Video Recording

  • py-executor properties debuging

Meeting agenda

Project status
  • Dan - Joseph changes to oom that addressed the issue in Hazelcast clustering has been merged (part of that was CDS 1.1.4 Honolulu build). Focus should now migrate to Istanbul.
  • Jozsef - I looked into interaction of SO with CDS using GRPC because it adds dependency between CDS and SO and that sometimes causes issues. There is a better solution by using Camunda external task framework, this will be presented on SO call and after that Jozsef will present here.
DebuggingPremkumar SubramaniyanSee video above

Jozsef Csongvai

Jozsef suggested a review of old Jira tickets, this will be done next week after Dan Timoney chooses a new unoficial team lead.

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