
at 14:00 UTC

Note, after Daylight Saving Time Change, UTC now is the same as GMT.

Apologies for anyone that have been dialling in at 15:00. I will send an email to see what time is best and will ask Andy to update MEF calendar also to reflect the time

Meeting Link:


  • Recording:  zoom_0.mp4
    • Chat Log: 
  • Project Update - Frankfurt ExtAPI status review - review existing scope
  • M1 planning Scope Review EXTAPI R6 - M1 Release Planning
  • discussion around support for macro mode Service instantiation with Sunil Kumar Biradarwho has offered to work on EXTAPI-258. This Jira will be broken up into 3 tasks, with a parent Story. Plan to draft high level design/ppt on macro mode csar, Service Order and associated SO calls.
  • Discussion around java 11 compile enforcement with Matthieu Geerebaertwho will check with brian freeman on INT-1352 and its impacts for External API
  • Second discussion ( on our second call (wink) )  with Emanuelle Sarris and Johanne Mayer around ODM, and its possible inclusion in Frankfurt pending resources. Also discussion on Performance Mgmt in terms of API specifications applicable for ONAP , TMF 628 / 657, ETSI SOL 005 PM Mgmt ,.....  To be discussed further in future meetings.

Next week:

  • Examine TM Forum specs such as TMF 641 v18.5 (e.g., added service type) Should we group services to service type?

Last week: