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To query large outputs or large number of fragments across all anchors, we need to provide pagination for Query API( query data nodes across all anchors). it will help client to fetch limited set of data per request. below is two possible solutions for further discussions to decide appropriate choice.  

Pagination over fragments 


API : GET http://<IP>:<PORT>/cps/api/v2/dataspaces/{dataspace-name}/nodes/query?cps-path={cps-path}&descendants={descendants}&pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Request Parameters:

cps-pathyesnode path to be queried
descendantsnoNumber of descendants to be queried. default is none
resultIndexnopage index starting from 1. 
resultSizenonumber of fragments per page starting from 1 (TBD). 


SELECT id, anchor_id AS anchorId, xpath, parent_id AS parentId, CAST(attributes AS TEXT) AS attributes FROM FRAGMENT WHERE xpath ~ :xpathRegex ORDERED BY id LIMIT :resultSize OFFSET  (:resultIndex - 1) * :resultSize Query limited fragments in order of fragment id

Pagination over anchors

we can provide pagination over anchors where client can choose number of anchors per request to fetch fragments from. 


API : GET http://<IP>:<PORT>/cps/api/v2/dataspaces/{dataspace-name}/nodes/query?cps-path={cps-path}&descendants={descendants}&pageIndex={pageIndex}&anchorSize={anchorSize}

Request Parameters:

cps-pathyesnode path to be queried
descendantsnoNumber of descendants to be queried. default is none
resultIndexnoanchor index starting from 1. 
anchorSizenonumber of anchors per request. 

Response Headers

totalAnchorstotal number of anchors
resultIndexrequested index of anchor
anchorSizerequested number of anchors


SELECT id FROM anchor order by id LIMIT : anchorSize OFFSET : (resultIndex -1) * :anchorSize query list of anchors 
SELECT id, anchor_id AS anchorId, xpath, parent_id AS parentId, CAST(attributes AS TEXT) AS attributes FROM FRAGMENT WHERE anchor_id IN :anchorList AND xpath ~ :xpathRegexquery fragments for list of anchors from above query
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