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#IssueNotes Decision
1Type of Interface REST or KafkaREST
  1. easier/cheaper
  2. possibly (complete) re-use of (inventory) existing interface
  3. well documented by OpenAPI
  4. support test stubs (contract testing)


  1. more complicated/costly
  2. plethora of topics and messages, not well documented (no standard)
  3. More robust (request persisted until acknowledged)

meeting Agreed to use REST interface.  

2moduleSetTag based on Hash no (yet) implemented!

This study seems to assume the module set tag is already implemented but it isn't!

[kieran mccarthy]:  the request it to introduce the module set tag/identifier of some kind for this new upgrade usecase.  Not assuming it is there already.  Will be costlier but is important for performance to avoid pulling models if they are already known to NCMP.
3Expected Responses

when and what content?

  1. just acknowledge upon receipt
  2. response on completion

Should follow error handling for Inventory

kieran mccarthy and team.
(Error) Handling should be similar to initial inventory ie. be able to report partial success.
Initial request gets acknowledged further processing is done in an asynchronous fashion.
Any incorrect cm handle Ids will be immediately return using a 'DmiPluginRegistrationErrorResponse' (existing class)
CPS will use Hazelcast to manage (and persist!) the requested upgrades

4Should CM-Handle state change (e.g. to 'locked')  'during' upgrade?Yes but is important to not be locked for long which makes it important to use the moduleSetTag

kieran mccarthy    Should be set to LOCKED until the new moduleSet is associated with the cmhandle.  I think there is a LOCKED_UPGRADING if I remember right.  Lock reason should mention "upgrade" and have the usual timestamps. A separate notifications will be send with details of the old and new values for moduleSetTag see decision #11
See CPS-799 Spike: Define states and state handling for CM handle

5moduleSetTag is Optional (owned and defined by DMI Plugin)Support for upgrade without continues using delete/add cm handle approach.
If the update includes an moduleSetTag it would be considered an upgrade

meeting Agreed to use REST interface with "upgradedCmHandles". 

6moduleSetTag should be able to be used during initial inventory too!Initial Inventory should be sped up too (capability requirements impacts ?!)
Note.  Current inventory 'createdCmHandles' only supports a list of cm handle Ids can this be in backward compatible way be modified to optionally include a moduleSetTag

kieran mccarthy and team. Yes, if need backward incompatible change can be handle as a new version of the interface

7Exact name moduleSetTag

meeting agreed on moduleSetTag

8How to store: hardcoded (postgress schema), inventory yang model or as additional property (private or public)? update Inventory Yang Model so it can be queried (without code changes!) like other aspect such as 'state'

meeting agreed to update Yang Model  

9additional operation for inventory Interface: 'upgradedCmHandles'
The interface currently supports
  1. createdCmHandles
  2. updatedCmHandles
  3. removedCmHandles

it possiblycould be done as part of 'updatedCmHandles' and look for /recognize the moduleSetTag update but this would be messy and confusing, also thentheoretically properties could be updated as the same time as the module set..

meeting agreed 

10Clarify capabilities
  • Expected Response/process times
  • 'batch' size
  • concurrent request combined with request frequency i.e 12 * 25 request per second?!

Part of requirement listed above, to be finalized in a  meeting after the holidays on  

11Separate Notification on change of moduleSetTag
  • There will already LCM notification, maybe that is enough?

kieran mccarthy separte notification see requirement #6
