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What to do if the value already exists when inserting it into a list?

reject it or replace it without warning?

It can be rejected.

2Would this be a new entry or is this updating an existing entry in a list for no. 4, 5, and 6?

Create a new entry, if it does not exists. Update, if it already exists.

3Confirm the exact list you a referring to in no 7?

He is referring to the list below. The expected behavior here is that update to the parent and the child list.

It needs to be updated for NRCellDU, NRCellCU & GNBCUUPFunction

+--rw rRMPolicyMemberList* [idx]

        |        |  +--rw idx       uint32

        |        |  +--rw mcc       Mcc

        |        |  +--rw mnc       Mnc

        |        |  +--rw sNSSAI?   SNssai
