Tuesday 3:30 - 5:00

Meeting room: Auditorium

Topic: SDO Session

1) SDO session and liaison arrangement(Hui DENG) 5mins

2) MEF (John) 15mins

3) TMF (Jenny) 15mins

4) ETSI NFV (Peter Wörndle ) 15mins

5) OASIS TOSCA (Shitao & Alex) 15mins

6) IETF (Tony) 15mins

7) ONF , Not presented (Nigel)

8) ETSI NFV SOL (Andrei, Shitao)

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1 Comment

  1. I have slides for ONF work but will not be able to present them at the event on Tuesday. I will be there to present on Thursday and will cover model and relevance to ONAP at that session.
