Discussion items 

DurationAgenda ItemRequested byNotes / Links

Frankfurt Requirement Status

REQ-9 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - Scott Blandford

REQ-21 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - Gervais-Martial Ngueko

REQ-25 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - Pamela Dragosh

REQ-29 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - Ram Krishna Verma

REQ-33 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - Bruno Sakoto


Self-Serve Control Loops Readout and Discussion

DCAE Mod - Apache Nifi

Readout on CDS PNF support work done in Frankfurt

Update to Guilin Requirement

Policy-Based Filtering of Control Loops

Pamela Dragosh



  • TODO: Harden the Control Loop Roadmap: Scott Blandfordand Pamela Dragosh. Give an update next Wednesday call - get feedback/opinions.
  • Scale Out Testing?? - Yuriy is driving the testing
    • How do we automate testing?
    • How do we document how to build and test the control loops?
  • TODO: schedule one-off meeting on DCAE-MOD for questions
  • Defer CDS PNF support work done in Frankfurt to next week - wait for testing to occur
  • Pamela Dragosh  - TODO work on pages for BPG and Native



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