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Beijing Functional Requirements

Notes From Functional Requirements for Beijing+

Gervais-Martial Ngueko - CLAMP

  • Need CLAMP/DCAE-DS need to agree on the interface with guidance from SDC.
  • CLAMP/Policy - have a plan for Operations team to stop/start a Control Loop. 
    • Policy team has plans for new Policy Lifecycle API to better support Operations control of loops during runtime.
    • Possible to do just the design for this in Beijing and save implementation for Casablanca.
  • CLAMP/Policy/DCAE - need to test API fix to support Policy update. This would then include Holmes Use Case.

Vijay Venkatesh Kumar - DCAE

  • VES enrichment along with CL Event enrichment - only support 2 types of entities (VNF and VM). Do we need to support more than that? Eg. PNF?
  • TOSCA Lab tools (DCAE-DS) - SDC will be supporting this tool along with DCAE-DS itself.

Scott Seabolt - APPC

  • Open question to get APPC to support Scale-Out vs SO to simplify Policy Operational action.
  • vFirewall ModifyConfig - move off the old LCM API and support in the new LCM API.

Pamela Dragosh - POLICY

  • Ex. vFirewall ModifyConfig - how to support a generic solution so that in CLAMP an Operator can design a CL to modify a VNF configuration and specify the Payload for an API call. APPC should be able to interpret that in a generic fashion.
  • Policy templates need to be streamlined so other companies can easily understand how to create them and how that architecture works.
    • Schedule a demo as requested by Holmes

Guangrong Fu - HOLMES

  • Holmes rules are not designed in the CLAMP Cockpit. Need to understand how CLAMP works to build Holmes rules. Could CLAMP give a demo?
    • Ron has an action item for this - Friday or Monday
  • Unified user experience for Policies. For Holmes, would like to contribute their GUI.
    • Setup a working session for Policy/Holmes to get their GUI rules integrated.

Open Issue: Deployment of DCAE microservices as re-usable vs Amsterdam where they were dynamically deployed. How to do this generically as desired by ONAP OOM or whoever is deploying ONAP?


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1 Comment

  1. Hi Gervais-Martial Ngueko are there recordings of the CLAMP demos ?