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Comment: Reverted from v. 14


IssueNotes Decision

Uplift Ericsson source code (need permission)

CPS not allowed to lift // proprietary codes, we need to use pseudo code Gergely/team to support CPS with these codes

Implement in REST or Service Layer ?

This is currently implemented as an in the Service layer in // 

Publish public

Conflict Interface as part of NCMP (Concerns new generic interface)? 

NCMP shall own and document.

Could we make this more generic to suit non-conflict-management use i.e. tbac...

Agreed to make it more generic to suit ALL the use cases 
5Private properties are used to get FDN at the moment.

Will // provide us with registered Alternatid? Opensource does not support private property Peter Turcsanyi to revert TBC

// Confirmed they will implement all


6CPS-1992 - NCMP to Support New 3GPP sync single FDN request to support Conflict mgt

CPS-1992  - When delivered, this should also support conflict management

7Legacy and ongoing bulk/batch interface (dataJobs CPS-1964) are not in scope

Bulk/batch operation

  • Datajobs bulk write op. ..... out-of-scope
  • single write operation -In-scope

8Name for more generic interface

Suggestion: PolicyExecution External Validation AP Kolawole Adebisi-Adeolokun  to inform other stakeholders

New Interface name shall be PolicyExecution as agreed with stakeholders Kolawole Adebisi-Adeolokun kieran mccarthy Gergely Molnar 

9PolicyExecution External Validation Request format

POST operation, all parameters in body, URL ? 

AP Toine Siebelink to create a page & collaborate with Gergely/Brian ( on initial proposal)

10Enable/service name discovery

config parameter with service name/address.
Blank to disable ?

AP Toine Siebelink to create a page & collaborate with Gergely/Brian ( on initial proposal)

11case sensitvity of parameters (payloadType, decsision etc.)

e.g. accept 'allow', 'Allow', 'ALLOW' or only accept only on well defined case sensitive variation and anything else is a error scenario?!

To be discussed during proposal;

AP Toine Siebelink to create a page & collaborate with Gergely/Brian ( on initial proposal)


Functional: new generic '



External Validation' REST interface 

This interface will NOT be implemented by CPS team except a stub for testing purposes


InterfaceRequirementAdditional InformationSignoff

Write operations are intercepted and validated using the new external service.
No effect on existing behavior if the result is 'Allow'

2CPS-E-05When the PolicyExecution External validation is negative NCMP REST Response should be '409 Conflict'.  The HTTP status message should contain the message and decision id from the PolicyExecution external validation service.NCMP interface validation shall be done before the PolicyExecution external validation (Conflict management)

NCMP to provide metrics on PolicyExecutionexternal validation

AP on CPS to provide the metrics (Kolawole Adebisi-Adeolokun )


ScenarioExpected BehaviorNotesSignoff
1PolicyExecution External validation service does not respond (in time) Or does not respond with 2xx (Http status code)

configurable default answer

This needs further investigation AP Gergely Molnar  

Possible proposal:

  • Implement watchdog similar to DMI health check

2Unrecognized response from PolicyExecutionExternal Validation

(Low prio)

No default behavior covered yet in //, 

If not reachable - default accept/reject with specific message


1Performance impact? 
  • PolicyExecution External Validation Response time depends on various response time at the moment


  1. Batch (bulk) interface methods and Execute a data operation for group of cm handle ids
  2. Data job interface
  3. Datajobs bulk write operations

Solution Proposal


External Validation REST Interface


TBC - Gergely Molnar /Brian ( To provide initial proposal)
