Today's Meeting is cancelled due to the conflict with CVC bi-weekly meeting. let's move 1h ahead for our Joint CVC Meeting.

Meeting Day

Meeting Time

Conference Bridge


 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM (UTC + 0)

1:00 PM to 2:00 PM(UTC+0)

from March 25th

ZOOM Conference Bridge

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Meeting Attendees:

Meeting Agenda & Minutes

Agenda Items


Vendors willing to participate the CVC ONS Testing

potential VNF products:

  1. Clearwater – VVP
  2. Intel EPC? – VNFSDK/VVP?
    No Response until now.
  3. Huawei Commercial VNFs – VNFSDK
  4. TBA

CVC Verified Portal discussion

Meeting Recording

    • Video Recording:
    • Audio Only Recording:
    • Slides:
  • No labels