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Meeting Logistics

Meeting DayMeeting TimeConference Bridge
Fridays 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

ZOOM Conference Bridge

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    Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)

    Meeting ID: 454 599 760

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Meeting Attendees

Meeting Agenda & Minutes

Agenda ItemsNotes

RC2 milestone is next week, need to get High and Highest priority bugs resolved, goal is stability in the system and the approach should be more disciplined.

Action items from last week

VES Collector Binaries in Nexus (GOKUL SINGARAJU)

Changes have been made, requested a review from Andrew and Jessica. Waiting on the code merge.

Not able to test this code, lacking instructions on how to test locally.

Sprint 7 Progress

  • Modeling subteam (Andy Mayer)
    • Skipped
  • Marketplace subteam (Weitao Gao)
    • Most of the bugs are closed. Some system test cases are failing. Working on integration with SDC. Some SDC changes are needed in the backend. Murali sent the interface definition to SDC for implementation. Their design team is reviewing in now.
  • Validation Tools subteam (Murali Mohan Murthy Potham)
    • See marketplace
  • Package Tools subteam (Lianhao Lu)
    • No issues
  • Compliance (Alok Gupta)
    • See above for VES collector
    • Working on putting them in Nexus
  • Documentation (Chris Donley)
    • First version of VES documentation done (converting from Word to RST). There are licensing text added now.
Any R1 blockers or open issues that need to be addressed?


R2 planning

Murali presented a topic on Image/Package Repo (pre-onboarding) emailed to the VNF SDF email reflector. Idea is to support Images in the repo, similair to package on-boarding. Can this support VNF updates and upgrades? Yes, if we implement a notification mechanism.

HEAT VNFs are temporary. Should we support them? The intent is to drive TOSCA CSAR files into the packages. ICE tools validate HEAT packages and VNF SDK tools validate TOSCA packages. We should add the Lifecycle diagrams to our documenation. Instead of onboarding Packages and Images, should support monolithic packages. What if the images files are large?

Next steps: Need a next level of detail in the slides, including a description of the personas and use cases. Need to make sure we are clear on everything being including in the CSAR file. Security should validate the CSAR file has not been tampered with.

Closed loop discussion needed.

VNF templates need discussed.

Call for VNF SDK Topic Submissions for December Developer Forum

Deadline has been extended to next Monday. Alex and Linhao produce one for the packaging tools and how VNF SDK works. Should we demo VNF SDK along with a 30 min talk? How it works for vendors and operators. Demo can be pre-recorded video or screen shots.

Meeting Recording

  • Video Recording:
  • Audio Only Recording:

Action Items

  • Lianhao Lu to produce a video or screen shots and presentation for a demo at the December Developer Forum
  • Alexander Vul to send the VNF SDK Lifecycle diagrams for the Developer Forum presentation.

Meeting Contributions

  • No labels