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This is a work in progress. Comments and suggestions gladly accepted. Draft will be removed once this is finalized.

HPA SO External Sequence Flow for Casablanca

HPA SO External API Interaction for Casablanca


Still Under Discussion: Utilize existing SO generic-rest-adapter. This is a possible interaction with Policy to obtain service specific flow path decision for Service Model.


Still Under Discussion: Utilize existing SO Homing code. SO will adhere the OOF/SO R2 APIs updated for R3 to fix issues from R2 and include passing on a set of generic key value pairs that could contain such values as flavor_name:HPA2 or SRIOV attributes. These key value pairs will be passed to Multicloud during instantiation as OOF_Directives. 

OOF-SO Interaction in R2 

OOF/HAS API Specifications

Addition of oofDirectives as part of


to R2 (doesn't change api): 

{ "key": "oofDirectives", "value": [{ "key": "flavor", "value": "hpa.flavor1" }, { "key": "sriovParam", "value": "param" }] }

OOF Homing Response:

  "transactionId": "xxx-xxx-xxxx",
  "requestId": "yyy-yyy-yyyy",
  "requestStatus": "completed",
  "statusMessage": "",
  "solutions": {
    "placementSolutions": [
        "resourceModuleName": "vGMuxInfra",
        "serviceResourceId": "someResourceId",
        "solution": {
            "identifierType": "serviceInstanceId",
            "identifiers": ["gjhd-098-fhd-987"]
        "assignmentInfo": [
          { "key": "cloudOwner", "value": "amazon" },
          { "key": "vnfHostName", "value": "ahr344gh" },
          { "key": "isRehome", "value": "False" },
          { "key": "cloudRegionId", "value": "1ac71fb8-ad43-4e16-9459-c3f372b8236d" }
        "resourceModuleName": "vG",
        "serviceResourceId": "someResourceId",
        "solution": {
            "identifierType": "cloudRegionId",
            "cloudOwner": "amazon",
            "identifiers": ["gjhd-098-fhd-987"]
        "assignmentInfo": [
          { "key": "cloudOwner", "value": "amazon" },
          { "key": "cloudRegionId", "value": "1ac71fb8-ad43-4e16-9459-c3f372b8236d" },
		  { "key": "oofDirectives", "value": [{ "key": "flavor", "value": "hpa.flavor1" }, { "key": "sriovParam", "value": "param" }] }


Still Under Discussion: Utilize existing so-opendstack-adapter and extend, or clone to so-multicloud-adapater and extend. Use Multicloud OpenStack Proxy API and extend HEAT API payload with generic-vnf-id, vf-module-id, oof_directives, sdnc_directives and template_type.

API URI            http://{msb IP}:{msb port}/api/multicloud /v1/{cloud-owner}/{cloud-region-id}/infra_workload

( =================== parameters below template type are valid for request with “template_type”:“heat” ===================)

"generic-vnf-id" : <generic-vnf-id>,
"vf-module-id" : <vf-module-id>,
"oof_directives" :{},
"sdnc_directives" : {},
"template_type" : <heat/tosca/etc.>,

"files": {},
"disable_rollback": true,
"parameters": {
   "flavor": "m1.heat"
"stack_name": "teststack",
"template": {
    "heat_template_version": "2013-05-23",
    "description": "Simple template to test heat commands",
    "parameters": {
        "flavor": {
            "default": "m1.tiny",
            "type": "string"
    "resources": {
        "hello_world": {
            "type": "OS::Nova::Server",
            "properties": {
                "key_name": "heat_key",
                "flavor": {
                    "get_param": "flavor"
                "image": "40be8d1a-3eb9-40de-8abd-43237517384f",
                "user_data": "#!/bin/bash -xv\necho \"hello world\" &gt; /root/hello-world.txt\n"
"timeout_mins": 60,

HPA SO Casablanca Stories

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

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