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CPS-390 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Issues and Decisions

1How will hostname and port be provided when DMI-Plugin register itself and its list of cmHandles with NCMP

The team thinks that the information should instead be provided in the form of a ‘host-name’ and a ‘port’  (there was some debate on service-name v. host-name but it was settled on host-name)

e.g. "dmi-plugin" : { <host-name>,  <port> }

Where the host-name is unique. (the DB might assign an internal unique ID for each entry but that is just for indexing and x-referencing in a relation DB and this ID is not to be used/ exposed externally)


DMI URI format to follow below pattern Sandeep Shah


<OP>mandatorythe HTTP method
dmimandatorythe dmi root resource
<v{v-number}>mandatoryversion of the dmi interface is the target resource URI is the query parameter list
<data|operations|dmi-action>mandatoryyang data, rpc operation or a (non-modeled) ncmp api action
<cmHandle>mandatoryunique (string) identifier of a yang tree instance.
{datastore}optionaloptional datastore
<resource-path>optionalthe path expression identifying the resource that is
being accessed by the operation. If this field is not
present, then the target resource is the API itself.
<query>optionalthe set of parameters associated with the RESTCONF message;
see Section 3.4 of [RFC3986]. RESTCONF parameters have 
the familiar form of "name=value" pairs. Most query parameters are
optional to implement by the server and optional to use by the client. Each optional query parameter is identified by a URI


If datastore (ds/{datastore}) is not included in the URL then the request is defaulted to ncmp-datastore:running/operational.

If the cmhandle metadata indicates that data is not synched in CPS then the request is forwarded to the dmi-plugin



UsecaseREST MethodURIExample
1Add a data resource for a cmHandlePOST





Content-Type: application/json

"data" payload : yang-data+json

see example 4 CPS-391Spike: Define and Agree NCMP REST Interface#RESTAPI
2Delete a data resource for a cmHandlePUT{dmi-root}/dmi/v1/data/ch/<cm-handle>/ds/ncmp-datastore:running/{resource-identifier}see example 7 CPS-391Spike: Define and Agree NCMP REST Interface#RESTAPI
3Patch a data resource for a cmHandlePATCH



Content-Type: application/json

"data" payload : yang-data+json

see example 5 CPS-391Spike: Define and Agree NCMP REST Interface#RESTAPI
4Patch multiple child resources for a single cmHandlePATCH


Content-Type: application/json

"data" payload : yang-patch+json

see example 6 CPS-391Spike: Define and Agree NCMP REST Interface#RESTAPI
5Execute a yang action on a cmhandle instancePOST


input: {
         "param1Name" :"param1Value”,
          "param2Name" : "param2Value”


Note : If the "action" statement has no "input" section, the request message MUST NOT include a message-body

see example 10 CPS-391Spike: Define and Agree NCMP REST Interface#RESTAPI
6Execute an rpc operationPOST

{dmi-root}/dmi/v1/operations/ch/<cm-handle>/ds/ncmp-datastore:operational/ {module-name}:{action}

input: {
            "param1Name" : "param1Value”,
             "param2Name" : "param2Value”

Note: If there is no "input" section, the request MUST NOT include a message-body

see example 11 CPS-391Spike: Define and Agree NCMP REST Interface#RESTAPI
7Read a filtered set of data under a data resource for a cmHandlePUT


fieldsRequest a subset of the target
resource contents

8Read data resources with specified fields under a given data resource for a given cmHandlePUT


fieldsRequest a subset of the target
resource contents
see example 12 CPS-391Spike: Define and Agree NCMP REST Interface#RESTAPI
9Get data resource with 'fileds' for a cmhandle with a given scope conditionPUT{dmi-root}/dmi/v1/data/ch/{cm-handle}/ds/ncmp-datastore:operational/{resourcepath}?fields={fields}&scope={scope}see example 2 CPS-391Spike: Define and Agree NCMP REST Interface#RESTAPI
10Read descendant nodes to a given depth for a given cmHandlePUT


depthRequest limited sub-tree depth in
the reply content
If '1' then only immediate resource
is retrieved
If '2' then resource plus next level
resources are retrieved
see example 12 CPS-391Spike: Define and Agree NCMP REST Interface#RESTAPI
11Replace data for a CMHandlePUT



   data : {

            .... the complete tree config to be replaced



see example 12 CPS-391Spike: Define and Agree NCMP REST Interface#RESTAPI

DMI Inventory and Sync

Use CaseRest MethodURIExample
1DMI notifies NCMP of new , deleted or
changed cmhandles DMI Plugin NCMP


Scenario : DMI notifies NCMP of new cmhandles
Method : POST
URI : {ncmp-root}/ncmp/v1/ch/
Header :
Content-Type: application/json


"dmi-plugin" : "system:5555", //should be resolvable sevicename in
k8s DNS
"createdcmhandles" : [ // Used for initial cm handle registrations or subsequent
cmhandle creations (post initial registration)
"cmhandle" : "rf4er5454",
"additionalProperties" :
"subsystemId" : "system-001"
"targetId" : "Subnetwork=Stockholm,MeContext=Kista,ManagedElement=Kista001"
"cmhandle" : "dfget656",
"additionalProperties" :
"subsystemId" : "system-001"
"targetId" : "Subnetwork=Stockholm,MeContext=Kista,
# Used for updates to cmhandles
"updatedcmhandles" : # For example the cmhandle has got rehomes to a new
"cmhandle" : "rf4er5454",
"additionalProperties" :
"subsystemId" : "system-001"
"targetId" : "Subnetwork=Stockholm,MeContext=Kista,ManagedElement=Kista001"
"cmhandle" : "dfget656",
"additionalProperties" :
"subsystemId" : "system-001"
"targetId" : "Subnetwork=Stockholm,MeContext=Kista,
// Used for deleted cmhandles
"removedcmhandles" : [ "sfsdf", .... ], # array of cmhandles that have been deleted
from the network. ...
2Get all the registered cmhandles for a
given plugin
Scenario : Get all cmhandles from NCMP for a given dmi-plugin. May be used
for conciliation
Method : GET
URI : {ncmp-root}/ncmp/v1/dmi-plugins/{dmi-plugin}/ch
Header :
Content-Type: application/json

Body :

Success Response :
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2021 20:56:30 GMT
Server: example-server
"cmhandles" : [
"cmhandle" : "sdf8fs0d8",
"additionalProperties" : [
"target" : "Subnetwork=Stockholm,MeContext=Kista,ManagedElement=Kista001",
"subSystem" : "system-001"
"cmhandle" : "sdsd6567687",
"additionalProperties" : [
"target" : "Subnetwork=Stockholm,MeContext=Kista,ManagedElement=Kista002",
"subSystem" : "system-001"

Notify of change to CMHandle(s)


Topic : 'NCMP_INVENTORY' / sync request topic
Topic name should come from Data Catalog OR
should DMI registry store the topic from the initial
NCMP sync request?)


Event Body :
"dmi-plugin" : "sample-adapter:5555",
"createdcmhandles" : # Newly discovered/created cmhandles
"cmhandle" : "rf4er5454",
"additionalProperties" :
"subsystemId" : "system-001"
"targetId" : "Subnetwork=Stockholm,MeContext=Kista,ManagedElement=Kista001"
"cmhandle" : "dfget656",
"additionalProperties" :
"subsystemId" : "system-001"
"targetId" : "Subnetwork=Stockholm,MeContext=Kista,
"updatedcmhandles" : # For example the cmhandle has got rehomes to a new system.
"cmhandle" : "rf4er5454",
"additionalProperties" :
"subsystemId" : "system-001"
"targetId" : "Subnetwork=Stockholm,MeContext=Kista,ManagedElement=Kista001"
"cmhandle" : "dfget656",
"additionalProperties" :
"subsystemId" : "system-001"
"targetId" : "Subnetwork=Stockholm,MeContext=Kista,
"removedcmhandles" : [ "sfsdf", .... ], # array of cmhandles that have been deleted
from the network. ...
4Sync the model to NCMPPUT{dmi-root}/dmi/v1/sync/ch/<cmhandle>
Scenario : NCMP requests sync of cmhandle yang tree
Method : PUT
URI : {dmi-root}/dmi/v1/sync/ch/243234
Header :
Content-Type: application/json
Body :

"additionalProperties" :
"subsystemId" : "sample-subsystemId"
"targetId" : "Subnetwork=Stockholm,MeContext=Kista,ManagedElement=1"

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2017 20:56:30 GMT
Server: example-server
Content-Type: application/yang-data-json
_3gpp-common-managed-element:ManagedElement [
_3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbdufunction:GNBDUFunction :[
nrsectcarr3gpp:NRSectorCarrier=1 { # level 2
"_3gpp-common-top:id" : "NRSectorCarrier-1", # level 3
"attributes" : { # level 3
"txDirection" : "DL_AND_UL", # level 4
"arfcnUL" : "55555", # level 4

Model API

Use CaseRest MethodURIExample
1Get model (module set) for cmhandlesPUT


Scenario : Get the model data for a given cmhandle

Method : PUT

URI : {dmi-root}/dmi/v1/model/ch/cmhandle-001?fields=ietf-yang-library:modules-set

Header :
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

Body :

"operation" : "read",
"cmhandle" : "cmhandle-001",
"additionalProperties" : [
"target" : "sample-target",
"subSystem" : "subSystem-001"


"cmHandle" : "cmhandle-001",
"ietf-yang-library:modules-set" : [ # from RFC 8525
"name" : "123456",
"module" : [
"name" : "store",
"revision" : "2020-12-09",
"namespace" : "org:onap:cps:test:store",
"submodule" : [
"name" : "bookstore",
"revision" : "2020-12-17",
"namespace" : "org:onap:cps:test:bookstore",
"submodule" : [

GET Request with body

The HTTP libraries of certain languages (notably JavaScript) don’t allow GET requests to have a request body. In fact, some users are surprised that GET requests are ever allowed to have a body.

The truth is that RFC 7231—the RFC that deals with HTTP semantics and content—does not define what should happen to a GET request with a body! As a result, some HTTP servers allow it, and some—especially caching proxies—don’t.

The authors of Elasticsearch prefer using GET for a search request because they feel that it describes the action—retrieving information—better than the POST verb. However, because GET with a request body is not universally supported, the search API also accepts POST requests: }

The same rule applies to any other GET API that requires a request body.
See Elasticsearch details here for more info

yang-patch operations (see rfc8072)

"create", "delete", "insert", "merge", "move", "replace", and "remove"

YANG Data Structure Extensions


Follow principles/patterns of RESTCONF RFC-8040
Follow principles/patterns of yang-patch RFC-8072
Follow principles/patterns of RESTCONF NMDA RFC-8527

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