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CPS-10 - Getting issue details... STATUS


ONAP Application Logging Specification v1.2 (Casablanca)#HowtoLog






1The application should only logs to stdout and not in files?
  • By doing so we can leverage Kubernetes standard logging design.

  • If logging to files is provided, It would be good to also have a way to disable it to avoid file space management questions on worker nodes or pvc depending where logs files would be kept.

  • For monitoring, it is more complex to operate applications that are each one using specific logs files.

  • By having all applications logging to stdout, all logs can be collected in a common standard way and published and re-used anywhere that is convenient for any operations team (using filebeat or elk stack for example).


  • Whether user will be using Kubernetes / Azure or single manual deployment, features capability should be the same. We should not enforce to use anything specific to achieve the same service solution.
  • Many company enforce to  have those separate type of log files by security policy. Usually they store the audits logs ones.
    With log properties, you always can change the level log. And also alterate/disable the logs appenders at runtime.

Meeting Notes 11/12/20 

  • We want the logging to be easily configurable and allow for different implementations on how to collect logs. We will expose this configuration in the helm charts.  
  • Our default logging will be std out as it is easily configurable. 

2Do we need a second appender for errors?
  • one file only

  • Later we will have a file to track who is accessing it, who is registering for the access...but we are not at that point yet
  • Within the log folder we could have multiple files for:

    • debug.log
    • audit.log
    • metric.log
    • error.log

    Logs will be archived each day.

Meeting Notes 11/12/20

The logging enhancement team has proposed to split the log to multiple files: 

  • debug.log
  • audit.log
  • metric.log
  • error.log

Toine has suggested we follow this approach but exclude error logging. 

Before making anymore decisions we will investigate this project as we have some concerns about the logging standards in the logging enhancement project.

3Is the file location ok?


I think this is ok. Logs will be placed in pods once deployed. 

I think we will need to set a property in our SpringBootApplication class for the log dir.

4Disk space

<property name="maxFileSize" value="20MB" />

Once the log reaches this value it is zipped.

Current Log Config

Dependencies used

      <!-- For logging -->

Logging level is configured in the application.yaml 


            springframework: INFO

Logback configuration is done in logback-spring.xml

<configuration scan="true" debug="false">
    <include resource="org/springframework/boot/logging/logback/base.xml" />

    <property name="queueSize" value="256" />
    <property name="maxFileSize" value="20MB" />
    <property name="maxHistory" value="30" />
    <property name="totalSizeCap" value="20MB" />

    <!-- log file names -->
    <property name="logName" value="cps" />

    <property name="currentTimeStamp" value="%d{"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX",UTC}"/>

    <property name="debugPattern"
        value="%d{yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX}|%thread|%X{RequestID}| %logger{50} - %msg%n" />

    <appender name="Debug"

    <appender name="asyncDebug" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
        <appender-ref ref="Debug" />

    <logger name="org.onap.cps" level="DEBUG" additivity="false">
        <appender-ref ref="asyncDebug" />

    <root level="INFO">
        <appender-ref ref="asyncDebug" />


To generate logging add the following parameter and imports

import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;


Log files are generated in your development workspace folder - ../log/${logName}.log

2020-12-09T11:31:51.792Z|qtp1971152916-37|| - error message
2020-12-09T11:31:51.792Z|qtp1971152916-37|| - debug message


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