see Integration (5/11/2017)

Project Name:

  • Proposed name for the project: Reference VNFs
  • Proposed name for the repository: demo

Project description:

  • The goal of the project is to build reference VNFs that can be used to show how the ONAP platform manages VNFs installation and lifetime management. Reference VNFs can also be used as a means to test the platform itself, e.g. verify whether VNFs on-boarding, deployment, and ONAP closed-loop operations work. Two basic VNFs, namely a virtual firewall and a virtual load balancer (with virtual DNSs), have been provided. The objectives of the project are to improve, extend and maintain the vFirewall and vLoadBalancer VNFs.


  • List of features and functionalities that will be developed:
    • Allow ONAP to change vFirewall rules during execution
    • Platform independence (Rackspace, vanilla Openstack, Azure, ...)
    • Visualization tools that allow users to monitor the behavior of the reference VNFs as well as the effect of ONAP closed-loop operations against the VNFs
    • Tools that allow users to interact with the reference VNFs (e.g. alter the behavior of a VNF so as to violate predefined policies, in order to trigger ONAP closed-loop operations)
  • Out of scope:
    • Password management
    • API securing
    • Disaster recovery
    • High availability

Architecture Alignment:

  • How does this project fit into the rest of the ONAP Architecture?
    • VNFs are managed by ONAP but they are not part of the ONAP architecture. VNFs expose APIs that are used for management (by ONAP) and measurements/faults reports (to ONAP)


  • What other ONAP projects does this project depend on?
    • Reference VNFs depend on ONAP use cases
  • How does this align with external standards/specifications?
    • APIs/Interfaces: Reference VNFs export NETCONF and RestCONF APIs that allow ONAP to manage them
    • Information/data models: JSON objects are used for bi-directional communication with ONAP. VES is used to report metrics
  • Are there dependencies with other open source projects?
    • APIs/Interfaces: vFirewall and vLoadBalancer are based on VPP ( The NETCONF and RestCONF interfaces depend on the Honeycomb project (, metrics reporting is based on VES


  • Primary Contact Person: Marco Platania
  • Names, gerrit IDs, and company affiliations of the committers: Marco Platania, platania, AT&T
  • Names and affiliations of any other contributors:
    • Michael Borokhovich, AT&T
    • Bilal Anwer, AT&T
    • Chengwei Wang, AT&T
  • Project Roles (include RACI chart, if applicable)

Other Information:

Use the above information to create a key project facts section on your project page

Key Project Facts

Project Name:

  • JIRA project name: demo
  • JIRA project prefix: -

Repo name: demo
Lifecycle State:
Primary Contact: Marco Platania
Project Lead: Marco Platania
mailing list tag: demo
*Link to TSC approval: 
Link to approval of additional submitters: 

  • No labels


  1. I assume you are already aware of OPNFV sample_vnf project:

    some code has been already committed:

    sample VNFs provide approximation VNFs and can be used as VNFs or as traffic generator.

    Additionnaly an OPNFV intern made a demo of an Open Source VNF catalogue during last OPNFV plugfest in Paris.

    Details can be found here:

    We also integrated clearwater vims (integration with cloudify and open-o), openims and vyatta vrouter in some test cases automated in OPNFV.

    Do you plan to focus on vFirewall and vLoadBalancer VNF or do you have already other VNF in mind?

    Are these VNFs approximation VNFs or are they targeting some Carrier grade level?

    I would like to work on vCDN solutions, there are already building blocks available but did not find the resources yet to do it.


    1. Hello Morgan,

      vFW and vLB/vDNS are supposed to show ONAP functionalities (e.g. VNF onboarding, closed-loop, etc.) but are not targeted to be carrier-grade. We are planning to add some features and maintain them, as described above, but we aren't planning to build additional VNFs. 

      Contributions are always welcome, so if you are planning to build new VNFs or improving the existing ones you're absolutely free to do it.


    2. Morgan Richomme, I noticed the OPNFV 'samplevnf' project proposal was created back in February. Do you know if that project was approved as an OPNFV project?

      1. It has been approved, it shall be in next Release Euphrates (End of September).

        Some demos have been done during last OPNFV plugfest.

        The sample VNFs can be used as approximation VNF and/or traffic generator related to the use case.

        The PTL is Deepak, see sampleVnf project page on for further details.

  2. Is this project parked ? There would still be a need for ONAP-ready VNFs (with their descriptors and manifests), and also with some scripts to insert them in ONAP (i.e. populate ONAP with some sample VNFs), until the VID GUI is fully operational for deployment. Thanks !