- Pending actions:
- Chart cleanup
Jira server ONAP Jira serverId 425b2b0a-557c-3c0c-b515-579789cceedb key OOM-2975 - CLI
- SO
Jira server ONAP Jira serverId 425b2b0a-557c-3c0c-b515-579789cceedb key OOM-3106 - DCAE
→ JackJira server ONAP Jira serverId 425b2b0a-557c-3c0c-b515-579789cceedb key OOM-3068 - CDS
- Policy → Asked Policy team to do...
- MultiCloud → will do (including Service/ingress patch)
- Chart cleanup
MSB Removal:
- In Daily Master pipeline MSB is disabled and not deployed
- Fixes required for
- robot-healthchecks
- smoke tests → done,
- multicloud-k8s requires an Ingress configuration, as pythonSDK requires "external" access
- SDC Listener HTTP issue
→Jira server ONAP Jira serverId 425b2b0a-557c-3c0c-b515-579789cceedb key SDC-4233
→ Marek provided patch- When released, all clients need to be updated (CDS, AAI, Policy, SO, ...)
- Resource template change
→Jira server ONAP Jira serverId 425b2b0a-557c-3c0c-b515-579789cceedb key OOM-3104 - will enable "small" flavour on Daily Master installation
- Stimzi improvement (monitoring configmap) → Miro create patch
- Kiali reports provided in: Kiali connection reports