Contributor's Name: Vasyl Razinkov

Contributor's LFID:  vasraz

Link(s) demonstrating the Contributor's established history of meritocratic contributions to the project: 

Vasyl is part of the contributors assigned to assist in the SDC project.

Vasyl has been with the ONAP project from May 2019 and is already contributor on several projects.

Vasyl will work in development/integration/deployment parts of the project. 


JIRA items:

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

List of current Committers (as documented here: Resources and Repositories (Deprecated) )


Christophe ClossetChrisC
AT&Tchristophe.closset@intl.att.comBrussels. UTC +1

Ilana Paktorilanap
Amdocsilanap@amdocs.comRaanana, Israel. UTC +3

Ojas Dubeyojasdubey
Amdocsojas.dubey@amdocs.comPune, India. UTC +5.5

Sebastien Determesebdet
AT&Tsebastien.determe@intl.att.comBrussels. UTC +1

Julien BertozzijulienBe
AT&Tjulien.bertozzi@intl.att.comBrussels. UTC +1

Xue Gaoxuegao
AT&Txue.gao@intl.att.comBrussels. UTC +1

Link documenting the existing Committers voting in favor of promoting the Contributor:  
Examples include project team meeting minutes, archived mailing list threads or email threads uploaded as an attachment to the wiki

All committers have approved see :

Email vote - Vasyl Razinkov.pdf

Repositories the new Committer should be granted permissions to: 

Release Components Name

sdcsdcorg.onap.sdcSDC Parent Project Catalog FE and BE
sdc-be-commonsdc/sdc-be-commonorg.onap.sdc.sdc-be-commonA common BE library across SDC modules
sdc-dockers-basesdc/sdc-docker-baseorg.onap.sdc.sdc-docker-baseSDC base docker creation project
sdc-pubsubsdc/sdc-pubsuborg.onap.sdc.sdc-pubsubPublish Subscribe library using post message for sdc plugins.
sdc-toscasdc/sdc-toscaorg.onap.sdc.sdc-toscaA TOSCA parser, based on JTOSCA generic parser and complying with the ONAP SDC TOSCA model
sdc-vnfdesignsdc/sdc-vnfdesignorg.onap.sdc.sdc-vnfdesignA graphic design tool for TOSCA based VNF
sdc-workflowdesignsdc/sdc-workflow-designerorg.onap.sdc.sdc-workflow-designerA graphic design tool for service life cycle management workflow design
sdc-distribution-clientsdc/sdc-distribution-clientorg.onap.sdc.sdc-distribution-clientSDC Distribution Client