Scratch pad for Dublin planning.  Add unprioritized backlog items and user stories here. We will discuss collectively during VNFSDK team meetings.

Release 4 Mission:


  • Enhance VNF Testing and integrate VVP  in LFN CVC
    • Done, VTP already support the Python script execution and the VVP integration is available.
  • Support PNF Onboarding/Pre-Onboarding (for 5G Use Case)?
    • Partially Done.
  • Refine VNF Test Platform(VTP)
    • Execution Scenario Management (including exposing the corresponding API)
  • Incorporate vnfreqs testable requirements. Partially Done. currently, we implement 36 test requirements in VNFSDK about compliance testing.
    • move test case from pkgtools to validation and implemented by java.
      • Done.
  • Support SDC on boarding tests (maybe allow SDC to replace refrepo portal, but use vnfmarket-be for their own onboarding test engine
    • Done. When VSP is onboarding to SDC, SDC could trigger VTP to execute the test cases.
  • Package data model enhancements (internal and onboarding models?)
    • Not.
  • SOL-004 Option2 Support
    • Done.
User Stories
  • Use VNFSDK for LFN Compliance testing (package syntax testing)
  • The operator uses VNFSDK for vendor engagement/acceptance testing (includes onboarding testing and/or operator-developed tests)
    • LFN onboard OVP on ONS NA April.
  • 3rd party lab uses VNFSDK for extended VNF testing (may include functional, non-functional, and/or  performance testing - tests developed by 3rd party labs)

Backlog Items

  1. Accept multiple models →translation to ONAP model
  2. Enhancements to meet use cases?

Other potential considerations? (from Casablanca)

  • PNF onboarding support
  • generic netconf server module for VNFs?
  • K8s VNFs?
  • HEAT→TOSCA migration tool?
  • Image management/distribution (image upload to deploy VNFs)
    • quarantine area
    • separate from what happens after onboarding
    • includes model changes
    • encryption?
  • Data model changes (boot disk, HPA format clarification, (deployment flavor support))
  • Security (discuss with SEC and ARC)
  • Support ONAP extensions in VNF descriptor

  • No labels