CPS-1180 - Getting issue details... STATUS


On the use of the yang type instance-identifier, OpenDaylight attempts to read a schema_node with identifier (org:onap:ccsdk:features:sdnr:northbound:ran-network?revision=2020-08-06)nearrtric
This produces an error as either the schema_node does not exist yet or it was not created. The instance-identifier is a pointer to a schema_node. We have no create methods for a schema_node in CPS, only to read schema_nodes.

What is trying to be achieved:

Snippet of ran network yang model
      leaf card-ref {
          type instance-identifier;
          description "A reference to the card which the pluggable belongs to.";
JSON nodes payload for ran network data
	"card-ref": ["/ran-network:nearrtric/nearrtric/gnbdufunction:gnbdu/nrcelldu[idnrcelldu='15289']"],


This bug has been kept as a bug as it shows a fault where CPS is not conforming to yang modelling. In order for this bug to be resolved, CPS needs to support instance-identifiers. 

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