(From Yen-Tzu Chu)

Date: 2019.03.26

Time: 11:00am-12:00pm


l   CMCC-US: Guobiao Mo, Liuman, 田彬彬, 郭春萌

l   QCT: H.C, Lee-US, Dustin-US, Karl, Kate, Ekko, Jeffrey, Rachel Chu






Environment Build-up Status Update

·         Version: QCT uses master branch version to deploy on 2 VMs successfully.

  • VM1: Feeder + Couchbase
  • VM2: Druid + Elastic search

·         Using MVN build and Intelij to trace the source code and compile successfully

·         Build QCT ONAP Casablanca version environment


DataLake Project Scope of Work

[Updated] QCT will take Admin UI as well.  

Both parties QCT and CMCC-US got consensus in the meeting that the SOW of this project is as below

·         CMCC-US: Datalake Abstraction APIS, Feeder, and Kibana

·         QCT: Kafka, DB Conductors, OLAP, and Grafana, UI (Admin)


Use Case


·         Current status: it’s still under developing and evaluation process.

  • Template design is done.
  • SDC onboarding status-ok.
  • UUI and SO are under development.
  • Target to freeze code by mid of April (4/11)
  • Co-work with Huawei and ZTE.

·         Data info: There will be multi-cloud data (OpenStack) when Dublin version release. However, network performance data is not included.

·         Timeline for getting data: Confirmed in the meeting that QCT can access BJ-lab to get the CCVPN use case data after code freezing. Target to be ready by end of April.


Admin UI

·         Admin UI

  • VNF data modeling (YANG)
  • Grafana templates
  • Topic listening
  • Topic data flow to DB
  • Topic data processing (Datalake project focuses on monitoring and viewing purpose, the processing and analytics should not be included in it.)

·         Prioritize Data info: Need to prioritize what kind of data we would like to show at the overview dashboard since there will be only one page to show on Grafana

·         API: RestAPI


Project governance Updated

·         Plan to change from Bi-weekly meeting to weekly meeting for closer discussion. Same time @ Tuesday 11:00am-12:00pm (GMT+8)



·         Shentao will share UI mockup to QCT next week



·         Guobiao suggested QCT to study M3DB and Prometheus to see which DB will be more suitable for datalake project. 

[Next Meeting Topic]

l   CMCC UI Mock-Up Info Sharing

l   QCT Environment Status Update

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