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(warning) Work in progress


  • Migrate PNF PNP workflow to Building Blocks (BBs/GR_API).
  • Include newly created BBs in Service-Macro-Create flow.
  • Leave legacy implementation using VNF_API intact.

By PNF PNP workflow we understand 2 BPMNs:

  • CreateAndActivatePnfResource
  • ConfigurePnfResource

Both included in CreateVcpeResCustService_simplified BPMN


SO-2556 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Involved parties

  • Lukasz Grech, Damian Nowak - PNF PNP workflow migration to BBs
  • Oskar Malm - ConfigurePnfResource.bpmn (previous, non-BB implementation)
  • Henry Xie - SO-CDS integration, new API for calling CDS from SO
  • Yuriy Malakov - CDS, SO-CDS integration
  • Rahul Tyagi - PNF SW upgrade, SO-CDS integration

Proposed building blocks

PNF PnP as Building Blocks


  • Responsibility:
    • Creates PNF entry in AAI (with PNF name chosen by user)
    • Additionally stores PNF model-related parameters in AAI:
      • model-customization-id
      • model-invariant-id
      • model-version-id
    • Makes a link in AAI between Service entry and PNF entry
    • Sets PNF orchestration status in AAI to Assigned
  • Currently implemented in CreateAndActivatePnfResource.bpmn


  • Responsibility:
    • Waits for "PNF ready" event sent from PRH to DMaaP
      • pnfCorrelationId from the event must match PNF instance name provided by the user during service instantiation
    • Sets PNF orchestration status in AAI to:
      • Register - when starting to wait for PNF ready event
      • Registered - when PNF ready event is successfully received
  • Currently implemented in CreateAndActivatePnfResource.bpmn


(info) Under development

  • Responsibility:
    • Runs config assign via CDS
  • Currently implemented in ConfigurePnfResource.bpmn
  • Things to consider:


(info) Under development

  • Responsibility:
    • Runs config deploy via CDS
  • Currently implemented in ConfigurePnfResource.bpmn
  • Things to consider:


  • Responsibility:
    • Sets PNF orchestration status in AAI as Active

Sequence in Service-Macro-Create flow

  1. AssignServiceInstanceBB
  2. CreateNetworkCollectionBB
  3. AssignNetworkBB
  4. AssignVnfBB
  5. AssignVolumeGroupBB
  6. AssignVfModuleBB
  7. AssignPnfBB
  8. WaitForPnfReadyBB
  9. ConfigAssignPnfBB (name yet to be determined, depending on the chosen solution)
  10. ConfigDeployPnfBB (name yet to be determined, depending on the chosen solution)
  11. ActivatePnfBB
  12. ConfigAssignVnfBB
  13. CreateNetworkBB
  14. ActivateNetworkBB
  15. CreateVolumeGroupBB
  16. ActivateVolumeGroupBB
  17. CreateVfModuleBB
  18. ActivateVfModuleBB
  19. ConfigDeployVnfBB
  20. ActivateVnfBB
  21. ActivateNetworkCollectionBB
  22. ActivateServiceInstanceBB

SO framework - required changes

API handler


SO API currently doesn't allow to send PNF information in user data section. 

Here's the proposed request which includes PNFs:

            "suppressRollback": False,
            "aLaCarte": False,

Building Block framework

Service decomposition (Retrieve BB Execution List)

  • PNFs should recognized in service model and proper BBs should be assigned for execution.

GeneralBuildingBlock initialization (BB Input Setup)

  • PNF resources should be properly initialized in GeneralBuildingBlock->ServiceInstance

VID - required changes

Updates for service macro instantiation:

  • "unlock" modern UI when for PNFs
  • allow to assign PNF instance name (will be used instead of pnfCorrelationId)
  • ensure that proper request is sent to SO

Other considerations

  • Are all required PNF parameters included in GeneralBuildingBlock->ServiceInstance→Pnf? 
    • Currently those are:
      • pnf-id
      • pnf-name
      • role
      • orchestration-status
      • cloud-region
    • Currently AAI schema (aai_schema_v19.xsd) for PNF contains: 
      • Fields: pnf-name, pnf-name2, selflink, pnf-name2-source, pnf-id, equip-type, equip-vendor, equip-model, management-option, orchestration-status, ipaddress-v4-oam, sw-version, in-maint, frame-id, serial-number, ipaddress-v4-loopback-0, ipaddress-v6-loopback-0, ipaddress-v4-aim, ipaddress-v6-aim, ipaddress-v6-oam, inv-status, resource-version, prov-status, nf-role, admin-status, operational-status, model-customization-id, model-invariant-id, model-version-id (from SO cataloge), pnf-ipv4-address, pnf-ipv6-address
      • Sub-structures: software-versions, relationship-list, p-interfaces, lag-interfaces, vrfs
    • (warning) BBInputSetup implementation does not mention PNF at all - is it even initialized in GeneralBuildingBlock?
    • PNF ip is resolved by CDS by PNF ID (it should be in AAI) - it's populated by PRH
  • How to include new BBs in Service-Macro-Create flow?
    • Where to put new BBs in the flow sequence?
    • Service decomposition in WorkflowActionBB may not unserstand PNFs (Retrieve BB Execution List)
    • Service decompositioon should handle SkipPostInstantiationConfiguration
  • PNF orchestration status changes in AAI - which states should be assigned in which steps of the workflow
    • Should we have ActivatePnfBB? 
  • PNF SW upgrade (Oskar Malm)
    • PNF should be active - PNP is finished
    • new Upgrade flow will be created (BBs vs traditional considered)
  • 5G NRM Configuration - plan for new BB which invokes configuration via CDS of NRM resource(?) (Yaoguang Wang, see
  • Make new BBs generic enough that they could be reused in other flows (request from Seshu)
  • Service-Macro-Delete
    • Should we delete PNF resource from AAI on service deletion?
      • We plan to leave it. What orchestration status should it get? Inactive?

  • No labels