1. Architecture Changes since R2 Beijing

    1. VID will present a new UI based on Angular & Webpack.
    2. A new dev/test tool: a simulator for mocking HTTP requests for SDC/SO/AAI
    3. VID will support both HTTP and HTTPS for the end user, as well as for external requests made to SDC/SO/AAI
    4. VID supports the following use cases (in progress):
      1. Scaling
        VID-248 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      2. PNF plug & play
        VID-194 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  2. S3P Updates

    1. VID as a run-time application will fulfill the needed carrier-grade requirements.
    2. Managability - VID will align to the ONAP logging 1.2 specifications:
      VID-252 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    3. VID will integrate with AAF in this release:
      VID-159 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    4. CII passing badge status: 

  3. DM Alignment

    VID supports reading the new models generated by SDC, using the SDC TOSCA parser.

  4. API Updates

          N/A - VID doesn't expose any APIs.

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