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Ongoing Vote(s):

  • Request to cancel/maintain the TSC call on June 25th, 2020 (LFN DDF) - Target: June 8th, 2020
  • Logging Proposal (v6) - Target: June 8th, 2020
  • Initial TSC MUST HAVE for the Guilin Release

 TSC Approved the following priorities #1 Completion of Frankfurt and #2 Kick-off Guilin release, does the TSC approve an El-Alto Maintenance release just after Frankfurt Sign-Off TSC 2020-06-04


TSC approved to cancel the TSC call on May 21st, 2020 (Ascension Day) -

TSC approved the ONAP Guilin Release - Initial Phases -

TSC approved Frankfurt RC1 milestone -

TSC approved our new Integration Committer Paweł Wieczorek

TSC approved our new Integration Committer Andreas Geissler -

TSC approved our new Integration Committer - Krzysztof Kuzmicki

TSC approved our new VNFRQTS Committer Junfeng Wang

TSC approved the proposed replies to 3GPP Liaison Statements addressed to ONAP -

New Frankfurt RC2 date, May 26th, has been approved by the TSC -

 TSC 2020-05-14

  • The TSC approved of proceeding with using El Alto containers for ESR for the Frankfurt release only and granting a waiver for the security issues (option #1 from Jimmy’s email) in case of the non-root pod can't be solved by May 18th EOD. If it is can not be solved by May 19th morning then the TSC approves option #1 with the conditions that ESR cross-components impact will be identified and fixed prior as a maintenance patch on top of Frankfurt release".

TSC approved the recommendations from the Infrastructure Coordinator about the promotion of Rupinderjeet Singh as APPC committer -

 TSC 2020-05-28 TSC agreed to descope "Document current component upgrade strategy" from Frankfurt AND Descope CII Badging requirement from Frankfurt AND combine the RC2 and Sign-off milestones


  TSC 2020-04-09

  • TSC approved the tasks and prioritization for the Documentation S0W -
  • TSC approved to cancel the TSC Call on 4/23 due to the LFN Virtual Event
  • TSC approved Control Loop Sub Committee's request: creation of a repo for storing some common code for prototyping potential Guilin release requirements. 

  TSC 2020-04-16

  • TSC approved to Disable jenkins jobs incl. SonarCloud, Daily CI + in OOM while keeping Helm Chart + document in RDT; repo not locked for the following projects in Frankfurt: Pomba, PNDA, other logging submodules and SNIRO Simulator
  • TSC did not approve CLI project to be added to the Frankfurt release
  • TSC approved Frrankfurt RC0 (Pair-Wise testing completion) with conditions. David McBride  confirmed that remaining conditions have been met on 4/17 -

TSC approved the OOM request about a new repository for readiness check container -

TSC approved our new VNFSDK Committer Bogumil Zebek


TSC confirmed Olivier Phénix as the replacement for the reserved seat vacated Alexis de Talhouët
Requirements, Use Cases [ marked as ] GREEN [ in Frankfurt Release Requirements  ] Approved by TSC [  (applies to v552 ) ]  TSC 2020-03-05

  TSC agreed that the following projects have successfully completed the requirements for Frankfurt M4:  CLAMP, ExtAPI, Modeling, Policy, VID, VVP, VNFReqs

  TSC confirmed Dong Wang  as the replacement for the reserved seat vacated by Huang ZongHe

 TSC 2020-03-12

  • TSC approved of the following projects for Frankfurt M4: AAI, DCAE, SDNC, VFC, SO, MultiCloud 
  • TSC approved the following requirements  REQ-140 IN PROGRESS REQ-37 IN PROGRESS REQ-150 IN PROGRESS ,  REQ-84 IN PROGRESS REQ-118 IN PROGRESS REQ-129 IN PROGRESS REQ-76 IN PROGRESS REQ-174 IN PROGRESS REQ-215 TO DO REQ-219 IN PROGRESS  &  REQ-227 IN PROGRESS  as documented in v572 of the Frankfurt Release Requirements.   
  • TSC approved on 3/12/2020 the following SECCOM/PTL requests for the Frankfurt release: Best effort on OJSI tickets for Frankfurt, except for REQ-231 is mandatory with some exceptions

o Projects not participating in Frankfurt
o Projects impacted by AAF
o Non-ONAP components
o Additional exceptions considered on a case-by-case basis

  TSC approved the “ONAP Automation Testing - Portal/SDC” and the “ONAP Security Requirements – SDC” [ intern ] projects to be part of the 2020 Mentorship Program

  TSC 2020-03-19

  • TSC approved granting a waiver for the Portal project for  REQ-64 - Getting issue details... STATUS for the Frankfurt release
  • TSC agreed to the following- 1) list from SECCOM, [ owned by SECCOM ]  2) plan forward, [ owned by Release Manager ] 3) resume project review "MVP", [ owned by Chaker Al-Hakim & Jason Hunt ]  4) ensure that all issues are OK by RC0. [ evaluation owned by the Integration team ]
  • TSC agreed new repository creation request for the bbs use case

  TSC 2020-03-26

  • Frankfurt Release – M4 Code Freeze was successfully completed after the approval by the TSC of the remaining projects and requirements:
    • TSC approved the following projects for M4:  APPC, CCSDK, Integration, MSB, OOF, OOM, SDC, UUI, VNFSDK, PORTAL, MUSIC, AAF 
    • TSC approved the following requirements for M4: REQ-267 - Getting issue details... STATUS REQ-223 - Getting issue details... STATUS REQ-231 - Getting issue details... STATUS REQ-235 - Getting issue details... STATUS REQ-239 - Getting issue details... STATUS  & Document current upgrade strategy 
    • TSC descoped REQ-64 - Getting issue details... STATUS  from the Frankfurt release and waiving   OJSI-190 - Getting issue details... STATUS  and requires the vulnerability to be published in the release notes.
  • TSC agreed that  PORTAL-849 - Getting issue details... STATUS  is a blocker for the Frankfurt release
  • TSC approved moving the RC0 date to April 2nd 
  • TSC approved both repos are approved pnf-simulator and mdons use case 
  • TSC approved archiving the doc/tools repo


  TSC 2020-02-06

  • TSC approved the response to the 3 requests from 3GPP as outlined on slide 3 of the "TCC Generic Network Management_Prague_3GPP SA5_LS.pdf" deck as attached to these minutes.
  • TSC approved that the following requirements REQ-140 - Getting issue details... STATUS , REQ-134 - Getting issue details... STATUS , REQ-76 - Getting issue details... STATUS , REQ-174 - Getting issue details... STATUS and "Modeling: documentation of allotted resource model" as being in the Frankfurt release.
  • TSC descoped REQ-136 - Getting issue details... STATUS from the Frankfurt release.
  • TSC approved all projects that have met Frankfurt M2/M3 milestone requirements since last week.
  • TSC approved SonarCube decommission on Feb 20

TSC approved our new OOM Committer Krzysztof Opasiak

  •  TSC agreed that REQ-235 - Password removal from OOM HELM charts In Progress REQ-227 - Complete the OJSI backlog In Progress  are approved for Frankfurt
  •  TSC agreed that REQ-263 - Perform Software Composition Analysis - Vulnerability tables Done REQ-247 - Coverity integration In Progress  descoped from Frankfurt

 The TSC confirmed Fernando Oliveira as the replacement for the reserved seat vacated by Viswanath Kumar Skand Priya

 The TSC agreed that Frankfurt Release – M2/M3 milestone was successfully completed

 The TSC approved the proposed exception process &

 The TSC approved the ReadTheDocs versus Wiki usage policy

 TSC 2020-02-27 

  • TSC approved that code coverage criteria for M4 is removed AND migration to SonarCloud must be completed by RC0 and the test coverage value should be at 55%
  • The TSC stipulate that migration to Portal SDK 2.6 (by any impacted projects) is a pre-requisite for meeting the M4 milestone delivery for the Frankfurt release 
  • TSC agreed to use the proposed updates from @Lingli for the LF Board update


 TSC approved the Committer's' promotion (VVP, VNFSDK): Trevor Lovett

 Emergency AAF Committer Promotions of Pawel Baniewski , Gerard Nugent , John Franey timebound to the Frankfurt release

 Consensus that AAF dependencies should be deprecated in the Guilin or Honolulu releases, but any formal discussion on this topic was tabled for a future TSC meeting.

 Renaming of the “Usecase Subcommittee” to be the “Requirements Subcommittee”

 cancel/maintain the TSC call on January 23rd, 2020 (lunar new year)

  TSC 2020-01-30

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