
Blockers for the M2/ M3 :

T Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Due


  • Frankfurt Planning - Sprint 0 status
    • Java 11 Migration
      • Himesh and Rajiv from HCL is looking for an Epic for the Java 11 migration
      • There is an epic ( SO-2046 - Getting issue details... STATUS ) for Java 11 upgrade. Byung moved it to the Frankfurt release
      • Himesh and Rajiv will create its user stories and move them to the Frankfurt release.
  • AAF Integration status, Ramesh, Steve Smokowski
    • HTTPS should be supported
    • Ramesh shared the AAF integration plan,  SO-2063 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Controller API status - please review and
    • Asked the team to review and merge them if code is valid
  • Lukasz (Nokia) will write wiki pages on the Migrate PNF PNP workflow to Building Blocks for Frankfurt release

  • REQ-101 (ETSI Alignment Support) M2/M3 scoreboard is GREEN
  • Briefly reviewed SO and ETSI-based CNF support with Tal
  • Lukasz will present the Dynamic BPMN feature next week
  • A separate code branch for the Dynamic BPMN feature was created (bpmn-infra-refactoring)

  • No labels