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The APPC OOM deployment consists of a 3 node ODL Cluster plus a DB node.  The details for the environment can be found at APPC WindRiver Lab.  From a testing perspective a directory has been created on the Master APPC node (  The directory is called "testing."

testing directory
ubuntu@k8s-master:~/testing$ ls -l
total 36
drwxrwxr-x 10 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 May  5 00:11 apache-jmeter-4.0
drwxrwxr-x  3 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 May  4 15:16 ONAP-Testing
-rw-rw-r--  1 ubuntu ubuntu 1039 May  4 12:32 rebuild-VM3.json
-rw-rw-r--  1 ubuntu ubuntu  755 May  1 16:40 restart-test-dmaap.json
-rw-rw-r--  1 ubuntu ubuntu 1041 May  4 15:19 snapshot-VM3.json
-rw-rw-r--  1 ubuntu ubuntu 1031 May  4 12:11 start-VM2.json
-rw-rw-r--  1 ubuntu ubuntu 1031 May  4 11:50 stop-VM2.json
-rw-rw-r--  1 ubuntu ubuntu 1004 May  4 11:50 test.json
-rw-rw-r--  1 ubuntu ubuntu  675 Apr 30 17:56 test-restart.json

ubuntu@k8s-master:~/testing/apache-jmeter-4.0/APPC-Tests$ ls -l
total 167696
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu    104327 May  5 20:34 APPC-LCM-Action-4272018.jmx
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu     48609 May  4 14:53 APPC-LCM-Action-Generic_Restart.jmx
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu     48673 May  5 20:42 APPC-LCM-Action-Rebuild.jmx
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu     56469 May  5 00:37 APPC-LCM-Action-Restart.jmx
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu     56425 May  4 14:53 APPC-LCM-Action-Start.jmx
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu     56406 May  4 18:02 APPC-LCM-Action-Stop.jmx
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu        95 May  4 23:48 appc-lcm-test.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu        95 May  4 23:48 appc-lcm-test-Stability-Test-VM2.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu        95 May  4 23:48 appc-lcm-test-Stability-Test-VM3.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu   1451122 May  7 09:23 appc-oom-72hr.jtl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu   2695327 May  7 09:25 appc-oom-rebuild-72hr.jtl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 167156886 May  7 09:30 jmeter.log
drwxr-xr-x 2 root   root        4096 May  4 23:48 temp
-rw-r--r-- 1 root   root         159 May  4 23:48 test-scott.jtl

ubuntu@k8s-master:~/testing/ONAP-Testing$ ls -l
total 12
drwxrwxr-x 2 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 May  4 15:17 keys
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu   26 May  4 15:17 login.txt
drwxrwxr-x 5 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 May  4 15:16 Test Data

ubuntu@k8s-master:~/testing/ONAP-Testing/Test Data$ ls -l
total 24
drwxrwxr-x 4 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 May  4 15:17 APPC-Stability-Test
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu  999 May  4 15:16 Stop-Stability-Test-VM1-VM.json
drwxrwxr-x 2 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 May  4 15:16 vCPE
drwxrwxr-x 2 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 May  4 15:16 vDNS
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 6144 May  4 15:16 vTESTVM1.xls
ubuntu@k8s-master:~/testing/ONAP-Testing/Test Data$ cd APPC-Stability-Test
ubuntu@k8s-master:~/testing/ONAP-Testing/Test Data/APPC-Stability-Test$ ls -l
total 24
drwxrwxr-x 5 ubuntu ubuntu  4096 May  4 15:16 A&AI Data
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 10079 May  4 15:17 APPC-AAI-Data.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu  3587 May  4 15:17 APPC_Test_VM_SAMPLE.tar.gz
drwxrwxr-x 2 ubuntu ubuntu  4096 May  4 15:17 vDNS
ubuntu@k8s-master:~/testing/ONAP-Testing/Test Data/APPC-Stability-Test$ cd "A&AI Data"
ubuntu@k8s-master:~/testing/ONAP-Testing/Test Data/APPC-Stability-Test/A&AI Data$ ls -l
total 12
drwxrwxr-x 2 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 May  4 15:17 Stability-Test-VM1
drwxrwxr-x 2 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 May  4 15:17 Stability-Test-VM2
drwxrwxr-x 2 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 May  4 15:17 Stability-Test-VM3

ubuntu@k8s-master:~/testing/ONAP-Testing/Test Data/APPC-Stability-Test/A&AI Data/Stability-Test-VM1$ ls -l
total 76
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu  3325 May  4 15:17 cloud-region.json
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu   300 May  4 15:17 generic-vnf.json
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu   289 May  4 15:17 model.json
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu   314 May  4 15:17 named-query.json
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu  3381 May  4 15:17
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu  1103 May  4 15:17
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu   794 May  4 15:17
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu   518 May  4 15:17 update-esr-status.json
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu   125 May  4 15:17 update-identity-url.json
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu   492 May  4 15:17
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu   337 May  4 15:17 update-vnf-status.json
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu   597 May  4 15:17 update-vserver-selflink.json
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu   799 May  4 15:17
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu   450 May  4 15:17
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu   950 May  4 15:17 VNFC_APPC_Test_VM.json
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 10901 May  4 15:17 vnf-to-esr-info-1.0.json
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu   115 May  4 15:17 vserver-generic-vnf-relationship.json
ubuntu@k8s-master:~/testing/ONAP-Testing/Test Data/APPC-Stability-Test/A&AI Data/Stability-Test-VM1$

Within the testing directory there are sample test json requests along with jmeter and A&AI data load scripts. The breakdown for these directories is below:


This directory contains APACHE Jmeter along with APPC-Tests.  The APPC-Tests subfolder contains jmx files that can be utilized to run specific APPC LCM Actions.  The tests can be executed either command line or via the UI.

  • Command Line (The example below is executing the test from the testing->apache-jmeter-4.0->APPC-Tests folder):
    • ../bin/ -n  -L DEBUG -t APPC-LCM-Action-Rebuild.jmx l APPCLCM-Action-Rebuild.jtl
      • The jmx file actually contains the test "script" and the jtl file is the formatted test results file.
  • Executing JMeter from the UI:
    • /home/ubuntu/testing/apache-jmeter-4.0/jmeter
    • This will pull up the UI.  However, you will need to have X11 setup on your desktop.


ONAP Testing directory contains the data and scripts that will allow the user to update a particular A&AI instance. 

  • put_closed_loop_sh is the script that actually "puts" news data into A&AI.

    • ./ aaiporhost |python -m json.tool

    • The below files need to be configured for the specific VNF being loaded:

      • cloud-region.json

      • model.json

      • generic-vnf-.json

      • vserver-generic-vnf-relationship.json

    • Additionally, for the Stability Testing 3 VMs were created.  Each VM has a separate directory named accordingly.  These files for the specific VNFs do not require modification if there is need to load the data for that VNF in a new or cleaned out A&AI>

  • is the script that can be utilized to verify the VNF is loaded into A&AI.  In order to query for the specific VNF simply modify the named-query.json file to reflect that VNF.

  • Pre-Defined data has been created for:

    • Stability-Test-VM1

    • Stability-Test-VM2

    • Stability-Test-VM3

    • vDNS

Common commands utilzied in the OOM env:

  • kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide -w
    • Displays all the running pods and related information.

      POD Information
      Cubuntu@k8s-master:~$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide -w
      NAMESPACE     NAME                                         READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE       IP            NODE
      kube-system   etcd-k8s-master                              1/1       Running   1          6d   k8s-master
      kube-system   kube-apiserver-k8s-master                    1/1       Running   1          6d   k8s-master
      kube-system   kube-controller-manager-k8s-master           1/1       Running   1          6d   k8s-master
      kube-system   kube-dns-86f4d74b45-px44s                    3/3       Running   12         19d     k8s-master
      kube-system   kube-proxy-25tm5                             1/1       Running   4          19d   k8s-master
      kube-system   kube-proxy-6dt4z                             1/1       Running   3          19d   k8s-appc1
      kube-system   kube-proxy-jmv67                             1/1       Running   3          19d   k8s-appc2
      kube-system   kube-proxy-l8fks                             1/1       Running   4          19d   k8s-appc3
      kube-system   kube-scheduler-k8s-master                    1/1       Running   1          6d   k8s-master
      kube-system   tiller-deploy-84f4c8bb78-p8b6j               1/1       Running   0          6d     k8s-appc3
      kube-system   weave-net-bz7wr                              2/2       Running   13         19d   k8s-appc3
      kube-system   weave-net-c2pxd                              2/2       Running   10         19d   k8s-appc1
      kube-system   weave-net-jw29c                              2/2       Running   10         19d   k8s-master
      kube-system   weave-net-kxxpl                              2/2       Running   10         19d   k8s-appc2
      onap          onap-appc-0                                  2/2       Running   0          3d     k8s-appc1
      onap          onap-appc-1                                  2/2       Running   0          1h     k8s-appc2
      onap          onap-appc-2                                  2/2       Running   0          1h     k8s-appc3
      onap          onap-appc-cdt-5474c7cb88-8sfqp               1/1       Running   0          3d    k8s-appc3
      onap          onap-appc-db-0                               2/2       Running   0          3d     k8s-appc2
      onap          onap-appc-dgbuilder-5dccdf57b5-qntzg         1/1       Running   0          3d     k8s-appc2
      onap          onap-dbcl-db-0                               1/1       Running   0          3d     k8s-appc2
      onap          onap-dbcl-db-1                               1/1       Running   0          3d     k8s-appc1
      onap          onap-dmaap-7dfc8f84d6-qmqmx                  1/1       Running   1          3d     k8s-appc3
      onap          onap-dmaap-bus-controller-6c4d4d55cf-jrf4w   1/1       Running   0          3d     k8s-appc2
      onap          onap-global-kafka-6bb8cf75c8-dr5rm           1/1       Running   2          3d    k8s-appc3
      onap          onap-log-elasticsearch-855f94ccc4-jsc8t      1/1       Running   0          3d     k8s-appc2
      onap          onap-log-kibana-764bd47f-wxhhh               1/1       Running   0          3d     k8s-appc2
      onap          onap-log-logstash-776fd9fbd6-7hzhg           1/1       Running   0          3d     k8s-appc1
      onap          onap-robot-d7c758c5f-fz68f                   1/1       Running   0          3d     k8s-appc1
      onap          onap-zookeeper-7774c66fb9-5nwmd              1/1       Running   0          3d     k8s-appc1
    •  kubectl exec -ti onap-appc-0 -c appc -n onap bash
      • This command is executed from the Master node and opens a bash shell into the particular pod.

New or Clean APPC DB

Data for the different actions must be loaded into the PROTOCOL_REFERENCE table whenever a new instance of the APPC DB is instantiated or cleaned.  In order to load the Stability Tests VNFs use the following:

  • 1.  kubectl exec -ti onap-appc-db-0 -c appc-db -n onap bash
    2.  mysql -u sdnctl -p
    3.  Enter the following SQL command to insert the data (First column is the unique key for each record...number is not as important as the fact it should be unique within the table):
    INSERT INTO `PROTOCOL_REFERENCE` VALUES (4,'Rebuild','vTESTVM','OS',now(),'NO','vm');
    INSERT INTO `PROTOCOL_REFERENCE` VALUES (3,'Restart','vTESTVM','OS',now(),'NO','vnf');
    INSERT INTO `PROTOCOL_REFERENCE` VALUES (5,'Restart','vTESTVM','OS',now(),'NO','vm');
    INSERT INTO `PROTOCOL_REFERENCE` VALUES (18,'Snapshot','vTESTVM','OS',now(),'NO','vm');

KIbana Queries

  • Querying for a specific string in the Message filed:
    • message:"REBUILD_STATUS -- SUCCESS"
  • Querying for all transactions for a RequestId:
    • RequestId:"RequestId you are searching for"
  • View for Restart and Rebuilds can be found here.

  • No labels