
  • Andreas Geissler (Host)
  • Andrew Lamb
  • Jack Lucas
  • Gareth Roper
  • Fiachra Corcoran


  • Andreas Geissler
  • Andrew Lamb
  • Byung-Woo Jun
  • Jack Lucas
  • Borislav Glozman
  • Adrian Mattheus
  • Vijay Venkatesh Kumar
  • Fiachra Corcoran


  • CRs:
  • Updated and sorted the OOM Jira Epics ()

    T Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Due

  • Service mesh
    • Compnent updates are ongoing
    • Istio IngressGateway setup started
    • Next steps:
      • Keycloak deployment and configuration
      • Oauth Proxy installation
      • Health and E2E Tests need to be made SM compatible
    • Network Element integration to DCAE/SDNS need to be changed in SM
      • Usage of Ingress
      • Validation of certificates (instead of CMPv2 service)
      • Update of Simulators,...
  • Update of K8S/Helm/... versions
    • Will create a Jira Epic to cover the tasks for update
    • Need to be planned and checked with the Integration Team to avoid test interruptions 
  • Documentation update
    • Fiachra Corcoran has a proposal to reorganize the OOM documentation 
    • Additional documentation required for Istio Setup, Keycloak deployment....
  • PTL election:
    • No news so far.
  • No labels