
Meeting Logistics

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Monday[sdc] Team ONAP4, Mon UTC 11:00 / China 19:00 / Eastern 6:00 / Pacific 03:0091998850070

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Meeting Attendees


Agenda & Minutes

Review open action items from last week

AgendaMinutes (Draft to be updated during call)

JIRA Updates

  • High priority defects
  • Open Reviews
  • Defects & tasks backlog
  • Others

High priority defects for Guilin:


T Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Due

  • WF-D integration is broken - SB-00  SDC-3181 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Amir started debug but cannot find root cause for now
  • SDC-3097 - Getting issue details... STATUS delivered, re assigned to reporter for closure

Open Reviews :

Defect & Tasks Backlog :


T Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Due


  • Use the AID (Architecture integration documentSDC Data model also for new comers

→ planning a review of old tickets in Aug to put them to close if no activity > 90days


Welcome Amir and Ashish!

Ashish working on SDC CSIT UI testing using new Robot :

Amir posted new review for upgrading log4j (part of Seccom req to update deps) : (remove WIP)

a new one has been posted for another dep upgrade

  • Decomission DCAE-DS as replaced by DCAE-MOD, planning to put all repo there read only and make helm chart optional

Python upgrade from 2.7 to 3.8 in Guilin release

Discussion with Pawel Pawlak Michał Jagiełło

Tasks status :

  • Import Normative script -  user-7f92d  submitted, waiting for review. Added retry mechanism to avoid failures.
    • Upgrade normatives - review this flow offline   → Can this be closed ?
  • Tosca-lab ( - deprecated DCAE-MOD project replaces DCAE-DS
  • backend-init scripts: consumers, users, health - submitted, waiting for review → can be closed ?
  • cs-init scripts → Can this be closed ?
  • Different UIs npm packages that could use Python - Ilana: supports Python 3 already according to docs
  • sdc_base-python upgraded

SDC-3094 - Getting issue details... STATUS

still in progress, any update ?

Can probably be closed, Chris to Check

Guilin reqs review
  • E2E Network Slicing - Lin Meng, China Mobile
    • New data types, service category in distribution notification

Automated Rolling Upgrade and Data Migration

Support of automated upgrade from version X to version X+1

Needed for every change that breaks existing data validity : Have a strategy to handle data migration

  • Create a wiki page, details for every feature and its impact on data for migration / schema changes -  check the wiki page: Upgrade plan
    • Feature X: All services metadata must have new property Y
  • Implementing a "task" for migrating data accordingly.
    • Example: asdctool mig2002

SDC-3155 - Getting issue details... STATUS Epic created

→ Discuss further and create User stories along with Bell Canada, Amdocs, Tata communications

Will need to prioritize VS Guilin Requirements →

this may shift to next release due to low commitment

Learn from SDNC experience;

"Normatives" types: challenging

Important Jira tasks we need to pick up

Long Term tasks

  • Aligning SDC dependencies -  high priority → tracked under Guilin Reqs
  • SDC-2708 Add assertions for unit tests  - #NewComers
  • SDC-2812Refactor all usage of Eithers - Guilin R7, #NewComers
  • SDC-2844 JUnit 5 unit test  - on going for new UT
  • SDC-3108 - Getting issue details... STATUS Migrate all TestNG tests to Junit5 , #NewComers
  • SDC-2688Upgrade Selenium - Guilin R7, André

Security  - Guilin

 OJSI tickets open on SDC

T Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Due

Java 11

Reflection was changes, need to know the business logic better to refactor - YamlToObjectConverter  SDC-3080 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Ask in onap-sdc, Ofir Sonsino to check internally

Will follow up with Ofir → check with Seb D. when back from Holidays

Guilin requirements

M1 commitments reviewed with tSC → M1 is approved implementation in progress, Any progress update ?

See M1 tracking table :

SDC R7 M1 Release Planning


Amdocs/YoppWorks to work on Multi-Tenancy (Stretch Goal For Guilin)

Cucumber api ci - TBD

New Profile Feature

SDC Type Management

Configuring UI tabs (R6 backlog)

Reviewing last week's action items

see below


General QA + Other topics

  • Checkstyle refactoring : one PR raised the question about Checkstyle refactoring
    • It was agreed with Ofir to do it in bulk (see :  SDC-2956 - Getting issue details... STATUS )
    •  Agreed the following :
      • Lets start on a per module basis (starting with ASDC tool)
      • Once review is up, ask people to download and verify their config is aligned
      •  Once review complete move to next module (assess if this is ok to proceed and changes did not break anything)
    •  Current Reviews on other modules can proceed until they get a full fix as above
    • IN progress
  • About :  SDC-3076 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • Review is blocked by OOM team as not compliant to some other requirements
    • Christophe Closset to follow up with oom team as this was discussed for other teams as well
      • Presented during PTL call, part of TSC MUST Have for Guilin, OOM can help using the templates, ChrisC is still working on patch
      • Update this was discussed during 7/20 PTL call and the enforcement is only to happen once patch is available, Chris has commented on OOM review and it appears it can proceed
      • Need to release 1.7.0 container, can we do it now or do we want to include some G features first ?

Action Items (To be Reviewed during call)

  • Java 11 Migration - Need help with `onap-sdc-translator-lib` and the `onap-common-configuration-management` modules
    • Code is ready but Docker-base needs to be updated to be able to check, need to use Base Java 11 Integration approved image → waiting TSC decision on allowed licenses in containers
    • Some reviews are still pending
  • Lei Huang to break epic down to user stories – Done, stories created in Jira
  • Christophe Closset to organize a session with Ofir and Luckasz (request sent to OFir
    • Done, Session set for Jul 23rd
  • Christophe Closset to check on http endpoint for rocketchat or if it can use a proper certificate
    • Done, HTTP confirmed and working from both Ubuntu desktop App and Android App

Rocket Chat channel :

