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This guide is geared to provide information regarding  how to do service design to automate instantiation and day0 configuration.


ONAP is meant to be deployed within a Kubernetes environment. Hence, the de-facto way to deploy CDS is through Kubernetes.

ONAP also package Kubernetes manifest as Chart, using Helm.


Setup local Helm

helm repo
helm serve &
helm repo add local

Get the chart

Make sure to checkout the release to use, by replacing $release-tag in bellow command

git clone
git clone
git checkout tags/$release-tag
cd oom/kubernetes
make cds

Install CDS

helm install
helm install --name cds cds


kubectl output
$ kubectl get all --selector=release=cds
NAME                                             READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/cds-blueprints-processor-54f758d69f-p98c2    0/1       Running   1          2m
pod/cds-cds-6bd674dc77-4gtdf                     1/1       Running   0          2m
pod/cds-cds-db-0                                 1/1       Running   0          2m
pod/cds-controller-blueprints-545bbf98cf-zwjfc   1/1       Running   0          2m
NAME                            TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)             AGE
service/blueprints-processor    ClusterIP     <none>        8080/TCP,9111/TCP   2m
service/cds                     NodePort    <none>        3000:30397/TCP      2m
service/cds-db                  ClusterIP   None            <none>        3306/TCP            2m
service/controller-blueprints   ClusterIP   <none>        8080/TCP            2m
NAME                                        DESIRED   CURRENT   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/cds-blueprints-processor    1         1         1            0           2m
deployment.apps/cds-cds                     1         1         1            1           2m
deployment.apps/cds-controller-blueprints   1         1         1            1           2m
NAME                                                   DESIRED   CURRENT   READY     AGE
replicaset.apps/cds-blueprints-processor-54f758d69f    1         1         0         2m
replicaset.apps/cds-cds-6bd674dc77                     1         1         1         2m
replicaset.apps/cds-controller-blueprints-545bbf98cf   1         1         1         2m
NAME                          DESIRED   CURRENT   AGE
statefulset.apps/cds-cds-db   1         1         2m

Design time

Bellow are the requirements to enable automation for a service within ONAP.

For instantiation, the goal is to be able to automatically resolve all the HEAT environment variables, called cloud parameters.

For post-instantiation, the goal is to configure the VNF with initial configuration.


  1. Gather what you need:

      Have the HEAT template along with the HEAT environment file.

      Have the configuration template to apply on the VNF.

        1. XML for NETCONF
        2. JSON / XML for RESTCONF
        3. not supported yet - CLI
    • Identify which resources are static and dynamic
    • Create and fill-in the a table for all the dynamic values

      While doing so, identify the resources using the same process to be resolved; for instance, if two IPs has to be resolved through the same IPAM, the process the resolve the IP is the same.

      Here are the information to capture for each dynamic cloud parameters

      Resource name Resource source, and how to resolve Ingredients for resolution Output of resolution
      Either the cloud parameters name or the placeholder given for the dynamic property.

        Value will be given as input in the request.

        Value will be defaulted in the model.

        Value will be resolved by sending a query to the REST system

        Auth URL URI Payload VERB

        Supported Auth type

          Use token based authentication

          • token

          Use basic authentication

          • username
          • password

          Use SSL basic authentication

          • keystore type
          • truststore
          • truststore password
          • keystore
          • keystore password
          http(s)://<host>:<port> /xyz JSON formatted payload HTTP method

          Value will be resolved by sending a SQL statement to the DB system

          Type URL Query Username Password
          Only maria-db supported for now


          SQL statement

          These are all the required parameters to process the resolution of that particular resources.

            List of placeholders used for

            • URI
            • Payload

            List of placeholders used for

            • SQL statement

            This is the expected result from the system, and you should know what value out of the response is of interest for you.

            If it's a JSON payload, then you should think about the json path to access to value of interest.

          Data dictionary

          What is a data dictionary?

          For each unique identified dynamic resource, along with all their ingredients, we need to create a data dictionary.

          Here are the modeling guideline: CDS Modeling Concepts

          FIX ME - add generic DD model

          Bellow are examples of data dictionary for each resource source

            Value will be pass as input.

                "tags": "unit-number",
                "name": "unit-number",
                "property": {
                  "description": "unit-number",
                  "type": "string"
                "updated-by": "adetalhouet",
                "sources": {
                  "input": {
                    "type": "source-input"

            Value will be defaulted.

              "tags": "prefix-id",
              "name": "prefix-id",
              "property" :{
                "description": "prefix-id",
                "type": "integer"
              "updated-by": "adetalhouet",
              "sources": {
                "default": {
                  "type": "source-default"

            Value will be resolved through REST.

            Modeling reference: CDS Modeling Concepts

            In this example, we're making a POST request to an IPAM system with no payload.

            Some ingredients are required to perform the query, in this case, $prefixId. Hence It is provided as an input-key-mapping and defined as a key-dependencies. Please refer to the modeling guideline for more in depth understanding.

            As part of this request, the expected response will be as bellow. What is of interest is the address field, as this is what we're trying to resolve.

                "id": 4,
                "address": "",
                "vrf": null,
                "tenant": null,
                "status": 1,
                "role": null,
                "interface": null,
                "description": "",
                "nat_inside": null,
                "created": "2018-08-30",
                "last_updated": "2018-08-30T14:59:05.277820Z"

            To tell the resolution framework what is of interest in the response, the path property can be used, which uses JSON_PATH, to get the value.

                "tags" : "oam-local-ipv4-address",
                "name" : "create_netbox_ip",
                "property" : {
                  "description" : "netbox ip",
                  "type" : "dt-netbox-ip"
                "updated-by" : "adetalhouet",
                "sources" : {
                  "primary-config-data" : {
                    "type" : "source-rest",
                    "properties" : {
                      "type" : "JSON",
                      "verb" : "POST",
                      "endpoint-selector" : "ipam-1",
                      "url-path" : "/api/ipam/prefixes/$prefixId/available-ips/",
                      "path" : "/address",
                      "input-key-mapping" : {
                        "prefixId" : "prefix-id"
                      "output-key-mapping" : {
                        "address" : "address"
                      "key-dependencies" : [ "prefix-id" ]

            Value will be resolved through a database.

            Modeling reference: CDS Modeling Concepts

            In this example, we're making a SQL to the primary database.

            Some ingredients are required to perform the query, in this case, $vfmoudleid. Hence It is provided as an input-key-mapping and defined as a key-dependencies. Please refer to the modeling guideline for more in depth understanding.

            As part of this request, the expected response will be as put in value. In the output-key-mapping section, that value will be mapped to the expected resource name to resolve.

              "name": "vf-module-type",
              "tags": "vf-module-type",
              "property": {
                "description": "vf-module-type",
                "type": "string"
              "updated-by": "adetalhouet",
              "sources": {
                "primary-db": {
                  "type": "source-primary-db",
                  "properties": {
                    "type": "SQL",
                    "query": "select sdnctl.demo.value as value from sdnctl.demo where",
                    "input-key-mapping": {
                      "vfmoduleid": "vf-module-number"
                    "output-key-mapping": {
                      "vf-module-type": "value"
                    "key-dependencies": [

            Value will be resolved through a the execution of a script.

            Modeling reference: CDS Modeling Concepts

            In this example, we're making use of a Python script.

            Some ingredients are required to perform the query, in this case, $vf-module-type. Hence It is provided as a key-dependencies. Please refer to the modeling guideline for more in depth understanding.

            As part of this request, the expected response will set within the script itself.

              "tags": "interface-description",
              "name": "interface-description",
              "property": {
                "description": "interface-description",
                "type": "string"
              "updated-by": "adetalhouet",
              "sources": {
                "capability": {
                  "type": "source-capability",
                  "properties": {
                    "script-type": "jython",
                    "script-class-reference": "Scripts/python/",
                    "instance-dependencies": [],
                    "key-dependencies": [

            The script itself is as follow. The key is to have the script class derived from the framework standards.

            In the case of resource resolution, the class to derive from is AbstractRAProcessor

            It will give the required methods to implement: process and recover, along with some utility functions, such as set_resource_data_value or addError.

            These functions either come from the AbstractRAProcessor class, or from the class it derived from.

            FIX ME - give more information about scripting

            #  Copyright (c) 2019 Bell Canada.
            #  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
            #  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
            #  You may obtain a copy of the License at
            #  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
            #  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
            #  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
            #  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
            #  limitations under the License.
            from abstract_ra_processor import AbstractRAProcessor
            from blueprint_constants import *
            from java.lang import Exception as JavaException
            class DescriptionExample(AbstractRAProcessor):
                def process(self, resource_assignment):
                        # get dependencies result
                        value = self.raRuntimeService.getStringFromResolutionStore("vf-module-type")
                        # logic based on dependency outcome
                        result = ""
                        if value == "vfw":
                            result = "This is the Virtual Firewall entity"
                        elif value == "vsn":
                            result = "This is the Virtual Sink entity"
                        elif value == "vpg":
                            result = "This is the Virtual Packet Generator"
                        # set value for resource getting currently resolved
                        self.set_resource_data_value(resource_assignment, result)
                    except JavaException, err:
                      log.error("Java Exception in the script {}", err)
                    except Exception, err:
                      log.error("Python Exception in the script {}", err)
                    return None
                def recover(self, runtime_exception, resource_assignment):
                    print self.addError(runtime_exception.getMessage())
                    return None


            The following workflows are contracts established between SO, SDNC and CDS to cover the instantiation and the post-instantiation use cases.


            This action is meant to assign resources needed to instantiate the service. The goal is to resolved all the HEAT environment variables.

            This action is triggered by Generic-Resource-API (GR-API) within SDNC as part of the AssignBB orchestrated by SO. Hence it will be triggered for each VNF(s) and VF-Module(s).

            In order to know for which entity the action is triggered, one input is required, that is the artifact prefix (see bellow for explanation).


            For each VNF and VF-Module comprising the service, a combinaison of a template and mapping is needed.

            The requirement is as follow for VNF:


            and as follow for VF-Module, where the vf-module-label is actually the name of the HEAT template file.


            ${vnf-name} and ${vf-module-label} is what we call the artifact prefix.


            The template has to be a resource accumulator template; that be composed of the following sections:

            • resource-accumulator-resolved-data: defines all the resources that can be resolved directly from the context. It expresses a direct mapping between the name of the resource and its value.

              RA resolved data
                "resource-accumulator-resolved-data": [
                    "param-name": "service-instance-id",
                    "param-value": "${service-instance-id}"
                    "param-name": "vnf_id",
                    "param-value": "${vnf-id}"
            • capability-data: defines what capability to use to create a specific resource, along with the ingredients required to invoke the capability and the output mapping.

              RA capability payload
                    "capability-name": "netbox-ip-assign",
                    "key-mapping": [
                        "payload": [
                            "param-name": "service-instance-id",
                            "param-value": "${service-instance-id}"
                            "param-name": "prefix-id",
                            "param-value": "${private-prefix-id}"
                            "param-name": "vf-module-id",
                            "param-value": "${vf-module-id}"
                            "param-name": "external_key",
                            "param-value": "${vf-module-id}-vpg_private_ip_1"
                        "output-key-mapping": [
                            "resource-name": "vpg_private_ip_1",
                            "resource-value": "${vpg_private_ip_1}"

            If any of the mapping uses a source capabbility to resolve a parameters.


            This action is meant to assign all the resources and mesh the templates needed for the configuration to apply post-instantiation.

            This action is triggered by SO during after the AssignBB has been executed for Service, VNF and VF-Module.


            Combinaison of templates with respective mappings

            Scripts if needed


            This action is meant to push the configuration templates defined during the config-assign step for the post-instantiation.

            This action is triggered by SO during after the CreateBB has been executed for all the VF-Modules.


            Combinaison of templates with respective mappings

            Scripts using Netconf or Restconf to push configure the network element

            • No labels