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Repository queries taking collection parameters are limited to 32K collection items.
For example, given a FragmentRepository method:

List<FragmentEntity> findAllByAnchorIdAndXpathIn(int anchorId, Collection<String> xpaths);

This would throw an exception if supplied with a collection of 32,767 xpaths.

The reason is that JPA/Hibernate queries would translate the command to the following SQL:

SELECT * FROM fragment WHERE anchor_id = ? AND xpath IN (?,?,?,?,?,?...,?)

Each collection item (xpath) is supplied as an SQL query parameter. Hibernate with Postgres has a limit of 32,767 query parameters per SQL statement, so an exception will be thrown with too many.

CPS-1574 is to remove those limits (and write tests to verify).


As part of CPS-1574, tests have been added to confirm the presence of the limit:

    def 'Delete datanodes from multiple anchors limit exceeded: 32,766 (~ 2^15) anchors.'() {
        given: 'more than 32,766 anchor names'
            def anchorNames = (0..32_766).collect { "size-of-this-name-does-not-matter-for-limit-" + it }
        when: 'single operation is executed to delete all datanodes in given anchors'
            objectUnderTest.deleteDataNodes(CPS_PERFORMANCE_TEST_DATASPACE, anchorNames,
        then: 'a database exception is thrown'

Once the solution is implemented, these tests will be updated to show that no exception is thrown, with even more items e.g. 40,000.

Proposal #1: Batching at 32,000

This solution adds a wrapper method that partitions the input collection into lists of 32,000 and calls the original repository method on each batch:

@Query(value = "SELECT * FROM fragment WHERE anchor_id = :anchorId AND xpath IN :xpaths", nativeQuery = true)
List<FragmentEntity> findAllByAnchorIdAndXpathIn(int anchorId, Collection<String> xpaths);

default List<FragmentEntity> findAllByAnchorIdAndXpathInBatch(final int anchorId, final List<String> xpaths) {
    List<FragmentEntity> results = new ArrayList<>(xpaths.size());
    for (final Collection<String> xpathsBatch : Lists.partition(xpaths, 32000)) {
        results.addAll(findAllByAnchorIdAndXpathIn(anchorId, xpathsBatch));
    return results;

This solution is largely self-documenting, as the 32K limit is clearly seen in the code.

This solution still involves having a separate query parameter for each collection item - we are avoiding the limit by simply splitting into multiple SQL queries:

SELECT * FROM fragment WHERE anchor_id = ? AND xpath IN (?,?,?,?,?,?...,?)
SELECT * FROM fragment WHERE anchor_id = ? AND xpath IN (?,?,?,?,?,?...,?)
SELECT * FROM fragment WHERE anchor_id = ? AND xpath IN (?,?,?,?)


Disadvantage: public API signatures may need to be changed

If a public method takes in a Collection (and not a List), then either an ArrayList copy of the Collection is needed, or the public API method needs to be changes to List, as Lists.partition requires a List to partition.

Batching on repository methods versus API methods

This solution could also work equally well batching at the public API methods instead of each repository method (probably).

Proposal #2: Postgres arrays

This solution uses a third-party library to add Postgres array support to queries.

Adding the dependency to cps-ri/pom.xml:


This solution involves creating two versions of each repository method taking a collection parameter - one taking a Java array, and one using a Collection:

@Query(value = "SELECT * FROM fragment WHERE anchor_id = :anchorId AND xpath = ANY(:xpaths)", nativeQuery = true)
List<FragmentEntity> findAllByAnchorIdAndXpathIn(@Param("anchorId") int anchorId, @Param("xpaths") String[] xpaths);

default List<FragmentEntity> findAllByAnchorIdAndXpathIn(final int anchorId, final Collection<String> xpaths) {
    return findAllByAnchorIdAndXpathIn(anchorId, xpaths.toArray(new String[0]));

This would result in a single SQL query, given any number of xpaths:

SELECT * FROM fragment WHERE anchor_id = ? AND xpath = ANY(?)

As seen, only two SQL query parameters will be ever used. This is because the array is binary-encoded and sent as a single parameter.

It is unclear if this has better performance in practice (limited testing shows both solutions have similar performance, but the test scenarios may be unrealistic).


Disadvantage of arrays: Limited array type support

Postgres array support is limited to primitive data types and String, that is int[], long[], float[], double[], boolean[], String[]

This means given a method such as:

void deleteByAnchorIn(Collection<AnchorEntity> anchorEntities);

Changing to an array of AnchorEntity will not work. The following will not compile:

void deleteByAnchorIn(AnchorEntity[] anchorEntities);

Rather, the method would have to be changed to use anchor ID's:

void deleteByAnchorIn(int[] anchorIds);

Advantage of arrays: Postgres arrays can simplify existing code

The current FragmentRepository has code already using Postgres arrays to support "LIKE ANY" logic (using LIKE with a collection). However, it uses query parameters, and is thus limited to 32K parameters.

    public void deleteByAnchorIdAndXpathLikeAny(final int anchorId, final Collection<String> xpathPatterns) {
        final String queryString = "DELETE FROM fragment f WHERE f.anchor_id = ? AND xpath LIKE ANY (array[:parameterPlaceholders])";
        executeUpdateWithAnchorIdAndCollection(queryString, anchorId, xpathPatterns);

    // Accept security hotspot as placeholders in SQL query are created internally, not from user input.
    private void executeUpdateWithAnchorIdAndCollection(final String sqlTemplate, final int anchorId, final Collection<String> collection) {
        if (!collection.isEmpty()) {
            final String parameterPlaceholders = String.join(",", Collections.nCopies(collection.size(), "?"));
            final String queryStringWithParameterPlaceholders =
                sqlTemplate.replaceFirst(":parameterPlaceholders\\b", parameterPlaceholders);

            final Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(queryStringWithParameterPlaceholders);
            query.setParameter(1, anchorId);
            int parameterIndex = 2;
            for (final String parameterValue : collection) {
                query.setParameter(parameterIndex++, parameterValue);

Using native Postgres array support, this code can be written directly in the FragmentRepository interface using Query annotation, without the 32K limitation:

    @Query(value = "DELETE FROM fragment f WHERE anchor_id = :anchorId AND xpath LIKE ANY (:xpathPatterns)", nativeQuery = true)
    void deleteByAnchorIdAndXpathLikeAny(@Param("anchorId") int anchorId, @Param("xpathPatterns") String[] xpathPatterns);

    default void deleteByAnchorIdAndXpathLikeAny(int anchorId, Collection<String> xpathPatterns) {
        deleteByAnchorIdAndXpathLikeAny(anchorId, xpathPatterns.toArray(new String[0]));


  • Limited testing shows both solutions have similar performance (as determined using Groovy performance tests modified to take 100,000 items)
  • Solution #1 is explicit using 32K batches, so easy to understand what it does
  • Solution #2 has shorter code, but not very obvious to the reader what it does
  • Solution #2 simplifies code in the cases when we need Postgres array support.
  • It's possible to use both solutions, where most appropriate.
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