects OpenDaylight-based components like SDNC and APPC, since ODL releases prior to Carbon bundled Log4j 1.X, and make it difficult to replace. The Common Controller SDK Project project targets ODL Carbon, so remaining instances of Log4j 1.X should disappear by the time of the Casablanca release.

What to Log

The purpose of logging is to capture diagnostic information.

An important aspect of this is analytics, which requires tracing of requests between components. In a large, distributed and scalable system such as ONAP this is critical to understanding behavior and performance. 


It isn't the aim of this document to reiterate Best Practices, so advice here is general: 

  • Use a logging facade such as SLF4J or EELF. 
  • Write log messages in English.
  • Write meaningful messages. Consider what will be useful to consumers of logger output. 
  • Log at the appropriate level. Be aware of the volume of logs that will be produced.
  • Safeguard the information in exceptions, and ensure it is never lost.
  • Use error codes to characterize exceptions. 
  • Log in a machine-readable format. See Conventions.
  • Log for analytics as well as troubleshooting.

Others have written extensively on this: 

Standard Attributes

These are attributes common to all log messages. They are either:

  • Explicitly required by logging APIs:
    • Logger
    • Level
    • Message
    • Exception (note that exception is the only standard attribute that may routinely be empty).
  • Implicitly derived by the logging provider:
    • Timestamp
    • Thread.

Which means you normally can't help but report them. 

See and for their origins and use.

Logger Name

This indicates the name of the logger that logged the message.

In Java it is convention to name the logger after the class or package using that logger.

  • In Java, report the class or package name.
  • In Python, the class or source filename.

Most other languages will fit one of those patterns. 


Severity, typically drawn from the enumeration {TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR}.

Think carefully about the information you report at each log level. The default log level is INFO.

Some loggers define non-standard levels, like FINE, FINER, WARNING, SEVERE, FATAL or CRITICAL. Use these judiciously, or avoid them.


The free text payload of a log event. 

This is the most important item of information in most log messages. See 48534506 guidelines.


Diagnostic log messages generally do not need to be internationalized.


Parameterized messages allow serialization to be deferred until AFTER level threshold checks. This means the cost is never incurred for messages that won't be written. 

  • Favor parameterized messages, especially for INFO and DEBUG logging.
  • Perform expensive serialization in the #toString method of wrapper classes.

For example:

Code Block
logger.debug("Relax - this won't hurt: {}", new ToStringWrapper(costlyToSerialize));


The error stacktrace, where applicable.

Log unabridged stacktraces upon error.

When rethrowing, ensure that frame information is not lost:

  • By logging the original exception at the point where it was caught. 
  • By setting the original exception as the cause when rethrowing.


Logged as an ISO8601 UTC datetime. Millisecond (or greater) precision is preferable.

For example:

Code Block

Offset timestamps are OK provided the offset is included. (In the above example, the "Z" is a shorthand indicating an offset of zero – UTC).


The name of the thread from which the log message was emitted.

Thread names don't necessarily convey useful information, and their reliability depends on the thread model implemented by different runtimes, but they are sometimes used in heuristic analysis.


There is tension between utility and efficiency. IO bandwidth is finite, and the cost of serialization can be significant, especially at higher diagnostic levels.

Methods and Line Numbers

Many loggers can use reflection to emit the originating (Java) method, and even individual line numbers.

This information is certainly useful, but very expensive. Most logging implementations recommend that this not be enabled in production.

Level Thresholds

Level indicates severity.

Logger output is typically filtered by logger and level. The default logging level is INFO, so particular consideration should be given to the efficiency of INFO-level logging.

When DEBUG-level logging is configured, it's probably for good reason, and a greater overhead is expected. Be aware that it's not unusual for DEBUG logging to be left enabled inadvertently, however.

WARN and ERROR-level messages are of higher value, and comparatively rare, so their cost is less of a concern.


A common pattern is to place conditionals around (expensive) serialization.

For example:

Code Block
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
    logger.debug("But this WILL hurt: " + costlyToSerialize);

Parameterized logging is preferable.



A Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC) allows an arbitrary string-valued attribute to be attached to a Java thread via a ThreadLocal variable. The MDC's value is then emitted with each message logged by that thread. The set of MDCs associated with a log message is serialized as unordered name-value pairs (see 48534506).

A good discussion of MDCs can be found at


From Luke Parker's call graph work in

Code Block
LogEntry(markers=ENTRY, logger=ComponentAlpha, requestID=eb3e0dc2-6c3c-4bb7-8ed6-e5cc4ec7aad2, invocationID=06c815ef-5969-45cc-b319-d0dbcde89329, timestamp=Tue May 08 04:23:27 AEST 2018)

Mapped Diagnostic Context Table

Pipe OrderNameTypeGroupDescription


(per log file)

Marker Associations







(was in





(C= context dependent)

N = not required

L=Library provided

Use Cases

Code References

1LogTimestamplog system
use %d field - see %d{"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX",UTC}


if part of an ENTRY marker log


if part of an INVOKE marker log





UUID to track the processing of each client request across all the ONAP components involved in its processing


In general


UUID correlates log entries relating to a single invocation of a single component
In the case of an asynchronous request, the InvocationID should come from the original request 



UUID to differentiate between multiple instances of the same (named) log writing service/application

was InstanceUUID



8threadlog system
use %thread field



The service inside the partner doing the call - includes API name



unauthenticated = The part of the URI specifying the agent that the caller used to make the call to the component that is logging the message.

authenticated = userid

  1. If an authenticated API, then log the userid
  2. Otherwise, if the HTTP header "X-ONAP-PartnerName" was provided, then log that (note: this was a direction that we seemed to be going but never completed)
  3. Otherwise, if the HTTP header "User-Agent" was provided, then log that
  4. Otherwise, log "UNKNOWN" (since the field is currently required, something must be in it)




This field indicates the high level status of the request - one of (COMPLETE, ERROR, INPROGRESS)


20180807: expand from 2 fields to add "INPROGRESS"

addresses Chris Lott question on


This field contains application-specific error codes.



This field contains a human readable description of the ResponseCode






Logging level by default aligned with the reported log level - one of INFO/TRACE/DEBUG/WARN/ERROR/FATAL


level (but numbers)






The VM FQDN if the server is virtualized. Otherwise the host name of the logging component.



This field contains the requesting remote client application’s IP address if known. Otherwise empty.







The name of the ONAP component or sub-component, or external entity, at which the operation activities captured in this metrics log record is invoked.



The name  of the API or operation activities invoked (name on the remote/target application) at the TargetEntity.  



VNF/PNF context dependent - on CRUD operations of VNF/PNFs

The IDs that need to be covered with the above Attributes are

       -        VNF_ID OR VNFC_ID : (Unique identifier for a VNF asset that is being instantiated or that would generate an alarms)

       -        VSERVER_ID OR VM_ID (or vmid): (Unique identified for a virtual server or virtual machine on which a Control Loop action is usually taken on, or that is installed  as part of instantiation flow)

       -        PNF : (What is the Unique identifier used within ONAP)


User - used for %X{user}  


26p_loggerlog system
The name of the class doing the logging (in my case the ApplicationController – close to the targetservicename but at the class granular level - this field is %logger


27p_mdclog system

allows forward compatability with ELK indexers that read all MDCs in a single field - while maintaining separate MDCs above.

The key/value pairs all in one pipe field (will have some duplications currently with MDC’s that are in their own pipe – but allows us to expand the MDC list – replaces customvalue1-3 older fields - this field is %mdc


28p_messagelog system
The marker labels INVOKE, ENTRY, EXIT – and later will also include DEBUG, AUDIT, METRICS, ERROR when we go to 1 log file - this field is %marker


RootExceptionlog system
%rootException - Dublin spec only


29p_markerlog system
The marker labels INVOKE, ENTRY, EXIT – and later will also include DEBUG, AUDIT, METRICS, ERROR when we go to 1 log file - this field is %marker

  • Must be set as early in invocation as possible. 
  • Must be unset on exit. 



(C= context dependent)

N = not required

This field indicates the high level status of the request - one of (COMPLETE, ERROR)



(per log file)

Marker Associations

Use Cases

Code References


UUID to track the processing of each client request across all the ONAP components involved in its processing


In general


UUID correlates log entries relating to a single invocation of a single component


UUID to differentiate between multiple instances of the same (named) log writing service/application


The service inside the partner doing the call - includes API name


The URI that the caller used to make the call to the component that is logging the message.

YStatusCodeYResponseCodeThis field contains application-specific error codes.


ResponseDescriptionThis field contains a human readable description of the ResponseCode



Logging level by default aligned with the reported log level - one of INFO/TRACE/DEBUG/WARN/ERROR/FATAL


The VM FQDN if the server is virtualized. Otherwise the host name of the logging component.



This field contains the requesting remote client application’s IP address if known. Otherwise empty.



UTC Date-time that processing activities being logged begins - if part of an ENTRY marker



Timestamp on invocation start - if part of an INVOKE marker


The name of the ONAP component or sub-component, or external entity, at which the operation activities captured in this metrics log record is invoked.


The name  of the API or operation activities invoked (name on the remote/target application) at the TargetEntity.  


VNF/PNF context dependent - on CRUD operations of VNF/PNFs

The IDs that need to be covered with the above Attributes are

       -        VNF_ID OR VNFC_ID : (Unique identifier for a VNF asset that is being instantiated or that would generate an alarms)

       -        VSERVER_ID OR VM_ID (or vmid): (Unique identified for a virtual server or virtual machine on which a Control Loop action is usually taken on, or that is installed  as part of instantiation flow)

       -        PNF : (What is the Unique identifier used within ONAP)


Via SLF4J:

Code Block
import java.util.UUID;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.slf4j.MDC;
// ...
final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
MDC.put("SomeUUID", UUID.randomUUID().toString());
try {"This message will have a UUID-valued 'SomeUUID' MDC attached.");
    // ...
finally {


  • Callers:
    • Issue a new, unique InvocationID UUID for each downstream call they make. 
    • Log the new InvocationID, indicating the intent to invoke:
      • With Markers INVOKE, and SYNCHRONOUS if the invocation is synchronous.
      • With their own InvocationID still set as an MDC.
    • Pass the InvocationID as an X-InvocationID REST header.
  • Invoked components:
    • Retrieve the InvocationID from REST headers upon invocation, or generate a UUID default. 
    • Set the InvocationID MDC.
    • Write a log entry with the Marker ENTRY. (In EELF this will be to the AUDIT log).
    • Act as per Callers in all downstream requests. 
    • Write a log entry with the Marker EXIT upon return. (In EELF this will be to the METRIC logMETRICS log).
    • Unset all MDCs on exit.


  • It's only a few calls. 
  • It can be largely abstracted in the case of EELF logging.

MDC - InstanceID

(formerly InstanceUUID)

If known, this field contains a universally unique identifier used to differentiate between multiple instances of the same (named) log writing service/application. Its value is set at instance creation time (and read by it, e.g., at start/initialization time from the environment). This value should be picked up by the component instance from its configuration file and subsequently used to enable differentiation of log records created by multiple, locally load balanced ONAP component or subcomponent instances that are otherwise identically configured.


This field indicates the high level status of the request. It must have the value COMPLETE when the request is successful and ERROR when there is a failure.  And INPROGRESS for states between the two.

Discussion: status/response/severity relationship


Used as valuable URI - to annnote invoke marker

Review in terms of Marker-INVOKE 48534506 - possiblly add INVOKE-return - to filter reporting


TBD: cover off discussion on reducing log files to two (DEBUG/rest) for C* release




VNF/PNF context dependent - on CRUD operations of VNF/PNFs


  • There is considerable duplication:
    • BeginTimestamp, EndTimestamp, ElapsedTime. These are all captured elsewhere (and ElapsedTime is even redundant within that triplet).
    • Server, ServerIPAddress, ServerFQDN, VirtualServiceName. Overkill. Should be one, plus optionally ClientIPAddress (or some variant thereof).
    • TargetEntity, TargetServiceName, not obviously different to similar attributes.
  • There is junk:
    • Severity? Nagios codes?
    • ProcessKey?
    • All the stuff that's already grayed out in the table above.
    • People may defend these individually, maybe vigorously, but they're domain-specific:
      • That absolutely doesn't mean they can't be used.
      • Beats configuration allows ad hoc contexts to be indexed.
      • But perhaps they don't belong in this kind of spec.
  • Redundant attributes *do* matter, because:
    • Populating and propagating everything prescribed by the guide approaches being prohibitive. People won't do it, and people *don't* do it. 
    • If something might be in one of several attributes then that's worse than it being in just one.
  • That means:
    • We're left with only two MANDATORY attributes, necessary to build invocations graphs:
      • RequestID - top-level transactions. 
      • InvocationID - inter-component invocations.
    • And a minimal number of OPTIONAL descriptive attributes: ServiceInstanceID, InstanceUUIDInstanceID, Server, StatusCode, ResponseCode, ResponseDescription.
    • Those are the ones we need to document clearly, support in APIs, etc.
    • That's <=10, a manageable number. 
    • And again, that matters because if the number isn't manageable, people won't (and don't) comply. 


Code Block
2018-07-05T20:21:34.794Z	http-nio-8080-exec-2	INFO	org.onap.demo.logging.ApplicationService	InstanceUUIDInstanceID=ede7dd52-91e8-45ce-9406-fbafd17a7d4c, RequestID=f9d8bb0f-4b4b-4700-9853-d3b79d861c5b, ServiceName=/logging-demo/rest/health/health, InvocationID=8f4c1f1d-5b32-4981-b658-e5992f28e6c8, InvokeTimestamp=2018-07-05T20:21:26.617Z, PartnerName=, ClientIPAddress=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1, ServerFQDN=localhost			ENTRY	
2018-07-05T20:22:09.268Z	http-nio-8080-exec-2	INFO	org.onap.demo.logging.ApplicationService	ResponseCode=, InstanceUUIDInstanceID=ede7dd52-91e8-45ce-9406-fbafd17a7d4c, RequestID=f9d8bb0f-4b4b-4700-9853-d3b79d861c5b, ServiceName=/logging-demo/rest/health/health, ResponseDescription=, InvocationID=8f4c1f1d-5b32-4981-b658-e5992f28e6c8, Severity=, InvokeTimestamp=2018-07-05T20:21:26.617Z, PartnerName=, ClientIPAddress=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1, ServerFQDN=localhost, StatusCode=			EXIT	


It can be automatically reported by EELF, and written to the METRIC METRICS log. 

It must be manually set otherwise. 


InvokeTimestamp context dependent MDC will be reported here.

Code Block


This should accompany INVOKE when the invocation is synchronous.

Code Block
public static final Marker INVOKE_SYNCHRONOUS;
static {
    INVOKE_SYNCHRONOUS = MarkerFactory.getMarker("INVOKE");
// ...

// Generate and report invocation ID. 

final String invocationID = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
MDC.put(MDC_INVOCATION_ID, invocationID);
try {
    logger.debug(INVOKE_SYNCHRONOUS, "Invoking synchronously ... ");
finally {

// Pass invocationID as HTTP X-InvocationID header.

callDownstreamSystem(invocationID, ... );

EELF example of SYNCHRONOUS reporting, without changing published APIs. 


Error Codes

Errorcodes Error codes are reported as MDCs. 

TODO: add to table

Exceptions should be accompanied by an errrorcodeerror code. Typically this is achieved by incorporating errorcodes error codes into your exception hierarchy and error handling. ONAP components generally do not share this kind of code, though EELF defines a marker interface (meaning it has no methods) EELFResolvableErrorEnum.

A common convention is for errorcodes error codes to have two components:

  1. A prefix, which identifies the origin of the error. 
  2. A suffix, which identifies the kind of error.


  1. Logs should be human-readable (within reason). 
  2. Shipper and indexing performance and durability depends on logs that can be parsed quickly and reliably.
  3. Consistency means fewer shipping and indexing rules are required.

Text Output

TODO: 20190115 - do not take the example in this section until I reverify it in terms of the reworked spec example in


ONAP needs to strike a balance between human-readable and machine-readable logs. This means:


EELF guidelines stipulate that an application should output log records to four separate files:

  1. audit
  2. metricmetrics
  3. error
  4. debug

This applies only to EELF logging. Components which log directly to a provider may choose to emit the same set of logs, but most do not. 

Audit Log

to EELF logging. Components which log directly to a provider may choose to emit the same set of logs, but most do not. 

Audit Log

An audit log is required for EELF-enabled components, and provides a summary view of the processing of a (e.g., transaction) request within an application. It captures activity requests that are received by an ONAP component, and includes such information as the time the activity is initiated, then it finishes, and the API that is invoked at the component.

Audit log records are intended to capture the high level view of activity within an ONAP component. Specifically, an API request handled by an ONAP component is reflected in a single Audit log record that captures the time the request was received, the time that processing was completed, as well as other information about the API request (e.g., API name, on whose behalf it was invoked, etc).

Metrics Log

A metrics An audit log is required for EELF-enabled components, and provides a summary more detailed view of into the processing of a (e.g., transaction ) request within an application. It captures activity requests that are received by an ONAP component, and includes such information as the time the activity is initiated, then it finishes, and the API that is invoked at the component.

Audit log records are intended to capture the high level view of activity within an ONAP component. Specifically, an API request handled by an ONAP component is reflected in a single Audit log record that captures the time the request was received, the time that processing was completed, as well as other information about the API request (e.g., API name, on whose behalf it was invoked, etc).

Metrics Log

A metrics log is required for EELF-enabled components, and provides a more detailed view into the processing of a transaction within an application. It captures the beginning and ending of activities needed to complete it. These can include calls to or interactions with other ONAP or non-ONAP entities.

Suboperations invoked as part of the processing of the API request are logged in the Metrics log. For example, when a call is made to another ONAP component or external (i.e., non-ONAP) entity, a Metrics log record captures that call. In such a case, the Metrics log record indicates (among other things) the time the call is made, when it returns, the entity that is called, and the API invoked on that entity. The Metrics log record contain the same RequestID as the Audit log record so the two can be correlated.

Note that a single request may result in multiple Audit log records at an ONAP component and may result in multiple Metrics log records generated by the component when multiple suboperations are required to satisfy the API request captured in the Audit log record.

Error Log

An error log is required for EELF-enabled components, and is intended to capture info, warn, error and fatal conditions sensed (“exception handled”) by the software components.

Debug Log

A debug log is optional for EELF-enabled components, and is intended to capture whatever data may be needed to debug and correct abnormal conditions of the application.



the beginning and ending of activities needed to complete it. These can include calls to or interactions with other ONAP or non-ONAP entities.

Suboperations invoked as part of the processing of the API request are logged in the Metrics log. For example, when a call is made to another ONAP component or external (i.e., non-ONAP) entity, a Metrics log record captures that call. In such a case, the Metrics log record indicates (among other things) the time the call is made, when it returns, the entity that is called, and the API invoked on that entity. The Metrics log record contain the same RequestID as the Audit log record so the two can be correlated.

Note that a single request may result in multiple Audit log records at an ONAP component and may result in multiple Metrics log records generated by the component when multiple suboperations are required to satisfy the API request captured in the Audit log record.

Error Log

An error log is required for EELF-enabled components, and is intended to capture info, warn, error and fatal conditions sensed (“exception handled”) by the software components.

This includes previous logs that went to application.log

Debug Log

A debug log is optional for EELF-enabled components, and is intended to capture whatever data may be needed to debug and correct abnormal conditions of the application.


Console logging may also be present, and is intended to capture “system/infrastructure” records. That is stdout and stderr assigned to a single “engine.out” file in a directory configurable (e.g. as an environment/shell variable) by operations personnel.

Application Log (deprecated)

see example in

We no longer support this 5th log file - see error.log 

Log File Locations

There are several locations where logs are available on the host, on the nfs share and in each application and filebeat container

Logs on each Kubernetes host VM - docker empty.dir shares

Logs on the /dockerdata-nfs share across hosts

Logs on each microservice docker container - /var/log/onap

Logs on each filebeat docker container sidecar - /var/log/onap


New ONAP Component Checklist

Add this procedure to the Project Proposal Template

By following a few simple rules:

  • Your component's output will be indexed automatically. 
  • Analytics will be able to trace invocation through your component.

Obligations fall into two categories:

  1. Conventions regarding configuration, line format and output. 
  2. Ensuring the propagation of contextual information. 

You must:

  1. Choose a Logging provider and/or EELF. Decisions, decisions.
  2. Create a configuration file based on an existing archetype. See 


  1. 48534506.
  2. Read your configuration file when your components initialize logging.
  3. Write logs to a standard location so that they can be shipped by Filebeat for indexing. See 


  1. 48534506.
  2. Report transaction state:
    1. Retrieve, default and propagate RequestID. See


    1. 48534506.
    2. At each invocation of one ONAP component by another:
      1. Initialize and propagate InvocationID. See


      1. 48534506.
      2. Report INVOKE and SYNCHRONOUS markers in caller. 
      3. Report ENTRY and EXIT markers in recipient. 
  1. Write useful logs!

 They are unordered. 

What's New

(Including what WILL be new in v1.2  / R2). 



20180614MDC ClientIPAddressAsk question of OPS to remove this field - 20180419todo

20180614MDC ResponseCode / ResponseDescriptionexpand/find note 1*todo

Developer Guide

see separate page (cross releases) in Logging Developer Guide