
CPS-2240 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Issues & Decisions

IssueNotes Decision
1use api and impl folders

Team agreed on separate top level ap and impl folders. Common impl folders can be at top level ie. not under impl.
any class in api should not depend (i.e. nor import) anything from impl or common folders!!!  

2use feature based packages

Team agreed to use the current 4 services (or 5 depending on inventory)  as feature folders directly under impl and some also under api

The following feature structure emerged during the actual refactoring

  • cmsubscriptions (TBC)
  •  data
    • async
  • datajobs
  • inventory
    • sync
      • lcm
    • trustlevel
3when to use common packages

when in doubt use common package e.g. exceptions might be re-used for other features in the future
However just because it is used by another feature doesn't mean it is common. e.g. a Class to check th state of a cm-handle could be used anywhere but still very much belong to the 'inventory' feature


currently only ncmp-service in scope. 


team agreed to do trial with 'datajobs' first. Code need to be reviewed by both teams. Once this is completed we will address 'legacy' services

Proposed Generic Structure

1apiall classes that are required for northbound interfacesclasses that are directly used by the REST interface (or controllers)
2api\featureall API classes that are specific to a given feature
3api\feature\modelsall data-holder type classes for the API specific to the featuredo NOT add data objects that are only used in the impl!
4api\feature\exceptionsall exception classes that are specific to a given featuredo think 'ahead': is the exception rally going to be unique for this feature! 
If in doubt it probably should go into api\exception. Because moving it later would be a backward incompatible change!
5api\modelsall data-holder type classes for the API that can be shared between features
6api\feature\exceptionsall exception classes that can be shared between features and at least oen feature exposes on the API
7implall classes that are NOT exposed on the northbound interface and are unique to just one featuresince these classes are NOT exposed on the API it is OK to move them to the common utils\ package only when needed (i.e. later) since this would not be backward incompatible
8impl\featureall implementation classes that are specific to a given featurea feature could be NOT direct used by a API feature but maybe api features can depend on a common implementation feature such as 'trustlevel' or 'sync/data' and 'sync/module'
9exceptionsall exception classes that can be shared between given features and are NOT exposed on any API
10utilsall  implementation classes that can be shared between features but don't belong to a specific featureeven if classes are used by several API feature that doesn't mean thry have to go here. They can stull be part of a common (impl. only) feature e.g. TrustLevel
11modelsall data-holder type classes used in impl only that can be shared between features

Generic folder (package structure)



Proposed DataJobs Structure

Proposed structure (not complete but indicative):




Proposed User Stories

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