*Note. Please insert new recordings at the TOP of the table

DateLinkDescriptionRelated Jira


Publishing Lifecycle Management Event using cmhandle state handler

CPS-1034 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Data Synchronization Watchdog

CPS-1000 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Async: NCMP Rest impl. including Request ID generation

CPS-828 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Session for a walkthrough of how Liquibase changelogs and changesets work

and establishing convention on how to implement them in future

CPS-874 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Session to groom the user story to create method to lock and unlock an anchor

CPS-898 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Follow up questions we had regarding the properties and deployment of Strimzi-Kafka.

CPS-829 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Few questions/queries regarding Strimzi-Kafka

CPS-829 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Remove/Add/Update CM Handle during CM Handle Registration Update

CPS-837 - Getting issue details... STATUS


CPS Daily Scrum-20220127_141052-Meeting Recording.mp4Improve logging in NCMP

CPS-855 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Remove/Add properties to CM Handle Registration update-Meeting Recording.mp4Remove and Add Properties as part of CM-Handle registration update

CPS-837 - Getting issue details... STATUS


YANG language extension spike review

CPS-735 - Getting issue details... STATUS


CSIT Meeting


Backlog Grooming


Backlog Grooming

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