Versions Compared


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  1. Modify the blueprint templates 

    Code Block
    kubectl exec -it -n onap <dcae-bootstrap pod> /bin/bash
    cd blueprints
    ls k8s-helm.yaml k8s-helm-override.yaml
    # Helm Blueprint templates are available under this directory
    # Verify and update the blueprint parameters if required 
    # Create a corresponding input files 

    Note: Explanation of parameters are documented under CCSDK wiki page : Introduction of Helm Plugin.

    Validate and Upload the blueprint into CM Code Block
    cfy blueprints validate cfy blueprints upload -b k8s-helm-test
  2. Create an input file with below parameters - /blueprints/k8s-helm-inputs.yaml

    Deploy the blueprint
    Code Blockcode
    themetitleMidnightinput file
    tiller-server-port: 32764
    namespace: onap
    chart-version : 3.0.0
    config-url: ''
    config-format: 'yaml'
    component-name: robot

  3. Validate blueprint into CM

    Code Block
    cfy blueprints validate  

  4. Deploy the blueprint

    Code Block
    cfy blueprints upload -b k8s-helm-test /blueprints/k8s-helm.yaml
    cfy deployments create -b k8s-helm-test k8s-helm-test
    cfy executions start -d k8s-helm-test install
    OR (do upload, create deploy and install on single command as below)
    cfy install -b k8s-helm-test -d k8s-helm-test -i /blueprints/k8s-helm-inputs.yaml /blueprints/k8s-helm.yaml
    Deployment Output
    [root@dev-dcaegen2-dcae-bootstrap-869957c7dc-kswcz /]# cfy install -b k8s-helm-test -d k8s-helm-test -i /blueprints/k8s-helm-inputs.yaml /blueprints/k8s-helm.yaml
    Uploading blueprint /blueprints/k8s-helm.yaml...
     k8s-helm.yaml |#######################################################| 100.0%
    Blueprint uploaded. The blueprint's id is k8s-helm-test
    Creating new deployment from blueprint k8s-helm-test...
    Deployment created. The deployment's id is k8s-helm-test
    Executing workflow install on deployment k8s-helm-test [timeout=900 seconds]
    Deployment environment creation is pending...
    2020-02-14 15:45:43.958  CFY <k8s-helm-test> Starting 'create_deployment_environment' workflow execution
    2020-02-14 15:45:44.553  CFY <k8s-helm-test> Installing deployment plugins
    2020-02-14 15:45:44.553  CFY <k8s-helm-test> Sending task 'cloudify_agent.operations.install_plugins'
    2020-02-14 15:45:44.553  CFY <k8s-helm-test> Task started 'cloudify_agent.operations.install_plugins'
    2020-02-14 15:45:45.196  LOG <k8s-helm-test> INFO: Installing plugin: helm-plugin
    2020-02-14 15:45:45.196  LOG <k8s-helm-test> INFO: Using existing installation of managed plugin: f827178d-d100-4129-a309-55a2939863b6 [package_name: helm, package_version: 4.0.0, supported_platform: linux_x86_64, distribution: centos, distribution_release: core]
    2020-02-14 15:45:45.196  CFY <k8s-helm-test> Task succeeded 'cloudify_agent.operations.install_plugins'
    2020-02-14 15:45:45.196  CFY <k8s-helm-test> Skipping starting deployment policy engine core - no policies defined
    2020-02-14 15:45:45.196  CFY <k8s-helm-test> Creating deployment work directory
    2020-02-14 15:45:45.863  CFY <k8s-helm-test> 'create_deployment_environment' workflow execution succeeded
    2020-02-14 15:45:48.029  CFY <k8s-helm-test> Starting 'install' workflow execution
    2020-02-14 15:45:48.608  CFY <k8s-helm-test> [dcaecomponent_kbvx8d] Creating node instance: nothing to do
    2020-02-14 15:45:48.608  CFY <k8s-helm-test> [dcaecomponent_kbvx8d] Configuring node instance
    2020-02-14 15:45:49.324  CFY <k8s-helm-test> [dcaecomponent_kbvx8d.configure] Sending task 'plugin.tasks.config'
    2020-02-14 15:45:53.638  CFY <k8s-helm-test> [dcaecomponent_kbvx8d.configure] Task succeeded 'plugin.tasks.config'
    2020-02-14 15:45:53.638  CFY <k8s-helm-test> [dcaecomponent_kbvx8d] Node instance configured
    2020-02-14 15:45:54.267  CFY <k8s-helm-test> [dcaecomponent_kbvx8d] Starting node instance
    2020-02-14 15:45:54.267  CFY <k8s-helm-test> [dcaecomponent_kbvx8d.start] Sending task 'plugin.tasks.start'
    2020-02-14 15:45:58.230  CFY <k8s-helm-test> [dcaecomponent_kbvx8d.start] Task succeeded 'plugin.tasks.start'
    2020-02-14 15:45:58.230  CFY <k8s-helm-test> [dcaecomponent_kbvx8d] Node instance started
    2020-02-14 15:45:58.946  CFY <k8s-helm-test> 'install' workflow execution succeeded
    Finished executing workflow install on deploymentcfy deployments create -b k8s-helm-test k8s-helm-test
    * Run 'cfy executionsevents startlist -d k8s-helm-test installe 74187dc8-480c-4b99-8ad9-10d8a5864bf3' to retrieve the execution's events/logs

  5. Validation

    Code Block
    # Verify if new NS identified in blueprint configuration is created
    kubectl get ns
    # Verify if required component was deployed 
    kubectl get pods -n <ns specified> 
