Meeting Day

Meeting Time

Conference Bridge

Wednesdays 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM (UTC + 0)

ZOOM Conference Bridge

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Meeting Attendees:

  1. Weitao Gao
  2. user-67d6f 
  3. Margaret Chiosi 
  4. Heather Kirksey 
  5. Guanzhi Yang 
  6. Vincent Scharf 
  7. Zu Qiang (Ericsson)

Meeting Agenda & Minutes

Review open action items from last week

Agenda Items



Create vulnerabilities Jira Task

PTL Action Item for M1: Please create Jira tickets to replace all vulnerable libraries that have been identified by the NexusIQ scans so that we can track the technical debt. Please be sure that you create Jira tickets for non-exploitable vulnerabilities (e.g., false positives), vulnerabilities that cannot be fixed at this time because they are introduced by dependencies (e.g., ODL), and vulnerabilities that have no non-vulnerable replacement at this time.

Weitao Gao create corresponding Jira task for each vnfsdk componenet

Status Update

Lianhao Lu PackageTools

user-67d6f Refrepo/Validation

Kailun Qin Function Test

Zu Qiang (Ericsson) PNF Pre-onboarding for 5G U/C updates for VNFSDK

CVC Update

Weitao Gao will propose the initial test requirements set for Dublin release to let team review.

Meeting Recording

    • Video Recording: zoom_0.mp4
    • Audio Only Recording:
    • Slides: 

Action Items

Meeting Contributions

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