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Release Status

The release status of the policy framework is stored in the policy/parent repository in the pf_release_data.csv file. Look at that file under each branch to find details of the current release artifacts for each branch. The table below is a shortcut to that file for each release.

ReleaseRelease Data
kohnnot branched yet
(security updates only)
(security updates only)
previous releases
Policy Framework Project: Old Releases

Repository Dependencies and Docker Images

The diagram below shows the repositories and Docker images produced by the Policy Framework. The repositories (released as maven artifacts) are shown as rectangles, and the Docker images are shown as ovals. The dependencies between the repositories are shown as are the Docker images produced by each repository.

The Policy Framework Release Process

The Policy Framework release process is complex, time-consuming, and tedious. In the release process, the maven repositories and docker images must be released in the order shown in the diagram above: Blue-->Green-->Pink-->Yellow→Purple. In addition, the references for the repository layering and the parent Docker image file references must be set to release references before staging and back to snapshot references after staging.

A set of scripts have been developed to make the release process somewhat less tedious. The scripts are located in the policy/parent repo here.

The scripts guide one through the release process. The scripts:

  • Run each step in the release process as a sequence of release phases
  • Act on pom.xml, Docker,, and pf_release_data.csv files, changing the references in those files as is required for each phase in a release
  • Generate the commits in Gerrit for each phase of the release
  • Work on all branches from Honolulu on
  • Execute a normal release, where there are no special cases like repositories or docker images being added or removed

The scripts do not:

  • Provide a fully automatic release, manual checking and submitting of commits is still required
  • Deal with all possible permutations and combinations of releases
  • Guarantee that there are not bugs in the scripts, manual oversight is required

The scripts make the following assumptions:

  • All 13 Policy Framework repositories are freshly cloned into a directory called policy

  • There are no updates or pending commits on any of the cloned repositories
  • All references between Policy Framework Maven modules are in the root POM in each repository
  • All references between Policy Framework Maven modules are controlled by the following properties in root pom.xml files
    • policy.common.version or version.policy.common: policy/common

    • policy.models.version or version.policy.models: policy/models

    • policy-drools-pdp.version or version.policy.drools-pdp: policy/drools-pdp

    • policy-apex-pdp.version or version.policy.apex-pdp: policy/apex-pdp
  • All files that match the regular expression '*Docker*' and have their base image matching the regular expression 'FROM onap\/policy-j[d|r][k|e]-alpine:)[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9].*$' will have their base image changed to the appropriate policy-jre-alpine or policy-jdk-apline version for the phase in question

During a normal release, the most important scripts are the script and the script. creates the file pf_release_data.csv for a specified branch. This file is used by the release process to keep track of where it is. It has the following 5 columns:

  • Repo: The repository to which this row of the file refers
  • Last Tag Version: The last hard release version of this repository on this branch
  • Snapshot Version: The current snapshot version of this repository on this branch
  • Changed Files: The number of files that are changed between the Last Tag Version and the Snapshot Version
  • Docker Images: A list of the Docker images generated on this repository, which can be none recreates the each time it is executed so as the release proceeds through its phases, the content of the file changes. The script has a list of the 13 Policy Framework repositories, and for each repository it:

  • Checks out the specified branch, pulls the latest changes, and rebases the repository
  • Runs a "mvn clean" command on the repository to determine its current snapshot
  • Reads the tags on the repository and determines what the latest tag on this branch of the repository is
  • Runs a "git diff" command to detemine the number of changed files between the latest tag and the current snapshot
  • Reads the releases/x.x.x-container.yaml file to find the docker images generated by the repository

Performing an Interim Release

An Interim Release is where the all the Maven artifacts and Docker images are released on the current branch and and the snapshot version of the repositories is stepped.

Branching a Release

An Interim Release is where the all the Maven artifacts and Docker images are released on the current branch and and the snapshot version of the repositories is stepped.

Appendix I: Release Script Usage

ScriptDescription - generate commits to bump the snapshot version and update references to snapshot references
               on any repos that need to be bumped or updated

       usage: [-options]

         -h           - this help message
         -d data_file - the policy release data file to use, defaults to './pf_release_data.csv'
         -l location  - the location of the policy framework repos on the file system,
                        defaults to './'
         -i issue-id  - issue ID in the format POLICY-nnnn

 examples: -l /home/user/onap -d /home/user/data/pf_release_data.csv -i POLICY-1234
    bump snapshots on the repos at location '/home/user/onap' using the release data
    in the file '/home/user/data/pf_release_data.csv' - generates a new commit or a patch on an existing commit for PF releases

       usage: [-options]

         -h                - this help message
         -l location       - the location of the policy framework repos on the file system,
                             defaults to './'
         -r repo           - the policy repo to which to commit
         -i issue-id       - issue ID in the format POLICY-nnnn
         -e commit-header  - the header for the commit
         -m commit-message - the message body for the commit

 example: -l /home/git/onap -r policy/pap -i POLICY-1234 -e commit-header -m commit-message
    create a new commit or update an existing commit on policy/pap with the given details - gets information from the checked out Policy Framework repos for the release process

       usage: [-options]

         -h           - this help message
         -b branch    - the branch to release on, defaults to 'master'
         -d data_file - the policy release data file to create, defaults to './pf_release_data.csv'
         -l location  - the location of the policy framework repos on the file system,
                        defaults to './' - create the release yaml file to release the current snapshot on the current repo

     usage: [-options]

       -d - create a release yaml foie for a repo that has Docker images - create the release container yaml file to release the docker images on the current repo

   usage: docker-container-name1 docker-container-name2 ... - execute a certain policy framework release phase

       usage: [-options]

         -h           - this help message
         -d data_file - the policy release data file to use, defaults to './pf_release_data.csv'
         -l location  - the location of the policy framework repos on the file system,
                        defaults to './'
         -i issue-id  - issue ID in the format POLICY-nnnn
         -p phase     - the release phase, a positive integer

 examples: -l /home/user/onap -d /home/user/data/pf_release_data.csv -i POLICY-1234 -p 3
    perform release phase 3 on the repos at location '/home/user/onap' using the release data
    in the file '/home/user/data/pf_release_data.csv' - release the specified repository by generating the release yaml file and the release commit

       usage: [-options]

         -h           - this help message
         -d data_file - the policy release data file to use, defaults to './pf_release_data.csv'
         -l location  - the location of the policy framework repos on the file system,
                        defaults to './'
         -r repo      - the policy repo to release
         -i issue-id  - issue ID in the format POLICY-nnnn

 examples: -l /home/user/onap -d /home/user/data/pf_release_data.csv -r policy/common -i POLICY-1234
    release the 'policy/common' repo at location '/home/user/onap' using the release data
    in the file '/home/user/data/pf_release_data.csv' - release the docker images for the specified repository by generating the release yaml file and
               the release commit
       usage: [-options]

         -h           - this help message
         -d data_file - the policy release data file to use, defaults to './pf_release_data.csv'
         -l location  - the location of the policy framework repos on the file system,
                        defaults to './'
         -r repo      - the policy repo to release
         -i issue-id  - issue ID in the format POLICY-nnnn

 examples: -l /home/user/onap -d /home/user/data/pf_release_data.csv -r policy/common -i POLICY-1234
    release the 'policy/common' repo at location '/home/user/onap' using the release data
    in the file '/home/user/data/pf_release_data.csv' - generate an OOM commit to update the versions of Policy Framework images in values.yaml files

       usage: [-options]

         -h           - this help message
         -d data_file - the policy release data file to use, defaults to './pf_release_data.csv'
         -l location  - the location of the OOM repo on the file system,
                        defaults to './'
         -i issue-id  - issue ID in the format POLICY-nnnn

 examples: -l /home/user/onap -d /home/user/data/pf_release_data.csv -i POLICY-1234
    update the version of policy framework images at location '/home/user/onap/oom' using the release data
    in the file '/home/user/data/pf_release_data.csv' - update the parent reference in a POM file
       usage: [-options]
         -h             - this help message
         -f pom_file    - the POM file to update
         -g group_id    - the parent group ID
         -a artifact_id - the parent artifact ID
         -v version     - the parent version - updates the inter-repo references in Policy Framework POM files

       usage: [-options]

         -h           - this help message
         -d data_file - the policy release data file to use, generated by the '' script,
                        defaults to './pf_release_data.csv'
         -l location  - the location of the policy framework repos on the file system,
                        defaults to './'
         -r repo      - the policy repo to update
         -p           - update policy/parent references
         -c           - update policy/common references
         -m           - update policy/model references
         -o           - update policy/drools-pdp references
         -x           - update policy/apex-pdp references
         -k           - update docker base images in Dockerfiles
         -f           - update release data in policy parent
         -s           - update release references to snapshot references,
                        if omitted, snapshot references are updated to release references

 examples: -pcm -r policy/pap
              update the parent, common, and models references of policy/pap
              to the current released version -c -m -s -r policy/api
              update the common and models references of policy/api
              to the current snapshot version

The scripts:

  • Operate on a cloned copy of all 13 Policy Framework repositories
  • Break the release process into a set of phases, which are executed one after another to perform a release
  • Can release on the Master branch or any other branch
  • Act on the POM files, Docker files, the maven and docker release files, the files, and the pf_release_data.csv file in the repos, updating the references in those files as required for each phase

The scripts do NOT:

  • Fully automate the release process, manual checking and submission of commits is still required
  • Capture every possible permutation and corner case of releasing, manual intervention in the process is often required

  • No labels