
  • Meeting time under 30 min - I have a conflict today at 1030
  • Check windriver openstack lab usage - oom and logging are the main users of RAM - Logging reduced from 3 clusters to 1 - freeing up 224G, OOM needs a review 
  • Note: all clusters older than 3 months regardless of usage will be automatically purged this week.
  • Time: still 1000 EDT (post DST) - for now - I will adjust this if we go UTC
  • Delivered OOM Dublin - M3 API Freeze Milestone Checklist - on the March 14th
    • Asking all OOM reviewers and Committers to help push through backlog of patches
    • Need < 36 hours old to pass M3 review
  • Dublin Release 4.0.0 Status Walkthrough - OOM Dublin M3 Sprint
  • Review Sylvain Desbureaux's detailed docker version/size/state status page at Reduction effort between Casablanca and Dublin
  • Reviews 
  • Mike Elliott away March 9th, returning March 25th
    • Michael O'Brien covering PTL responsibilities for next 2 weeks
    • Please reach out to OOM Team members for questions and support
  • Helm ownership status
  • Note: 3.0.2-ONAP will be tagged soon for the AAF certificate expiry - TSC-119 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Note: ignore the oom-clone reviews - these are copies from the LF used to work out git history saving during the helm repo ownership move starting with AAI
  • There is an issue running behind a corporate proxy - will need ENV changes in certain pods (only available via docker 18.06+) starting with SO - thanks to Alain Soleil for finding this and testing the workaround. -  SO-1644 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Update: is an issue with git pulls in certain containers

Reviews must have healthcheck and a get pods output to get reviews - ideally with testing results on the review or Jira

# deploy robot pod in addition to your pod tree
ubuntu@a-ons0-master:~/oom/kubernetes/robot$ sudo ./ onap health
...your pods only need to pass
Basic DMAAP Message Router Health Check                               | PASS |

ubuntu@a-ons0-master:~$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
NAMESPACE     NAME                                                    READY     STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
kube-system   heapster-7b48b696fc-cs22c                               1/1       Running            0          1d
kube-system   kube-dns-6655f78c68-dfjsf                               3/3       Running            0          1d
kube-system   kubernetes-dashboard-6f54f7c4b-2rzlx                    1/1       Running            0          1d
kube-system   monitoring-grafana-7877679464-cxbns                     1/1       Running            0          1d
kube-system   monitoring-influxdb-64664c6cf5-trggz                    1/1       Running            0          1d
kube-system   tiller-deploy-78db58d887-v8nbd                          1/1       Running            0          1d
# your components pods - and any dependencies - like dmaap,aaf - we will account for known issues unrelated to your merge
onap          onap-aai-aai-babel-86bd78c6b4-dgdrn                     2/2       Running            0          21h
onap          onap-aai-aai-bf7cdb594-6vcjq                            0/1       Init:0/1           96         17h
onap          onap-aai-aai-cassandra-0                                1/1       Running            2          21h

Reviews should verify nodeport collision - either deploy all of onap - or verify OOM NodePort List

Reviews need to have all committers to get reviewed faster (Alexis de Talhouët , Borislav Glozman , James MacNider, Mike Elliott ) and contributors like myself (Michael O'Brien), Prudence Au and integration team members affected Gary Wu Brian Freeman Yang Xu

Q) Reneal Rogers - 

Good afternoon Michael. When you get a chance, can you take a look at the following review in ONAP:  

  • No labels


  1. Q: 3.0.2 release - still waiting on DMaaP - wait on 4 project for  TSC-120 - Getting issue details... STATUS

    March 25 is the deadline for all images related to the Certs to be in - then 3.0.2-ONAP will be cut

    TODO: send out to onap-discuss exactly when 3.0.2 tag is out

    Q: CD deployment Michal Ptacek 

    TSC-25 - Getting issue details... STATUS

    see Yang Xu and Orange labs and repos above

    Mahendra Raghuwanshi  on review - need to get an ok from Orange -


    Michael O'Brien
    10:23 AM

    Patch Set 4:

    Guys as per discussion - add to the templates used by CD - one below

    to enable cassandra"

    RKE? use in progress review (tested a lot but not ready for merge yet until some variables changed)

    HA supported in Dublin - yes - via RKE and ?