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Modify tools/performance/cloud/producer-pod.yaml file to use the above image and set imagePullPolicy to IfNotPresent:

Code Block
    - name: hv-collector-producer
      image: onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.collectors.hv-ves.hv-collector-go-client:latest
      imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent

To execute performance tests we have to run functions from a shell script in HV-VES project directory: ~/tools/performance/cloud/

  1. First we have to generate certificates in ~/tools/ssl folder by using gen_certs. This step only needs to be performed during the first test setup (or if the generated files have been deleted).

    Code Block
    titleGenerating certificates
    ./ gen_certs

  2. Then we call setup in order to send certificates to HV-VES, and deploy Consumers, Prometheus, Grafana and create their ConfigMaps.

    Code Block
    titleSetting up the test environment
    ./ setup

    After that we have to change HV-VES configuration in Consul KEY/VALUE tab (typically we can access Consul at port 30270 of any Controller node, i.e. http://slave1:30270/ui/#/dc1/kv/dcae-hv-ves-collector/edit).

    Code Block
    titleHV-VES Consul configuration
    {"security.sslDisable": false,
    "logLevel": "INFO",
    "server.listenPort": 6061,
    "server.idleTimeoutSec": 300,
    "cbs.requestIntervalSec": 5,
    "streams_publishes": {
    	"perf3gpp": {
    		"type": "kafka",
    		"aaf_credentials": {
    			"username": "admin",
    			"password": "admin_secret"
    		"kafka_info": {
    			"bootstrap_servers": "message-router-kafka:9092",
    			"topic_name": "HV_VES_PERF3GPP"
    "security.keys.trustStoreFile": "/etc/ves-hv/ssl/custom/trust.p12",
    "security.keys.keyStoreFile": "/etc/ves-hv/ssl/custom/server.p12",
    "security.keys.keyStorePasswordFile": "/etc/ves-hv/ssl/custom/server.pass"}

    How to access Consul UI?

    Consul's address: http://<worker external IP>:<Consul External Port>

    To check Consul External Port, execute:

    ubuntu@onap-5422-rke-node:~$ kubectl -n onap get svc | grep consul

    consul-server-ui                   NodePort   <none>                                 8500:31190/TCP                                           6d20h


    If service "consul-server-ui" is not exposed to external port (NodePort) and is configured as Cluster IP, please follow steps below.

    ubuntu@onap-5422-rke-node:~$ kubectl -n onap get svc | grep consul

    consul-server-ui                                       ClusterIP   <none>                                 8500/TCP                                                 25h

    ubuntu@onap-5422-rke-node:~$ kubectl -n onap edit svc consul-server-ui



    apiVersion: v1

    kind: Service







      type: ClusterIP --> NodePort     ### change value to NodePort




    service/consul-server-ui edited

    ubuntu@onap-5422-rke-node:~$ kubectl -n onap get svc | grep consul

    consul-server-ui                                       NodePort   <none>                                 8500:31190/TCP                                           25h

  3. After completing previous steps we can call the start function, which provides Producers and starts the test.

    Code Block
    titlePerforming the test
    ./ start

    For the start function we can use optional arguments:

    --loadshould the test keep defined number of running producers until script interruption (false)
    --containersnumber of producer containers to create (1)
    --properties-filepath to file with benchmark properties (./
    --retention-time-minutesretention time of messages in kafka in minutes (60)

    Example invocations of test start:

    Code Block
    titleStarting performance test with single producers creation
    ./ start --containers 10

    The command above starts the test that creates 10 producers which send the amount of messages defined in once.

    Code Block
    titleStarting performance test with constant messages load
    ./ start --load true --containers 10 --retention-time-minutes 30

    This invocation starts load test, meaning the script will try to keep the amount of running containers at 10 with kafka message retention of 30 minutes.

    The file contains Producers and Consumers configurations and it allows setting following properties:

    hvVesAddressHV-VES address (dcae-hv-ves-collector.onap:6061)
    client.countNumber of clients per pod (1)
    message.sizeSize of a single message in bytes (16384)
    message.countAmount of messages to be send by each client (1000)
    message.intervalInterval between messages in miliseconds (1)
    Certificates paths
    client.cert.pathPath to cert file (/ssl/client.p12)
    client.cert.pass.pathPath to cert's pass file (/ssl/client.pass)
    kafka.bootstrapServersAdress of Kafka service to consume from (message-router-kafka:9092)
    kafka.topicsKafka topics to subscribe to (HV_VES_PERF3GPP)

    Results can be accessed under following links:
